What happens if you wish on a star on a mystery island?

As an avid Animal Crossing player and fan, I‘ve spent many magical nights sitting under shooting stars on mystery islands. And I‘m thrilled to report that the celestial magic works just as well there as on your home island – every wish you make will deliver a fragment to your beaches the next day!

Shooting Stars 101

For those not familiar with these rare and wondrous displays, shooting stars are a random event that can happen on clear nights in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. They appear from 7pm to 4am whether Isabelle announces a meteor shower that morning or not.

When the night sky starts flickering, pressing A lets you make wishes. Each one you make under the streaking stars gets granted with a star fragment that washes ashore the next day!

Meteor Showers Increase Your Chances

On nights with announced meteor showers, shooting stars will happen much more frequently, perhaps even multiple at once! Isabelle‘s morning announcements only cover showers on your home island though. Mystery island meteor showers are still possible on any clear night.

EventShooting Star Rate
Normal night4-5% chance each hour
Meteor shower20-30% chance each hour

As you can see, meteor showers make shooting stars a lot more common! I‘ve had nights with hundreds on my island during intense displays.

Fragment Types and Rarities

Wishing on stars, whether from home or a mystery tour, yields several types of star fragments:

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc1% each

As you can see, regular are the most common by far. I tend to get at least a couple large fragments each night along with a zodiac one now and then if I‘m in that sign‘s season.

Maximizing Rare Fragments

If you‘re trying to farm large fragments and zodiac pieces specifically, having visitors over on meteor shower nights can help. Each visitor can contribute up to 20 more fragments on top of the 20 you wish for yourself!

Pro tip: Celeste‘s visits also boost the rare fragment rate. I notice significantly more large and zodiacs on nights she‘s wandering my island.

Mystery Island Wishing Limits

No matter if you lay on your back making wishes from home soil or a mystery island‘s sandy beach, the fundamentals stay the same:

  • Each wish you make equals one fragment granted
  • Max 20 fragments from your own wishing
  • Up to 20 more fragments if you have visitors

So if you encounter one of those spectacular island meteor showers with no one else touring with you, 20 is still the cap of what you‘ll get back home.

But with online friends or family visiting to wish alongside you, a 40 fragment payout is possible! Pretty sweet bonus if you ask me.

My Best Mystery Island Meteor Memory

I‘ll never forget the luminous spring night I took the boat to Bamboo Island. The light of the full moon reflecting on the river water created a dreamlike atmosphere.

When wispy clouds drifted by revealing streaking stars, I was stunned! Laying back into the soft green grass with shooting stars racing overhead while bamboo creaked gently in the wind felt straight out of a fairytale.

Over 400 wishes and 3 joy-filled hours later, I returned home with the maximum bounty of 40 fragments to remember the magic. Who says you can‘t make island getaway wishes come true!

So next time you embark for a mystery tour and spy shooting stars overhead, plop down and get wishing! It may not technically be a DIY star fragment tree, but it frugally rains down celestial crafting materials free of charge – no golden can required.

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