What Happens When Arthur Morgan Dies in Red Dead Redemption 2: A Comprehensive Guide

Arthur Morgan‘s death from tuberculosis in Red Dead Redemption 2 acts as an emotional gut punch that kicks off an extensive six-hour epilogue focused on former gang member John Marston. After spending presumably 80+ hours guiding the sympathetic outlaw protagonist on his final odyssey across the fading American frontier, players must bid a somber farewell to Arthur and adopt the role of John to tie up lingering loose ends.

This pivotal moment fundamentally alters the trajectory of Red Dead Redemption 2‘s winding narrative – establishing clear connections to the original game‘s plot while allowing a prolonged denouement devoted to Arthur‘s legacy and the fates of surviving Van der Linde gang members. As an avid Red Dead fan and gameplay commentator, I‘ve compiled this comprehensive guide examining every consequence and storyline branch stemming from Arthur Morgan‘s unavoidable yet heroically redemptive death.

Overview of Arthur Morgan‘s Death

Regardless of honor level or any choices made throughout the 40-60 hour main story, protagonist Arthur Morgan will invariably perish from tuberculosis – a diagnosis confirmed in Chapter 5 after a brutal beating or optional encounter. Players then control a visibly weakened Arthur through the remainder of Chapter 6, witnessing his physical deterioration accelerate as plot tensions boil among the fractured Van der Linde gang.

By the final two missions, Arthur‘s fate is sealed – but precisely how his death scene plays out proves contingent on honor. Those who tip toward righteous good intent will be rewarded with a sacrificial redemption arc for Mr. Morgan. Conversely, sliding into dishonorable chaos nets an anticlimactic gunshot demise. Yet neither provides a lifeline to rescue Arthur.

Honor LevelDeath
High HonorSacrifices himself ensuring John, Abigail and Sadie escape; dies peacefully watching the sunrise
Low HonorShot in the back of the head by Micah after Dutch abandons him

The Lengthy Epilogue Story Arc Starring John Marston

Rather than rolling credits immediately after Arthur‘s passing, Red Dead Redemption 2 confirms a six-hour epilogue that puts former gang brother John Marston front and center. Serving almost as an entire second act, this denouement better contextualizes John‘s starting point when the original Red Dead Redemption kicks off.

Over several missions spanning multiple years, players guide a conflicted John as he tries reconciling a renewed drive for family stability with his ingrained outlaw habits – an inner tug-of-war literally represented by his original outfit being gifted back halfway through the epilogue. Side characters implore John to seize his fresh start thanks to Arthur‘s sacrifice, yet bonds of loyalty and revenge inevitably submerge Marston back into chaos.

By dedicating such prominent screen time to wrap up the remnants of Arthur‘s influence, Rockstar allows players to ceremoniously mourn the loss of Red Dead 2‘s defining character while laying fertile ground to plant narrative seeds that blossom years later when John Marston takes the lead in 1911.

Epilogue ChapterDescriptionEstimated Hours
1John recovers then builds family homestead2 hours
2Ties up gang ends, seeks closure with Arthur‘s death4 hours
TotalRoughly 6 additional hours of playtime

Source: IGN Wiki Guide

Exploring an Open World Still Brimming with Life and Opportunity

Arthur Morgan‘s absence certainly casts an ominous pall upon the sweeping valleys and frontier settlements players have navigated for dozens of hours. Yet despite palpable grief in the wake of his death, Red Dead Redemption 2 confirms the surrounding open world brimming with people and locations remains fully explorable through the perspective of fellow outlaw John Marston.

From completing job prospects to solving lingering stranger mysteries and capturing outlaws as a seasoned bounty hunter, players can still check off much of Arthur‘s unfinished business in the epilogue chapters and beyond. Below I‘ve compiled tables summarizing what exactly carries over (and what cannot be revisited) after Arthur meets his fate:

Side Content/Activities Accessible as John Marston

  • Stranger missions/chance encounters aside from Mary Linton, Charlotte etc.
  • Legendary animals to hunt/trapper crafting
  • Robberies/heists with Sean, Charles etc.
  • Bounties to capture
  • Chinese laborer rescue mission line
  • Dinosaur bones to find
  • Graves to loot
  • Dreamcatchers and rock carving locations
  • Challenges like bandit, sharpshooter, horseman, herbalist etc.
  • Trapper outfits from hunting/looting to craft
  • Cheats after gaining access to the journal
  • Stored weapons/gear like unique guns or treasure hunter trinkets

Source: GameRevolution

Content/Activities Unavailable AfterStory With Arthur

  • Stranger missions for Charlotte, Brother Dorkins, Mary Linton, Mrs. Downes etc.
  • Robbing homesteads/coaches with Javier, Sean and Lenny
  • Questlines involving widow requests, like Penelope Braithwaite and Charlotte Balfour
  • Theater shows at Saint Denis with the Morales brothers
  • Fishing with Kieran, Javier and Dutch
  • Meeting former Confederate captain turned professor Marko Dragic

Losing chance encounters specifically tied to Arthur or certain gang members is understandable given their established story outcomes or grief over Arthur‘s passing. Despite such exceptions, it‘s incredibly gratifying witnessing John pick up where Arthur left off across so many side ventures – ensuring his death doesn‘t entirely negate all preceding efforts.

Source: VG247

Paying Respects at Arthur Morgan‘s Grave

Once the credits roll after John Marston ties up remaining personal loose ends in the Epilogue‘s final chapter, players regain free roam functionality to traverse the open world. Unlike story-centric strangers and acquaintances, one pivotal figure John thankfully can reunite with is the deceased former outlaw who rescued his family from turmoil – Arthur Morgan.

Just northeast of Bacchus Station lies Arthur‘s grave, only noticeable thanks to the eagle eye ability. Upon approaching the site, John hangs his head paying respects to his "brother" – with the tombstone itself changing based on Arthur‘s morality.

Those who finish with high honor are rewarded with a poignant epitaph summarizing Arthur‘s sacrificial redemption arc:
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

Meanwhile low honor graves simply brand him A Fool and His End. Even with such dichotomous summarized fates, it‘s comforting witnessing Marston grieve and find closure with his predecessor‘s resting spot – acknowledging the man who changed his life‘s trajectory through selfless actions in those dire final moments.

Arthur Morgan‘s HonorGrave Summary
HighEagle appears above grave; Tombstone reads "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness" plus date of death
LowCoyote stands on grave; Tombstone simply labels "A Fool and His End" plus death date

Sources: IGN, GamePur

Regardless of swirling internal debates about Arthur‘s morality prior to his tuberculosis diagnosis, John Marston owes everything to the man buried atop the scenic perch – including his family, future, and very life. So bearing witness to this emotional reunion and John‘s ensuing solitude provides wonderful closure.

What Happens to Key Characters in Arthur Morgan‘s Wake

Arthur’s redemption paves the way for John Marston and his family to start fresh far from their former outlaw entanglements. Yet New Hanover, Lemoyne and the frontier provide no safe harbor for some Van der Linde gang members with more nefarious fates. Below I’ve theorized how pivotal allies and enemies meet their destinies based on key choices following Arthur’s sacrifice:

Dutch van der Linde

Notorious gang founder and Arthur‘s former father figure, Dutch‘s sanity clearly unravels amidst Pinkerton crackdowns following the Saint Denis bank heist disaster. By story‘s end, he‘s reduced to a disheveled hermit clinging to hopeless dreams of Tahiti paradise.

In an ironic twist given their history together, John Marston eliminates the former inspiration for the revolution that left dreams in ashes – chasing Dutch off a cliff amidst a standoff years later.

Given Dutch‘s visible regret when Arthur confronts him about abandoning comrades to death or jail, perhaps he did harbor immense guilt over failing his surrogate son in those final moments. Yet any contrition remained buried underneath stubborn pride and a shattered mind.

Micah Bell

The rat who escaped American Venom thanks to deals with Pinkerton agents meets a well-deserved demise shortly into John‘s story. After Sadie Adler discovers Micah‘s new gang camp location, she recruits John to take revenge against this cold-blooded traitor and triggerman behind Arthur Morgan‘s death.

A tense standoff ends with John putting bullets through Micah‘s icy heart – providing some closure for Arthur‘s soul undoubtedly cheering this bloody victory from beyond his early grave.

Charles Smith

Arthur‘s steadfast friend until the end, Charles parts ways with the remnants of the Van der Linde gang soon after the core members escape the Pinkerton assault on Beaver Hollow. He communicates gratitude toward Arthur for guiding their people to safety, while assisting John‘s family in starting over.

When bounty hunters locate John years later, Charles heroically returns yet again – helping them escape so Marston can hunt down remaining member Micah Bell. As expected, John finds Charles thriving alone later on – channeling his survivor skills, idealism about nature and loyalty into a fulfilling new path. He tellingly keeps Arthur‘s memory alive through dedicating care to Taima – the same horse Arthur gifted him back in their early days together.

Sadie Adler

The resilient widow-turned-gunslinger leaves Dutch‘s group alongside John but later meets Marston to take revenge on Micah for Arthur‘s death. Her parting shot makes clear Sadie has absolute faith Arthur‘s soul rests peacefully knowing they punished his killer.

One imagines the headstrong firebrand continues her bounty hunting pursuits across the frontier with the same grit Arthur admired after rescuing her.

Abigail & Jack Marston

Thanks to Arthur’s selfless final move, Abigail and Jack escape Milton’s clutches to begin new lives with John. They start happily enough on an isolated ranch Beecher’s Hope ranch before falling into familiar patterns of John prioritizing degrees of revenge over full commitment to family.

Jack undoubtedly learned more gentle values like faith and optimism from uncle Arthur – traits crushed when federal forces eventually murder John too during the Bureau’s rampage, forcing the young teen into a deadly fight for justice. While not seen in-game, Abigail surely tells reverential stories ensuring her son knows who made their second chance possible through redemption by fire.

So in the wake of Arthur Morgan’s death, Dutch descends into madness, Micah meets a violent end, Charles/Sadie find purpose, and the Marston family enjoy a brief spell of peace – yet the ghosts of their former gang keep vengeance and justice forever chasing John. Each playable character in the series owes their shot at redemption to Arthur‘s ultimate sacrifice.

Conclusion – The Redemptive Tragedy of Arthur Morgan‘s Death

Despite player choices, Arthur cannot outrun tuberculosis nor a date with death‘s cold grip, fading away either sacrificing himself so John’s family can escape or being ruthlessly executed by former friend Micah. Yet through this unavoidable tragedy, Arthur completes his emotional redemption arc from doubtful enforcer to selfless champion seeking light amidst darkness. His death kicks off an extensive six chapter epilogue focused on the next generation‘s fight – John Marston’s quest to balance loyalty with an outlaw‘s life against hopes for a peaceful family future.

Players can bid farewell through a reflective visit to Arthur Morgan’s scenic gravesite while honoring his memory across Red Dead 2’s open world landscape still marked by lasting ripples stemming from Mr. Morgan‘s actions before fate intervened. However ignoble an end tuberculosis delivers, Arthur earns every ounce of redemption whether cruelly staring down Micah’s barrel or sacrificing himself to buy time for his last living loved ones. All of it sets in motion the definitive final chapter later seen when a retired John Marston emerges to confront the government agency that won’t let him rest either despite years removed from his former violent breed.

So while losing such a beloved playable character crushed many fans, his redemption arc still lays groundwork for the next gunslinger’s turn battling encroaching civilization. And Red Dead Redemption makes clear John Marston certainly owed the quiet yet courageous Arthur Morgan for taking a fatal bullet himself so the former outlaw could escape to fight another day.

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