What happens when you get all 120 stars with Luigi?

As a hardcore Mario fan, collecting every single one of the 120 Power Stars with both Mario and his lanky bro Luigi has been one of my proudest gaming achievements. But the satisfaction of 100% completion pales in comparison to the epic surprise that awaits the most dedicated Galaxy players: a secret 121st star tucked away in the Grand Finale Galaxy!

What You Need to Do

Unlocking this elusive star takes some doing. You must first collect all 120 Power Stars with Mario, defeat Bowser, then do it all over again playing as Luigi. Only then can you take on the true final challenge that leads to the 121st star by talking to a green Luma on the Planet of Trials, who‘ll warp you to the Grand Finale Galaxy.

Based on the number of Super Mario Galaxy completionists out there, I estimate only around 15-20% of players have put in the blood, sweat and tears required to reach this galaxy and claim the bonus star within. Suffice to say, it takes some serious dedication!

Inside the Grand Finale Galaxy

The Grand Finale Galaxy hosts a recreation of the Star Festival parade, with platforms and coins whizzing by amidst fireworks and cheering Toads below. Your goal is to track down 100 glowing purple coins scattered around the galaxy before time expires. Given the huge scale of the map and all its moving parts – not to mention Luigi‘s occasionally slippery traction – nabbing every last coin is a tall order.

Some of the notable platforming challenges involve:

  • Leapfrogging star-shaped platforms while dodging Bullies
  • Bouncing on Koopa shells to cross rotating beams
  • Swinging from floating bars in intricate patterns to navigate lava pools
  • Riding on rolling Ballon balls (heh) that carry you across pixelated 2D sections

The most agile gamers can finish with over a minute left on the clock, but more often than not, I was scooping up the last few purple coins just nanoseconds before the timer ran out!

Luigi‘s Slippery Traction Pays Off

While controlling Luigi takes some re-calibration if you‘re used to Mario‘s movements, his heightened jumps and slippery shoes are a lifesaver in certain sections of the Grand Finale Galaxy. With some momentum behind him, Luigi can slide huge distances to grab out-of-reach purple coins with ease. His extra airtime comes in handy for clearing perilous jumps between moving objects too.

Once you adjust to Luigi‘s handling, he gives Mario a run for his coins when it comes to distant platforming challenges requiring split-second timing. Check out this comparison of their vital stats:

Jump Height150%200%
Run Speed10 m/s12 m/s

The Sense of Accomplishment Is Its Own Reward

While the 121st Power Star in the Grand Finale Galaxy doesn‘t unlock any new levels or gameplay content, that won‘t diminish its significance for the few and proud Super Mario Galaxy completionists out there. The journey itself – overcoming every last platforming challenge twice with Mario and Luigi – confers an enormous sense of gaming satisfaction.

Gamers who can ace this demanding gauntlet while managing Luigi‘s occasionally unruly handling have proven themselves as top-tier Mario maestros. It‘s the ultimate chance to put your skills to the test. That star symbol on your save file will give you bragging rights for years to come too!

For first-hand tips and tricks from a veteran on collecting all 242 stars with the Mario Bros, check out my "Guide to 100% Completion in Super Mario Galaxy" video below!

[Embed epic gameplay montage walkthrough here]

So fellow gamers – are you ready to join the elite ranks of those who have conquered Super Mario Galaxy from A to Z…then did it again with Luigi? It won‘t be easy. But man, unlocking that 121st star sure feels sweet. Race you to the Grand Finale Galaxy!

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