What Ice Age is Granny in?

To answer this question right off the bat – the sardonic, quick-witted elder sloth named Granny is first introduced in Ice Age: Continental Drift, the fourth film in the popular animated franchise. Voiced by comedienne Wanda Sykes, Granny immediately won over fans with her sharp tongue and no-nonsense attitude when she joined the herd in 2012.

The writers clearly responded well to her popularity, bringing Granny back in an expanded role for the fifth 2016 film Ice Age: Collision Course. As an avid Ice Age fan myself, I was thrilled to see more hilarious Granny moments in the later sequels!

Why Fans Love the Character of Granny

So what exactly makes Granny so beloved by Ice Age enthusiasts like myself? Well as a cranky, sarcastic senior, she brings a fresh dynamic to the herd. She doesn‘t fawn over little critters like some grandma characters. Instead, her quick one-liners and withering stares make her the herd‘s much-needed comedic foil.

Even when she‘s being blunt to the point of rudeness, you can‘t help but laugh at Granny‘s old-lady bitterness. And occasionally we get glimpses of her soft side too, like when she bonds with the mini hyraxes or develops an odd romance with a bunny named Teddy. Granny subverts the sweet grandma stereotype at every turn!

Granny‘s Expanded Role in the Two Sequels

Given her popularity after the fourth Ice Age flick, fans were excited to see Granny take on an expanded role in Collision Course. She goes along for the main adventure this time, facing danger and wisecracking all the way!

We also get to see more character development for Granny as she adjusts to living with the herd and forms new relationships, like with the Geotopian rabbit Teddy. Their super weird but sorta adorable cross-species courtship gives Granny a chance to show her sentimental side.

And of course, we get triple the usual dose of her snarky comedy! From insulting Newton the intellectual dino to sassing a family of Dromaeosaurs, Granny has some of the best lines of any character in Collision Course.

By the Numbers: Granny‘s Popularity

Now I couldn‘t call myself an expert gaming industry analyst without some data to back up my arguments! So let‘s look at the hard box office numbers.

Ice Age: Collision Course earned over $400 million globally, making it the highest grossing film in the franchise since the original 2002 Ice Age.

Ice Age FilmGlobal Box Office
Ice Age (2002)$383 million
Collision Course (2016)$408 million

I don‘t think it‘s a coincidence that the best performing sequel features crowd fave Granny in a leading role! Her humor and unlikely romance subplot clearly resonated with viewers.

What‘s Next for Granny in the Ice Age Franchise?

Of course what I‘m really waiting for as a diehard Ice Age fan is…Ice Age 6! Rumors have swirled about a sixth film in this beloved animated series. And you know Granny HAS to come back for it!

Personally, I desperately wanna see how her offbeat relationship with Teddy develops after the rather shocking ending of Collision Course. And fans would riot if we didn‘t get more hilariously snarky Granny moments!

I‘d also love the writers to explore Granny‘s backstory a bit – where did she come from? How did she get that Brooklyn accent? Does she have any family besides those grandkid critters she adopts? There‘s still so much potential for this character!

So to any Blue Sky Studios execs reading this – please bring back Granny for Ice Age 6! Continue developing this fan-favorite character! We weirdos passionate about animated franchises demand it!

The Cantankerous Fan Fave Returns…

In the end, what truly makes Granny so iconic are those characteristics that initially made her stand out – her refusal to be sweet and delicate, her biting sarcasm, her occasional soft spots. She injects the tired grandparent trope with fresh attitude!

And Wanda Sykes just seems born to voice Granny‘s sassy spirit. So if rumors of a sixth Ice Age film come true, you know I‘ll be first in line to continue my weird movie theater tradition…sitting alone with a stash of orange soda and cheering on my favorite cranky prehistoric granny!

What do you think – are you also an Ice Age fan eager for more cantankerous Granny moments? Let me know in the comments!

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