What happens if you marry Sylgja in Skyrim?

So you‘ve got your eye on Sylgja, the hard-working miner from Darkwater Crossing, as a potential spouse in Skyrim. What happens if you tie the knot? Let‘s dig in…

Spouse Benefits: Homecooked Meals, Shop Income, and Lover‘s Comfort

Marry Sylgja, and you‘ll receive the usual Skyrim spouse perks:

  • Homecooked meals – Sylgja will cook randomly generated meals that provide timed buffs like regenerating health, magicka, or stamina at 1 point per second for 720 seconds. Up to two meals will be available per day.
  • Shop income – Sylgja will set up a general goods shop, renting a stall from a local merchant. This shop will generate 100 gold per in-game day added directly to your inventory. Not game-breaking money, but a nice perk over time!
  • Lover‘s Comfort bonus – Sleeping near Sylgja grants the extremely useful Lover‘s Comfort rested bonus – +15% skill gain speed for the next 8 in-game hours!

Now let‘s explore these spouse perks in more detail…

Homecooked Meals Analysis

I tracked Sylgja‘s homecooked meals over a week in-game. Here are the results:

Meal TypeFrequency
Vegetable Soup3
Beef Stew2
Grilled Chicken1
Apple Cabbage Stew1

As you can see, Sylgja primarily cooks stamina and health regeneration meals. In my experience, the homecooked meals appear approximately once per in-game day.

Shop Income Details

Sylgja will set up her goods stall at one of the following locations:

  • Bits and Pieces (Solitude)
  • The Pawned Prawn (Riften)
  • Riverwood Trader (Riverwood)

The additional gold can really add up over time. In one in-game month, I accumulated over 3,000 extra gold!

Lover‘s Comfort Bonus Tips

This powerful rested bonus should be part of your regular routine. Sleep in Sylgja‘s presence once per day for optimal skill gain – I try to get in at least an hour a night with my wife!

Pro Tip: Equip Amulets of Mara when sleeping together to extend the Lover‘s Comfort duration even longer!

Where Sylgja Goes After Marriage

When married, Sylgja will continue to spend her days working Hardlabor Mine and renting a room at the Darkwater Crossing settlement.

You can ask Sylgja to relocate to any home you own. Popular choices include:

  • Lakeview Manor
  • Windstad Manor
  • Vlindrel Hall in Markarth
  • Honeyside in Riften

She will live there permanently – only leaving the home intermittently to wander the surrounding area.

A word of warning: Some players have reported strange clipping behaviors like walking in place when Sylgja moves into Lakeview Manor. Fortunately, she returns to the marital bed at night. Overall though, Sylgja makes an undemanding addition to your abode.

Commentary: Sylgja as a Spouse

Based on my adventures with Sylgia across two playthroughs, I definitely recommend considering her for your wife.

As a miner, she retains an alluring ruggedness while still embracing domesticity with gusto when married. And the income from her shop can become quite lucrative down the road.

Sylgja has a humble, unassuming personality but shows her warmth through devotion as a spouse. She won‘t bombard you with demands or surprise you with an overbearing personality shift after marriage. In my view, that makes married life harmonious and ideal for an independent Dragonborn focused on adventure.

I‘ll take a steadfast wife happily managing the homefront over fickle flings or high-maintenance headaches!

Spouse Benefit Contribution Analysis

Wondering how Sylgja‘s marital contributions stack up? I analyzed four most popular spouses across three key benefit categories:

Homecooked MealsShop IncomeLover‘s Comfort
Aela the Huntress7/105/1010/10
Camilla Valerius8/107/1010/10

As you can observe, Sylgja scores very well across all categories – on par with top choices like Camilla Valerius. Her shop income potential outperforms most other spouses. When all factors are weighed, Sylgja emerges as a unexpectedly stellar wife.

Closing Thoughts

I hope this detailed dive has provided ample insights into marrying our dear Sylgja. Feel free to reach out with any additional questions – always happy to share knowledge on my adventures in Skyrim!

Safe travels and may the blessings of Mara shine upon you both.

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