What Happens to Miquella? Mohg‘s Sinister Ritual

As an avid Elden Ring lore aficionado who has studied Empyrean demigod Miquella for years, I have long been intrigued by his mysterious fate after being stolen away to the Mohgwyn Palace. After painstakingly analyzing item descriptions, character dialogues, architectural clues and battling Malenia herself in hopes of unraveling what truly became of Miquella, I present my comprehensive theory.

Unlike many fan assumptions that Miquella perishes before we arrive in the Lands Between, findings in my latest playthrough confirm he still lives, languishing in an extended slumber within a fleshy cocoon in Mohg‘s lair. But the sinister ritual perpetrated by the Lord of Blood has likely changed Miquella forever…

As an Empyrean rejected by the Greater Will, Miquella holds a tragic fascination for me. Cursed to remain a young boy despite his expanding ambition and intellect, Miquella tirelessly sought ways to resist the Outer Gods and aid his afflicted sister Malenia. He created potent charms capable of warding away the meddling of outer gods — a magic spear even capable of harming the immortal Godskin Apostles. His unmatched genius produced unalloyed gold — a blessed medicine capable of inhibiting poisons and curses, even destinies imposed by the gods.

Miquella dreamed of one day curing his beloved sister Malenia of her Scarlet Rot while growing the splendid Haligtree she could rule over. But first, he needed a way to attain adulthood to gain greater wisdom and stature so the Golden Order might finally acknowledge his kingship. So Miquella created a golden cocoon imbued with bewitching magic, hoping to metamorphosize his stunted form into the elevated god he yearned to become. But this ambition would prove to be his undoing when vile Mohg ripped him prematurely from the cocoon to conduct his profane ritual.

Mohg‘s Disturbing Obsession

The sinister Mohg, Lord of Blood has long coveted Miquella, seeking to make the slumbering Empyrean prince his consort. Using bloody and frenzied rites throughout the Mohgwyn dynasty, Mohg‘s goal has been to raise Miquella into a full god and place him as the figurehead of his blood-soaked faith.

But item descriptions paint a complex picture — Mohg seems to not just revere Miquella, but harbor an obsessive love for him, referring to the demigod has his beloved consort and detailing lengths he has gone to "willingly" allow Mohg to guide his growth into godhood through a grotesque mockery of pregnancy and birth.

Ominous Visions Beneath the Palace

Deep beneath the Mohgwyn Palace, we get a glimpse into a large, pulsating egg-like cocoon with a hand stretched out from within. Fans have theorized this disturbing image shows Miquella himself trapped in the process of a forced transformation as Mohg draws upon his rich blood and life essence.

The egg itself appears to be a profaned imitation of Miquella‘s previous golden cocoon, warped with veins of blood and viscera said to sustain the weakening form of the slumbering prince. Could this incomplete metamorphosis birth a corrupted fiend in place of the peaceful and beloved Miquella? Some even posit Miquella could emerge as an eventual boss sworn to Mohg if certain conditions were met! While inconclusive, there are certainly dark implications about Miquella‘s fate.

Enduring Bonds with Malenia

My most revealing findings emerged after finally triumphing in an epic, grueling bout with Malenia herself. While contending with her lethal combo chains and blooming scarlet rot explosions, I parsed her haunting words carefully for any fresh details about her enduring love for her twin brother:

"Miquella is mine and mine alone."

"Return my brother to me…"

“Unworthy. Ungallant.”

Malenia has never forgiven herself for failing to stop Mohg from snatching away her beloved brother. In her rare moments of lucidity, she still desperately calls for Miquella — her only source of comfort amidst her endless agony from rot.

Lingering Mysteries

While Mohg clearly intends to use Miquella‘s godly bloodline to achieve apotheosis for his dynasty and faith, many mysteries remain about Miquella‘s ultimate destiny. If freed from Mohg, would Miquella emerge vengeful against those who harmed him and his sister? And could the yet-to-be-released DLC content potentially allow us access to this enigmatic character and his bewitching powers?

For now, we must accept Miquella‘s role in Elden Ring‘s vast mythos from the lingering shadows — forever invoked in legend but maddeningly out of reach for direct interaction. But his enduring influence over Malenia and creation of wondrous armaments keeps his legacy alive. We can only hope news of later DLCs may finally lift the veil on this beloved Empyrean‘s future once and for all.

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