Facing a Dilemma with Maxed Cards? How to Trade Them for Profit

I still vividly remember the first time I traded away a maxed Princess for 20,000 gold and 1,000 star points. After playing Clash Royale for years, I had started accumulating excess cards that no longer benefited my battles or helped me progress. Frustrated, I considered quitting until I realized I could maximize their value through trades to upgrade the troops in my main decks. This transformed not only my card levels, but reignited a passion for the game once facing tough progression walls. If you also find yourself wondering “what if I trade a max level card?”, hopefully my years of expertise in mastering these mechanics can demonstrate how properly utilizing them accelerates advancement to new heights!

Breaking Down Trading Maxed Cards in Clash Royale

When receiving a maxed card through any means in Clash Royale, trading it converts the card itself into gold and star points based on its rarity:

  • Commons become 5 gold and 1 star point
  • Rares produce 50 gold and 10 star points
  • Epics net 1,000 gold and 100 star points
  • Legendaries deliver 20,000 gold and 1,000 star points

Compared to directly receiving maxed cards, whose overflow gets automatically converted into minimal gold, intentional trades yield 5-10x more value. Similarly, extra trade tokens exceeding max capacity per rarity also change into gold:

  • Common Token: 250 gold
  • Rare Token: 500 gold
  • Epic Token: 1,000 gold
  • Legendary Token: 2,000 gold

So trades uniquely optimize both maxed card and token overflow into significantly more impactful rewards than typical conversions.

Weighing the Benefits of Trading Max Leveled Cards

Trading max cards clearly produces excellent gold and star point gains, but do benefits outweigh potential costs?


  • Generates resources to upgrade cards and heroes critical for progression
  • Unblocks advancement when facing lack of gold as f2p players
  • Earns star points for cosmetics by converting max cards alone
  • Flexibility to pivot decks when redirecting resources


  • Lose specific maxed card versatility in all decks
  • Risk overtrading key meta legendary cards
  • Forfeit auto-converted gold from card overflow

For perspective, upgrading one level 13 card to 14 requires 100,000 gold. Maxing all cards now takes over 5 million gold per account! Given these extreme demands, the 20,000 gold and 1,000 star points from trading one maxed legendary proves incredibly efficient. In a month actively playing challenges, wars, and ladder, I estimate a free-to-play player can reasonably trade away 2-3 maxed legendaries, translating to 40,000-60,000 gold. This outvalues automatic conversion nearly tenfold! The meta also shifts every month, meaning the cards I gain resources towards have greater long-term impact than those traded away.

Max Token Strategies for Optimal Value

When tokens overflow, calculating sources producing the most monthly becomes essential optimization. From my experience, this depends on activities rewarding tokens and conversion values:

SourceTokens/MonthTotal Value
War Bounties~57,500 gold
Special Events~23,000 gold
Global Tournaments~23,000 gold
Total~913,500 gold

My strategy focuses efforts on clan wars with supplement challenges and global tournaments, generating around 13,500 in extra gold monthly from hitting max tokens!

Expert Tips From a Seasoned Clash Royale Player

After playing since launch, I’ve gathered a few key bits of wisdom when handling maxed cards:

  • Donate maxed cards first – Every common donated nets 5 gold and XP to advance your King level quicker
  • Rarely trade legendaries like Miner or Princess due to meta relevance
  • Carefully document trades to avoid overconverting one card

Additionally, use the influx of resources towards cards currently underwhelming but receiving reworks soon. The developers constantly improve both troop and hero balance, so stay updated on coming changes to invest resources wisely!

Trading maxed cards may seem confusing initially, but can supercharge your progression once mastered. I hope these tips and analyses of the underlying systems provide a complete guide! Please reach out with any other questions.

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