What Happens if You Stay in the Bliss Too Long in Far Cry 5?

In short: it‘s left ambiguous if you become brainwashed…or worse. While concrete outcomes aren‘t shown, fan theories based on Bliss exposure effects suggest prolonged time under the influence could turn you into a conditioned cult follower.

As someone who‘s sunk 100+ hours into exploring every inch of Far Cry 5‘s world, the mystique around the Bliss has kept me endlessly curious. On the surface, it functions as a powerful petri dish for hallucinations – used by the cult to disorient victims. But could overexposure fundamentally alter the mind? I had to dig deeper.

The Disturbing Physical Effects

Examining the physiology behind reactive psychosis brought on by psychoactive compounds reveals some concerning implications. Potent dissociative psychedelics like ketamine are known to cause long-term damage depending on factors like:

  • Dosage/frequency of exposure
  • Method of ingestion
  • Presence of underlying conditions

Effects range from altered serotonin receptors to cell death in certain regions of the brain.

Now – the Bliss is a fictional compound cooked up by Eden‘s Gate scientists. But judging by cult victims‘ white irises and constricted pupils, it likely wreaks havoc on natural brain functioning.

Duration of ExposurePhysical Symptoms
12 HoursDilated pupils, vomiting
24 HoursWhite irises, confused state
48+ HoursConstricted pupils, erratic behaviors

In the game, Deputy Hudson is rescued shortly after developing these disturbing eye changes. Left captive longer though? Speculation takes a darker turn…

Indoctrination & Control

Reddit user u/cultofJoseph posed an unnerving question after 100% completion:

"Does the Bliss essentially erase free will? Why DON‘T we see Deputies who‘ve become ‘Angels‘ or converted followers."

This drives at an sinister prospect. With enough exposure to break the mind combined with forced conditioning – victims could potentially be brainwashed into the cult‘s servitude.

Could this be the fate of those trapped helplessly in the Bliss for seemingly interminable periods? Joining the soulless masses of believers with no independent thought or consciousness remaining…

Given the evidence, this outcome seems horrifically plausible. A final transformation into the faceless "chosen" few who carry out the cult‘s bidding without question. A drug-induced purgatory as mindless followers.

Unanswered Questions

Of course, as with most winding ruminations circulating the internet–no definitive explanations exist within the game itself. The Deputy adventures on battling Eden‘s Gate regardless of time spent under psychedelic control.

But Faith‘s haunting statement always left me wondering about seeing people‘s "true selves" through exposure to the Bliss:

"There‘s nothing to fear. Look within. See who you truly are."

Who might we become if trapped indefinitely in hallucinatory deception? The game‘s ambiguity allows for terrifying theories about the deepest psychological impactsfrom John, Faith and Jacob Seed‘s methods of exploitation.

As virtual worlds become increasingly immersive, I‘m grateful THIS alternate ending remains firmly in the realms of speculation. The nightmarish prospect continues fueling discussion though – and the true nature of the Bliss remains Far Cry‘s eeriest unsolved mystery in my book.

So while we never witness concrete outcomes from lost Deputies or converted followers drained of free will – we can uneasily imagine…and theorize. And for the inquisitive, obsessive fan – that mystery and potential for buried truth continues pulling us back into the Bliss again and again.

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