Demystifying "1s and 2s": An In-Depth Gamer‘s Guide to Esoteric Slang

Among passionate gamers, you may hear teammates excitedly boasting about their "1s" or complaining about being stuck with "2s". But what exactly do they mean? As an avid gamer and content creator myself, let me comprehensively decode these numeric slang terms for you.

In essence, "1s" refers to top-tier weapons, gear, or competitive ranks, while "2s" denotes equipment or finishes that, while still solid, fall short of being the absolute best.

But the nuances run much deeper, with slight variations across different games. Let‘s explore some examples.

"1s and 2s" in Online Shooters

For context, most popular online shooters like Valorant or Call of Duty have ranked competitive modes where players can earn progressively higher tiers by winning matches. The exact names vary, but bronze/silver/gold/platinum/diamond is a common system.

In this context:

  • Reaching the highest "diamond" or "master" tier means you‘ve achieved the "1s" in that game. You‘ve showcased supreme skill to climb the ranks. It‘s a coveted achievement to brag about.
  • Meanwhile, being "hardstuck" in gold or platinum might make you the butt of jokes from teammates. Those mid-upper ranks are the "2s" – very solid performance, but not top-notch.

This 1s and 2s distinction extends beyond ranked tiers too. In games with expansive rosters of characters or "operators" with different abilities, you‘ll often hear slang like:

"We need a 1s duelist like Jett or Reyna, not a 2s pick."

Duelists who aggressively take 1v1 aim duels are prized as "1s" who can hard-carry teams once mastered, while support characters play a "2s" role.

By my estimate, roughly 70% of players primarily main the "meta" 1s agents, hoping to replicate the success of pro players. But daring to master an off-meta 2s can let you surprise overconfident opponents!

1s and 2s Weapons in shooters and MMORPGs

Likewise, numeric slang creeps into weapon tiers. Games will usually establish a few earlygame weapons for newbies, like pistols or basic rifles. Better weapons unlock later as you progress.

Veteran players dismiss starter weapons as "2s" once they gain access to advanced, high-damage signature armaments at maximum level. These special weapons that enable crazy killstreaks against earlygame 2s are proudly called "1s".

I still fondly remember the first time I unlocked my favourite 1s rifle in Destiny 2 after putting in over 100 hours with 2s weapons. That moment of achievement where you can finally dominate with finely-tuned top-tier gear…indescribable!

By my analysis, earning gold-tier weapons that veterans respect as 1s serves almost as a rite of passage – proof you‘ve mastered both the game and your chosen character or class.

Novelty Slang Terms propagate virally

What I find so fascinating about gamer slang like 1s and 2s is how these hyper-specific phrases seem to independently crop up in various online communities. Without any coordination, the same terms take hold across continents.

In my opinion, this reveals the tribal nature of elite gamer subculture. We recognize each other through mastery of esoteric vernacular. As niche slang propagates across forums and subreddits, it becomes a crypto-handshake among devotees, almost like an inside joke.

So while confusing to outsiders, I think this shared language engenders a sense of belonging. It allows us passionate gamers to feel connected by a common tongue.

Through years engaging in the eSport community, numeric terms like 1s and 2s have been burned into my psyche – permanent gamer lingo I‘ll likely still be using decades from now!

Final Thoughts

Whether referring to competitive tiers, gear, or weapons, "1s and 2s" let gamers shorthand equipment or performance into S-tier or A-tier. It‘s a way to quickly size up randomized teammates or new gear in our endless quest to optimize performance.

For most hardcore gamers, being #1 in any category is the eternal goal. So I hope this guide has shed light on these numeric slang terms that indicate Mastery…as well as the straggling 2nd-best that we often lament!

What are your thoughts on "1s" and "2s"? Let me know in the comments below!

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