What happens if you scan Agent 47‘s barcode?

In the Hitman video game series, the notorious assassin Agent 47 has a distinctive barcode tattooed on the back of his head. This unique mark has become an iconic part of his appearance and backstory over the years. But what would actually happen if you tried to scan his barcode?

The short answer is: nothing. Agent 47‘s barcode tattoo is not functional and cannot be scanned like a real product barcode. It is simply a part of his character design and history as a genetically-enhanced clone.

Details on Agent 47‘s Barcode

According to the Hitman lore, Agent 47 was created as a cloning experiment by the scientist Dr. Otto Wolfgang Ort-Meyer. The barcode tattoo was added in 1975 to identify 47 as Ort-Meyer‘s property and allow 47 access to secured areas of the facility.

The barcode appears to use the Code 39 system. It displays the identification number 640509-040147, which represents 47‘s date of creation (May 9, 1964) and his status as the fourth series, first class, forty-seventh clone.

So in the world of Hitman, the barcode tattoo enabled 47‘s handlers to track and control him. It symbolizes his nature as something manufactured, not human. Of course in real life, it has no practical function and won‘t scan any actual data. It‘s just a clever fictional storytelling device!

Why Does Agent 47 Have a Barcode?

Agent 47‘s ominous barcode represents the conflict at the heart of his character. On the one hand, he strives to be the perfect assassin, cold and efficient, more machine than man. The barcode reinforces this robotic quality.

Yet 47 also seeks to understand his past and what made him this way. So while the barcode makes him seem inhuman and controlled, 47 fights to assert his freedom and personality. This inner turmoil is what makes him such an interesting protagonist!

So in summary, trying to scan Agent 47‘s iconic barcode won‘t reveal any real information. But this simple tattoo tells a meaningful story about 47‘s background if you know how to interpret it within the Hitman universe.

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