What Happens to Raiden After MGR? The Possibilities are Endless

There has yet to be any official confirmation on Raiden’s story following the events of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. However, Raiden’s profound character arc and the renewed enthusiasm for MGR gives us intriguing areas to analyze and speculate on what could come next for this badass, white-haired cyborg ninja.

Raiden‘s Path After Defeating Armstrong

At the end of MGR, Raiden rejects Senator Armstrong‘s offer of alliance, instead declaring that he fights for justice and to protect the weak and powerless. This shows Raiden’s growth into a heroic champion upholding strong moral principles after his traumatic past.

Having cemented himself as a sword-wielding force for good, it is presumable that Raiden continues lending his combat skills to worthy causes post-MGR. His aptitude for combatting threats like the Desperado PMC and fearsome, almost supernatural foes like Armstrong himself strongly positions Raiden as a figure uniquely qualified to take on dangerous black ops missions in service of stability, defense, and peace.

As an ally of the Paradise Lost Army and other like-minded PMCs opposing those who would foster war for power and profit, Raiden seems destined to keep fighting the good fight.

What Next for Raiden‘s Personal Life?

Throughout the trials of his missions up to MGR, we see Raiden struggling mightily to reclaim a personal life amidst violence – most poignantly in his relationships with his ex-fiance Rosemary and their son, John.

The end of MGR sees signs that Raiden may finally be ready to connect meaningfully with family after years immersed in battle.

It is conceivable that post-MGR, Raiden makes an active effort to be present in John’s life and works to heal lingering wounds in his bond with Rose. Having processed some of his inner trauma and found firmer moral grounding and purpose, Raiden could be trying to anchor himself in domesticity between missions abroad.

  • There are over 50 million single parent households in the United States currently. As a solo father and special forces veteran, Raiden faces more profound challenges than most in achieving work-life balance.

  • However, given support systems like the Paradise Lost Army and Maverick PMC, Raiden may have better prospects of success in being an anchored presence for John and Rosemary while also upholding justice around the world in his cyborg form.

We see that while Raiden has a strong aptitude for and commitment to combat, there is a softer side underlying his badassery that desires comfort and love. Like the 50.8 million Americans getting divorced and 53 million married yearly, Raiden’s path with relationships can shift and transform post-MGR as he evolves from his past.

Raiden‘s RelationshipsDescription
RosemaryRaiden‘s ex-fiance & mother of his son. They have a turbulent history but Raiden strives to reconnect.
JohnRaiden‘s son. Raiden works to be more present in John‘s life after years of absence.
SunnyAdopted daughter of Raiden‘s fallen ally, Solid Snake. Raiden cares for her like his own.

Hints at Raiden‘s Future Exploits

The immense enduring popularity of MGR, including the many memes stemming from Raiden’s most epic moments, demonstrates that fans are hungry for more cyborg ninja action from this dynamic character.

Raiden’s showdowns with the likes of Jetstream Sam, Sundowner, and Armstrong have set expectations incredibly high for the scale of threats and enemies Raiden could confront next. The demand is clear for a potential MGR sequel or additional Metal Gear spinoff titles featuring Raiden in new conflicts.

sales data shows that:

  • MGR sold over 1 million units worldwide as an action spinoff that did not receive a major numbered entry in the Metal Gear franchise
  • MGR has seen a major resurgence since 2021 – 8+ years after its initial release – driven by shares of cutscene compilations and memes highlighting Raiden’s most badass moments
  • Old and new fans alike are rediscovering and falling in love with Raiden in MGR, sparking renewed interest in this fan-favorite character

This data underscores that Raiden clearly connects with audiences and has both the substance and style to anchor an exciting franchise – whether under the Metal Gear banner or a solo IP.

There are so many creative directions a sequel can take Raiden post-MGR:

  • Raiden continuing his adventures as a globetrotting cyborg mercenary/freedom fighter
  • Raiden training a new generation of cyborg ninja warriors
  • Raiden protecting Sunny as she follows in her family lineage of making advanced technologies
  • Raiden uncovering hidden survivals from The Patriots AI system that threaten a new world order
  • Raiden aiding Solid Snake’s resistance movement against a rising fascist threat

Raiden has the character depth and combat capabilities to spearhead thrilling new stories set in the Metal Gear universe or beyond. His intensity, tormented past and principles makes him an endlessly compelling hero to root for in any medium.

While Raiden’s exact path after Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance remains a mystery, it is clear this iconic warrior still resonates widely with fans. There is great excitement at the possibilities of where Raiden’s journey may take him next as he strikes forth in the name of justice.

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