What Happens to Kiriko After the Season Ends? Your Complete Guide

Kiriko, the new ninja support hero added in Overwatch 2 Season 1, was initially only available by grinding to level 55 in the battle pass. But now that we‘re in Season 2, there are new ways for both existing and new players to unlock this powerful healer. As an avid Overwatch gamer and content creator, I‘ve dug into the details to provide a complete guide on the various methods to obtain Kiriko. Keep reading for insights into purchasing, challenges, ownership perks, and future availability!

Purchasing Kiriko in the Hero Gallery

The most straightforward way to obtain Kiriko is to purchase her directly using Overwatch Coins, the in-game virtual currency earned from matches, challenges, and other activities. Based on costs for other heroes like Sojourn and Junker Queen, we can expect Kiriko to cost somewhere between 7,000-10,000 coins.

As a free player, the most efficient ways to stockpile coins are:

  • Complete daily and weekly challenges offering coin rewards
  • Level up the free track of seasonal battle passes
  • Earn accumulated login bonuses over time

With consistent play, free players should be able to unlock Kiriko through purchase after approximately 1-2 seasons. Of course, purchasing the premium battle pass or shop bundles can speed up your coin income if you want Kiriko ASAP!

Unlocking Through Hero Challenges

New Overwatch 2 players also have the option to unlock Kiriko for free by completing a set of 7 hero challenges designed to teach her abilities. Previous hero challenges have included things like:

  • Mitigate damage with Protection Suzu
  • Restore health using Healing Ofuda
  • Use Wall Climb mobility to reach high ground

Challenges for new heroes tend to be more straightforward and focused on learning basics rather than demanding expert play. By reviewing her ability details ahead of time and grouping with friends, new players should be able to unlock Kiriko through challenges within a few hours of dedicated play.

Rewards for Loyal Overwatch Players

Importantly, Blizzard has stated that players who previously owned the original Overwatch will still have Kiriko unlocked instantly and permanently. This serves as both a welcome to returning fans and incentive for longtime loyalty within the Overwatch ecosystem.

And based on their past rewards for OW1 owners – such as instant access to Sojourn, Junker Queen, and the Season 1 premium battle pass – we can likely expect even more exclusive perks in future seasons! Perhaps special Kiriko-themed skins, highlight intros, or other cosmetics could be offered to further show appreciation.

What Does the Future Hold for Unlocking Kiriko?

While we now have more options to obtain Kiriko in Season 2, what about players who may still miss out? The good news is that Blizzard envisions all new heroes eventually being available through free play.

For example, past statements have hinted at a hero challenge format similar to what new players encounter when first installing the game. And they‘ve specifically described Kiriko as having an extended unlock availability compared to past seasonal heroes like Sojourn.

My personal prediction is that Season 3 could offer one final wave of Kiriko hero challenges available to all players. And if that still doesn‘t do the trick, she‘d likely then be added as a free unlock for all accounts sometime in Season 4 or beyond.

Here‘s an estimated timeline for when players could potentially have access to Kiriko based on historical trends:

SeasonUnlock Method
Season 2Purchase or 7 Hero Challenges
Season 37 Hero Challenges (all players)
Season 4+Free Unlock (all players)

So while the coming seasons will add even more shiny new heroes to distract us, players should eventually have access to Kiriko through free play even if they missed the initial opportunities.

With Overwatch 2 Season 2 underway, key highlights for obtaining Kiriko include:

  • Purchase for 7k-10k coins: Earn these gradually as a free player or instantly buy the premium battle pass!
  • Complete 7 hero challenges: Learn the basics of her kit through fun ability-focused objectives.
  • Returning OW1 players get instant, permanent access: Just one of many loyalty rewards for longtime fans!
  • Expect new challenge and free unlock options in future seasons: Everyone will have multiple chances to recruit this powerful healer!

I‘m thrilled that Kiriko‘s exciting healing and evasion abilities will now be accessible for all types of Overwatch players both old and new. And as someone heavily invested in the game‘s world, characters, and community, it feels great seeing Blizzard enable so many opportunities to enjoy their latest creation.

Now enough reading – it‘s time to ready those throwing stars and wall-climb your way to big plays as Kiriko! See you in the game my friends!

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