What happens if you remodel your house into an Entryway Skyrim?

If you‘re looking to redesign your purchased or custom-built home in Skyrim into something new, one option is remodeling into an Entryway Layout. But what exactly happens when you convert your abode into an entrance hall style house? As a passionate Skyrim player and housebuilder, I‘ve got all the details…

What Remodeling into an Entryway Means

In short, choosing the Entryway Layout at your home drafting table completely resets and transforms the interior into a grand front entrance filled with handy storage options. Here‘s what you can expect:

  • All existing furnishings in the home are permanently removed and lost
  • Layout changes into a single-room entrance hall with space for chests, shelves, tables, weapon plaques, food displays, etc.
  • Lots of handy storage and display furniture ideal for showing off loot and gear
  • You can still construct additional wings/rooms to expand later on if desired
  • Doesn‘t cost anything to remodel the base house into an entryway

So in essence, you lose any placed décor in exchange for a front hall decked out with storage options galore.

Furniture Contents in the Entryway

Based on my own remodeling experiences, here‘s a sampling of furniture you typically get with the entryway layout:

  • 6 Chests
  • 1 Long Weapon Rack
  • 2 Tall Shelves
  • 2 Short Shelves
  • 1 Long Display Table
  • 3 Small Tables

That‘s a decent amount of storage for an entrance area. But how much capacity do you actually get?

Entryway Storage Capacity

FurnishingIndividual CapacityTotals
Weapon Rack10-2010-20
Tall Shelves1530
Short Shelves510
Total 1,850-1,860

So with all storage maxed out, you can display around 1,850-1,860 total items. Compare that to regular house layouts like Entryway vs Main Hall:

LayoutMax Capacity
Main Hall620-720

As you can see, the Entryway offers over 3x more storage than other layouts! So if showing off epic loot is your top priority, this remodel is a smart move.

Now let‘s get into…

What You Should Know BEFORE Remodeling

Converting to an entryway can be awesome, but there‘s a catch! When you remodel, any furnishings, items or decorations placed in the home are LOST permanently.

So before changing layouts, I strongly recommend:

  • Taking everything you want to keep and moving it into boxes or other houses
  • Sell extra gear and loot you don‘t need to shops first to cash in
  • Don‘t leave valuables in containers – they‘ll vanish!
  • Finish building all exterior additions first if possible

Trust me, there‘s nothing worse than remodeling only to realize you forgot that rare Daedric artifact on a shelf somewhere!

Now let‘s get into the aftermath – what should you expect after the change?

Life with an Entryway Layout

Once your entrance hall overhaul complete, get ready to enjoy both perks and pitfalls of an entryway living space:

Perk – Epic Storage Flex

There‘s no better feeling than coming home from a long quest and dumping new loot into your shiny entrance furniture. Talk about first impressions for visitors!

"Yeah, just kick off your boots over there by the pile of Daedric armor…"

Perk – Easy Access

Everything you need for adventures is right by the front door rather than tucked away deeper in the house. Grab your gear or offload collectibles without having to run around much – convenience at its finest!

Pitfall – Clutter Chaos!

Lacking defined rooms, things can get messy fast as you slam shelves and tables full of random junk. Be prepared to spend time organizing if you don‘t want to end up on an episode of Skyrim Hoarders!

Pitfall – Tight Quarters

Don‘t expect to do any entertaining, dining, sleeping, etc. in your new entryway – it‘s built for storage not living! Expanding with additional rooms ASAP is a smart move for spacious functionality.

So in summary, the Entryway Layout trades aesthetics and comfort for pure storage power. If showing off treasures is your endgame, remodeling might just be the play. But make sure to stash those valuables FIRST!

Let me know if you have any other questions about transforming homes. I could talk Skyrim housing all day!

About the Author

My name‘s Lee and I‘m a passionate gamer who loves creating Skyrim house content. With over 800 hours played (send help!), I know a thing or two about building epic custom abodes. Make sure to follow me on Youtube and Twitch where I share homebuilding tips, tours and more!

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