What Happens if You Turn Off Your PS5 During Data Transfer?

Turning off or losing power to your PlayStation 5 console during an active data transfer from a PS4 will immediately halt and cancel the entire process. This means you‘ll have to completely restart the data migration once you boot your PS5 back up.

While no game data, saved progress, or console settings are deleted or corrupted from powering down mid-transfer, it remains inconvenient to redo the full process from scratch. So make sure to allow several uninterrupted hours for complete PS4 to PS5 data transfers.

As an avid gamer who has helped friends troubleshoot their own transfers, I‘ve put together this comprehensive guide so you know exactly what to expect.

Average Data Transfer Size and Speed Comparison

To plan out proper timeframes, first understand how much data needs migration between generations. Here‘s an overview of average capacity for game libraries and drives themselves:

ItemAverage Size
PS4 Game Library500GB-1TB
PS4 Internal Hard Drive500GB-1TB
PS5 Internal Solid State Drive (SSD)825GB

With file sizes ballooning every year, many gamers utilize external USB storage expansions between 1TB to 8TB as well on their PS4.

During testing, transfers reached speeds around 375 MB per 30 seconds when wired over LAN networks. So for practical estimates:

Data AmountTransfer Time
100 GB1 hour
500 GB3-4 hours
1 TB8 hours
2 TB16 hours

By comparison, Xbox Series X/S upgrades measured nearly 3x faster since Microsoft built in proprietary migration tech. But more on that later.

First, what actually happens when you forcibly power down your PS5 mid-data transfer?

Consequences of Interrupting a PS4 to PS5 Data Transfer

Abruptly cutting power or turning off the PlayStation 5 during an active transfer from the PS4 yields the following:

1. The migration immediately stops: No further data gets copied over, even temporarily queued batches.

2. No corruption or loss of saved data: File structures retain integrity on both consoles after unexpected restarts.

3. Transfer starts completely over upon PS5 reboot: Unfortunately, you must reinitialize the full process from the beginning.

So while no permanent harm comes from interrupting transfers, it remains extremely inconvenient to restart from scratch.

My advice? Set aside an entire evening for large migrations exceeding 1TB instead of trying to split over multiple shorter sessions. Connect both systems via LAN if possible as well.

Now let‘s explore some steps for optimizing successful PS4 to PS5 data transfers.

Best Practices for Smoother PS5 Data Transfers

Heeding the following guidelines helps transfers complete quickly and minimizes interruptions:

Update Both Consoles – Install latest PlayStation firmware, especially v22.02- on PS5s. This included transfer fixes.

Wired LAN Connections – Plug both directly into your router via Ethernet instead of using WiFi for fastest speeds.

Avoid Rest Mode – Keep PS5 powered on even if idle to prevent suspension of migration.

Disable Sleep Settings – Similarly, don‘t let HDMI device link suspend kick in accidentally.

Close Other Apps – Whether streaming video or background downloads, additional network activity introduces lag.

Adhering to those simple best practices alone can save hours of headaches down the line! But what about hiccups that still pop up anyway?

Troubleshooting Data Transfer Errors and Issues

Despite best efforts, you may encounter one of these common data transfer issues on PlayStation consoles:

ProblemLikely CauseFixes
Stalled progressPoor network conditionsRetry on 5GHz WiFi or wired connection
Verification errorsBad sectors on PS4 driveInitialize PS4 drive first prior to transfer
Version mismatchesOutdated firmwareUpdate both devices to latest OS via Internet
Crashes or disconnectsInterference on wireless channelsSwitch to wired Ethernet
Corrupted game filesUnexpected restarts during transferDelete affected games then re-transfer
Transfer stuck on queueingBackground tasks competing for resourcesClose other apps and disable auto-updates

As you can see, most issues stem from networking or software. Rebooting devices and reducing system load helps tremendously in troubleshooting cases.

Of course, you should avoid turning off either console intentionally during an active transfer! Now let‘s examine why the PS5 copying process seems to take so painfully long.

Why PlayStation Consoles Have Such Long Copy Times

Gamers unanimously complain that while PlayStation download speeds feel swift, the post-installation copying phase drags on interminably.

What gives? The delays primarily stem from rigorous integrity checks the OS conducts on game files.

Here‘s a high-level explanation:

  1. You download a 50GB game update patch
  2. The PS5 adds this patch onto the existing 100GB game
  3. Your total game size still remains 150GB total
  4. OS duplicates entire 150GB game data as a "copy"
  5. Update gets integrated into the 150GB of copied data
  6. System verifies copied bits match originalchecksums
  7. Finally, copied files get flagged as primary

See how the whole game gets re-written even for small patches? This overhead reduces chances of file errors. But therein lies the time cost.

Some back-of-the-envelope math illustrates how much extra grinding the PS5 endures during routine copying.

Let‘s assume the average PS5 owner plays 6 different games per month. Each title receives a 2GB update monthly. That‘s 12GB of total patch data that prompts 168GB of redundant copying per month!

For comparison, Microsoft‘s Xbox Velocity Architecture employs special optimizations allowing near-instantaneous update deployments. This allows Xbox gamers to resume matches before their PlayStation opponents even finish copying the same patch!

So in summary – facing some copying frustration is an unfortunate price we pay for the PS5 security policy guarding our precious game saves against corruption.

Granular Game File Transfer Options

While all-or-nothing system data migrations may be tedious, PlayStation thankfully unlocked options for more granular game file management across generations.

For example, you can manually back up and transfer individual game data archives between PS4 and PS5 consoles in Settings rather than your entire library.

Handy when jumping back into a long RPG after taking break! No need to leave old saves behind or restart progress from scratch.

This does still require starting downloads fresh on new consoles. But you retain your existing game milestone unlocks and narrative choices without having to repeat grinding.

Safely Stopping an Active PS5 Data Transfer

We‘ve covered all sorts of best practices around smoothly conducting and troubleshooting PS4 to PS5 data transfers. But what if you urgently needed to halt an already-active migration?

First, realize there is no official "cancel" function once the multi-hour process kicks off. However, you can force it to stop by:

  • Turning off either console mid-transfer
  • Disconnecting one‘s internet connection
  • Putting the PS5 into Rest Mode

As covered earlier, this suddenly stops progress without any permanent damage. Both devices remain intact data-wise.

However! Expect to redo the full transfer from scratch next time once interrupted. The PS5 contains no state-saving checkpoints tracking partial progress. Everything resets.

So only interrupt active transfers if willing to stomach starting completely over down the line. Otherwise clearing your schedule as described remains wisest.

In Closing

I hope this guide gave you a clearer picture on what goes on during PS4 to PS5 data migrations – and how abruptly terminating them impacts your experience.

While no irreparable harm arises from sudden console shutdowns mid-transfer, it stays rather inconvenient needing to re-do the multi-hour process from square one.

So heed those best practices shared above for optimized transfers! Rest assured following my tips help you resume that treasured game progress swiftly.

Let me know if any other questions come up around keeping your gaming data safely intact across PlayStation generations either in comments or via Twitter. That‘s all for this introductory deep dive!

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