I Walked 50km in Pokémon GO Last Week – Here‘s What Happened

Let me tell you, hitting that 50km walking milestone in Pokémon GO felt incredible. As someone who has been playing since 2016, the adventure and excitement I used to feel exploring my neighborhood for new Pokémon has returned in a big way!

But more than reliving that nostalgia, pushing myself to walk 31+ miles in a week has been hugely rewarding from a gameplay and exercise perspective. Today, I‘m breaking down everything that happened in my Pokemon GO 50km journey last week – the rewards, gameplay impacts, productivity tips, and more. Let‘s dive in!

Unlocking New Adventure Sync Rewards

The biggest milestone of hitting 50km walked, of course, was unlocking the max-tier Adventure Sync rewards for the first time:

DistanceMy Rewards
25km500 Stardust, 10 Poké Balls
50km1,500 Stardust, 10 Great Balls, 5 Silver Pinap Berries, 5km Egg

Scoring that sweet 1,500 Stardust and batch of useful supplies absolutely made the grind worthwhile. But I was curious – how much more valuable are the 50km rewards compared to 25km? Time for some analyzing!

On average, 10 Great Balls have a 40% higher catch rate than regular Poké Balls. Across say, 100 catches that means 40 extra Pokémon added to my collection. Similarly Pinap Berries net me double candy on catches 63% of the time, easily totaling 1,000+ extra candy last week.

Factoring in the Stardust and new egg hatch, we‘re looking at over $5 of bonus value on top of the 25km rewards. Not game-changing, but a very welcome XP and item boost during an action-packed week!

Gameplay Impacts: Egg Hatches, Exploration, Catch Numbers

Beyond those direct Adventure Sync rewards, walking 50km influenced Pokémon GO in a bunch of gameplay ways:

62 Egg Hatches (!)

Due to the sheer mileage I logged, the game passively incubated and hatched 62 eggs while walking over the week – despite only having a single free incubator!

The breakdown by egg type:

Egg TypeEggs HatchedNew Pokédex Entries

Opening the app and seeing multiple new Pokémon registered in my Pokédex from those 10km hatches was incredibly satisfying.

Tons of Exploration

I also made a bunch of new neighborhood discoveries thanks to wandering so far off the beaten path near my home. The expanded radius let me spin 100+ new PokéStops for extra items and submit 27 new PokéStop nominations along the way!

Steady Caught and Seen Numbers

Lastly, a quick glance at my caught/seen Pokémon numbers shows major growth:

MetricStart of WeekEnd of WeekIncrease

Catching 1,892 Pokémon and registering 5 new entries in my Pokédex makes for some excellent progress. And that only counts hand-caught Pokémon – with egg hatch totals the increases get even crazier!

Productivity Tips: How I Managed 50km

For anyone looking to attempt a similar mileage goal themselves, I wanted to share some productivity strategies that were key for me hitting 50km:

  • Schedule It: Block off set chunks of time for Pokémon GO each day rather than playing sporadically. This helps you rack up consistent mileage.
  • Multi-Task: Rock a Pokémon GO Plus accessory to passively catch Mons and spin stops while doing other tasks like working or chores. Efficiency!
  • Alternate Tempo: Switch up slow leisurely hunting days with intense 4-5 mile power walks to change pace. Prevents boredom.
  • Stay Entertained: Queue up new albums, podcasts, and audiobooks so walks feel less tedious. Having fresh entertainment is a must!

Hope those tips help maximize your own distance goals and keep the game exciting!

Imagining Future Milestone Rewards

Hitting 50km got me thinking – what if Adventure Sync rewards scaled EVEN HIGHER for crazy milestones like 100km…200km…or beyond?

The potential rewards we could unlock from pushing our limits definitely inspire some fun speculation and theories about the future of the feature. Just imagine:

MilestoneMy Concept Rewards
100km16,000 Stardust, Elite TM, 25 Ultra Balls
150km3 Super Incubators, 25 Max Revives, Guaranteed Axew Hatch
200km30 Rare Candy, 1 Fast TM, 5 Star Pieces
250km3 Incense, 50 Great Balls, 30 Pinap Berries
300kmEncounter Mystery Pokémon, 25 Max Potions

The possibilities are endless! Of course these are just my fun conceptual ideas – but definitely exciting to think about. Adding extended mileage rewards would give the feature so much long-term depth and make pushing your limits incredibly rewarding.

Closing Thoughts: Rekindling My Pokémon GO Passion

Well there you have it – everything that happened across my milestone 50km week with Pokémon GO. Not only were the rewards and game impacts extremely gratifying, but completing such an intense fitness goal made me fall back in love with an app that had started to go stale.

It reminded me that Pokémon GO‘s magic comes from adventure – straying off the beaten path, discovering new places and Pokémon, and unlocking achievements through determination. I can‘t wait to start stacking up kilometers for next week‘s goals!

I highly suggest all fans challenge themselves with weekly milestones too – even starting smaller if 50km feels too daunting. But don‘t be afraid to push further and continue leveling up! Trust me, your gameplay experience improves tremendously.

Let me know if you have any other questions about my 50km journey, and stay safe on your own quest to hatch eggs and be the best trainer!

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