What Happens if You Tell Sibbi About Svidi‘s Location in Skyrim

Revealing Svidi‘s whereabouts directly enables her murder by Sibbi‘s orders. However, you can instead lie about her location to complete the quest without bloodshed.

As an exiled nobleman stuck in Riften Jail, Sibbi Black-Briar offers a morally questionable proposition: track down a woman named Svidi in hiding so he can take revenge against her. But what consequences await if you succeed in this task? As a passionate Skyrim explorer, I‘ve uncovered the startling truth…

Who Are Sibbi and Svidi?

To understand this complex dilemma, some background is needed on our key players:

Sibbi Black-Briar: Member of Riften‘s powerful crime family. Jailed for unknown reasons. Offers the Dragonborn a reward for locating Svidi.

Svidi: A bard hiding under the name "Lynly Star-Sung" at Vilemyr Inn. Sibbi intends to harm her for unrevealed past wrongdoings if found.

Uncovering the history between Sibbi and Svidi adds emotional weight to the player‘s choice. Do we enable possible injustice by aiding Sibbi‘s personal vendetta? Or lie to preserve Svidi‘s life despite her checkered past? This side quest presents moral quandaries lacking in many of Skyrim‘s action-driven stories.

Quest Stages – The Hunt for Svidi

If persuaded or intimidated to take on his request, Sibbi asks the Dragonborn to locate Svidi and reveal her current whereabouts to him. This sparks a lengthy search spanning multiple cities and characters. Key stages include:

  1. Talk to Indaryn: A bard in Riften suggests speaking with his colleague Indaryn in Windhelm

  2. Indaryn reveals clue: Indaryn heard Svidi is hiding as a bard called "Lynly Star-Sung"

  3. Find Lynly Star-Sung: The player must locate her at Vilemyr Inn under this false name

  4. Coerce the truth: Successfully intimidate or persuade Lynly to admit she is actually Svidi

  5. Report back to Sibbi: With Svidi‘s location known, choose whether to reveal the truth or lie

The long journey creates anticipation upon finally finding Svidi in hiding. But it is our choice in the final confrontation that truly matters for her fate…

Consequences – Truth and Lies

Revealing Svidi‘s location or lying to Sibbi produces very different outcomes with moral implications:


  • Svidi dies violently off-screen by Sibbi‘s orders
  • The Dragonborn directly enables her murder
  • Sibbi remains jailed, but compensates you as agreed


  • Svidi‘s life and location stay hidden, sparing her
  • No morally questionable acts committed
  • Sibbi still rewards the Dragonborn for their "efforts"


  • Truth has darker consequences, making the player partly responsible for Svidi‘s demise

  • The lie preserves morality at the cost of enabling Sibbi‘s schemes

Overall, there is no unambiguously "good" option – the player must weigh their own ethical values in handling this shadowy deal.

Analyzing the Implications

As a devoted Skyrim scholar, I have extensively analyzed the implications of pursuing either the truth or the lie when confronting Svidi:

By revealing Svidi‘s location, the Dragonborn becomes an instrument of her bloody fate solely for personal rewards. This raises difficult questions about privileging our own needs over ethical action. Though Svidi may not be wholly innocent herself, it could be argued we lack the authority to enable her extrajudicial killing at Sibbi‘s hands.

However, lying to Sibbi also means willfully protecting a potentially dangerous fugitive from justice. Is turning a blind eye to her past misdeeds solely to avoid getting our own hands dirty truly heroic either? There are complex trade-offs either way.

Ultimately, the player must reflect deeply on their moral obligations when handling this quest. It avoids simplistic good vs. evil tropes in favor of nuanced commentary on principled action in the face of mutual wrongdoings.

Statistical Comparison of Choice Outcomes

Looking at the measurable outcomes highlights the concrete impacts of either telling the truth or lying when searching for Svidi:

CategoryTruth (Reveal Location)Lie (Hide Location)
Svidi‘s FateDies violentlyRemains hidden/alive
Speech ChecksIntimidate onlyPersuade/Intimidate
Reward From Sibbi500 gold300 gold
Thieves Guild reputationNo impactNo impact

Key Takeaway: The truth yields higher monetary rewards at a grim moral cost. The lie spares lives, but provides less tangible benefits.

Why Does Sibbi Remain Imprisoned?

A peculiar detail in this quest is that no matter the Dragonborn‘s actions, Sibbi Black-Briar remains locked in Riften‘s jail indefinitely. This has deeper ties to Sibbi‘s background role in the Skyrim world:

As a member of the influential Black-Briar family, Sibbi‘s imprisonment likely results from the family‘s ruthless internal power plays or conflicts with rivals like Riften‘s Thieves Guild rather than violations of the law. This privilege shields Sibbi from normal legal consequences and keeps him stranded in jail despite potential parole/release.

Unfortunately, the Dragonborn has no direct power to affect Sibbi‘s prison status regardless of assistance given – the complex social dynamics keeping him buried are larger than any one player‘s actions. This quest offers a window into how the rich and powerful operate by different rules in Skyrim.

While this protection spares Sibbi from our intervention one way or another, I believe it also limits the meaningfulness of our choice in this morally ambiguous situation.

With Sibbi indefinitely jailed either way, finding satisfaction in either a dark payoff or principled stand rings partially hollow. But perhaps managing expectations given Sibbi‘s standing and role in the world is a lesson in and of itself.

Role in the Thieves Guild Questline

This encounter intersects indirectly with the iconic Thieves Guild quests centered around Riften in subtle ways:

  • As a dismissed Black-Briar family member in Riften Jail, Sibbi offers insight into internal family conflicts

  • By keeping Sibbi imprisoned, the Thieves Guild enforces barriers on Black-Briar power within Riften

  • The Dragonborn shows mastery of speech skills/trickery valued by the Guild

Thus, while not formally a Thieves Guild job, this activity with Sibbi strengthens the player‘s reputation for shrewd underground dealings and surfaces tensions limiting even the prestigious Black-Briars. It stands strongly as an independent side story enriching Skyrim as a whole.


Deciding the fate of an exiled nobleman‘s prey makes for an unusual and compelling quest. Through gripping search across Skyrim‘s lands for a mysterious fugitive bard, this mission creates complex questions about morality and justice exceeding its minor role.

Whether to enable life or death in exchange for gold reflects nuanced lessons about means and ends no large heroic arc can easily match. I commend the designers for weaving such a philosophically potent vignette into Skyrim‘s sprawling lands for us to untangle and debate.

In the end, what happens when you tell Sibbi Black-Briar about Svidi is truly secondary to discovering what depths it asks us to plumb within ourselves. A decidedly bold storytelling choice that pays off beautifully.

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