What Happens When You Scan Agent 47‘s Iconic Barcode Tattoo?

As an avid gamer and Hitman fanatic, I‘ve always been fascinated by the mysterious barcode tattooed on the back of Agent 47‘s head. So what actually happens when you scan that iconic barcode? Well strap in, because we‘re going to decode the secrets hidden in 47‘s ink!

Access Granted

First and foremost, Agent 47’s barcode is his key to infiltrating high-security compounds. In several Hitman missions, 47 flashes his tattoo to gain access to restricted areas where he was created. The tattoo isn’t just a random design – it’s 47’s ID badge, linking back to the clandestine cloning program that produced his perfect killer DNA.

When the barcode is scanned by a reader at one of these facilities, it pulls up Agent 47’s file, identifies him as a member of the program, and presto – doors open! So while it may look innocuous to the untrained eye, that tatt provides essential access to 47.

By The Numbers

Agent 47’s iconic barcode tattoo is displayed as “640509-040147”. Looking closely, you can see the numbers 04-01-47 making up the last segment. This cleverly foreshadows his eventual designated codename – Agent 47!

Here are some key digits broken down:

Barcode SegmentMeaning
640509Unknown, possibly a project or experiment code
04Day of month clone was created (April 1st)
01Generation of clone (1st generation)
47Clone‘s designated number (47)

So the barcode secretly hides within it 47’s “birth” date and origins! Pretty sly stuff from the developers at IO Interactive. This adds a new layer of meaning to an already badass tattoo.

Infiltration Tool

Agent 47 relies on his signature barcode to bypass security in several notable missions:

  • Hitman: Codename 47 – 47 uses his tattoo to access Ort-Meyer‘s asylum and access the cloning lab.
  • Hitman: Contracts – The tattoo again grants 47 access to Ort-Meyer‘s lab, this time in flashback form.
  • Hitman: Blood Money – 47‘s tattoo helps him sneak into rival cloning lab "The Franchise".
  • Hitman(2016) – Scanning the tattoo allows 47 to enter a hyper-secure training bunker in the final mission.

Based on these examples, that barcode is 47’s skeleton key – essential for infiltrating the most secure compounds in the world!

Behind The Ink

So why did IO give our beloved Agent a barcode tattoo in the first place? There were a few key reasons:

  • Clever Codename Integration – IO wanted 47’s name/number hidden within his look, and the barcode tattoo design allowed them to work “47” directly into it.
  • Cool Cloning Motif – The barcode cleanly fits 47’s theme as an engineered clone/instrument for handlers.
  • Striking & Memorable – A barcode stands out, giving 47 his trademark appearance that fans never forget.

Speaking on Hitman’s iconic style, IO Interactive CEO Hakan Abrak reflected:

“It was just too difficult for the engineers to do hair on the main character back then. I have seen — and it doesn‘t look good — but I have seen the original concepts back then of Agent 47 with hair. They chose to make him bald and it kind of worked out well for us. He is our iconic character.”

So while 47 rocking luscious locks may be hard to picture now, going bald + barcode was the right creative choice! The rest is gaming history.

Scanning It In Real Life

Obviously we can’t access top secret human cloning records in real life by cell phone scanning Agent 47’s tattoo (that would actually be pretty terrifying!). When scanning the barcode IRL using apps like QR readers, it will likely just show an error or unassigned code.

Some fans have created real versions of the iconic hitman barcode as fun cosplay items and props. But these are just replicas for show – no facility infiltration granted! Still, it’s a badass design that begs to be recreated.

Agent 47’s iconic barcode tattoo isn’t just an edgy style choice – it’s an integral tool that grants access to some of the most secure underground compounds in the shadowy world of espionage. IO Interactive wove clever details through the tattoo design that add depth to 47’s mysterious history.

Part practical infiltration gadget, part origin story in ink, the barcode eternally ties 47 to clandestine cloning lab that birthed him. It makes for amazing gameplay opportunities and fuels fan theories galore. Tattoo or not, Agent 47 remains gaming’s most dangerous human weapon!

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