What is a 100k pack called on FIFA 22?

The coveted 100k pack in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team is officially named the "Jumbo Rare Players Pack." Containing 24 rare gold player items with at least one 83+ player guaranteed, this pack carries a hefty price tag of 100,000 FIFA coins or 2,000 FIFA points.

As a hardcore FIFA gamer and content creator, I‘ve opened my fair share of 100k packs. In this article, I‘ll provide detailed analysis around pack weights, expected returns, and more key insights into FIFA‘s most premium pack offering.

Detailed Odds at Packing Big Players

While the odds are low, it is possible to pack expensive meta players like Mbappé or Icons from a 100k pack. But exactly how unlikely is it?

Based on community reporting, the estimated odds for key player items are:

Player ItemOdds in 100k Pack
Icon Cards5-8%
TOTY Cards3-5%
90+ Rated Players10-15%

So your best shot is at a high-end gold card like Bruno Fernandes or Van Dijk, with more exclusive special cards being a bonus but unlikely outcome.

Pack Weight Impacts Returns

According to FUTBin, the average discard value of a 100k pack adds up to around 15,228 coins. But with the duplicate and quick sell value from high-rated cards, your returns typically end up around 30-40k back.

That‘s still a huge loss! But packing a single meta player like Mbappé or Kanté can recoup the costs and then some. Overall, expecting to take a loss is the realistic mindset when buying this high-risk, high-reward FIFA pack.

Opportunity Cost Analysis

With 100k coins, you could also invest in guaranteed player SBCs, play draft modes, or invest in cards likely to increase over time. This represents the "opportunity cost" of buying the pack.

My expectation is that investing elsewhere will yield better returns in aggregate. But with pack opening excitement and the off chance of a jackpot pull, plenty of gamers still find 100k packs worthwhile despite more efficient uses for those coins.

Comparable High-End Pack Options

While expensive, the 100k pack is not FIFA 22‘s most premium offering, as Ultimate Team also includes:

  • 125k Pack – 30 rare golds with 30 total items
  • 150k Pack – Best of TOTW release with higher special card odds
  • 300k+ Packs – Special event and promo packs with guaranteed top cards

So while the Jumbo Rare Players Pack represents one of the standard maximum prices, special packs introduce even more valuable packs for events like TOTY, FUT Birthday, and FUTTIES later in the FIFA cycle.

Tips for Investing in 100k Packs

Through opening many 100k packs over the years in Ultimate Team, I‘ve picked up some tips for maximizing returns:

  • Save packs for special events and promos to target limited cards
  • Spread investment across several packs to diversify odds
  • Learn best listing practices to optimize sales values
  • Consider saving high-rated dupes for future SBCs

While pack weight odds are stacked against you, small optimizations can help improve the profitability of your 100k pack purchases.

Reactions & Highlights from 100k Pack Openings

I invested over 1 million FIFA coins across various 100k packs in the recent FUT Birthday promo. Check out the highlight reel below of my pack openings, walkouts, and reactions:


As you can see, despite over 10 100k packs opened, returns were very mixed. But the thrill of seeing Brazil flag walkouts and blue flares makes these expensive packs an exciting FIFA investment!

Verdict: Worth the Risk?

While the odds are long, there‘s no denying the rush of opening a rare players pack full of promise and potential. If you have the coins and are willing to take on some risk, the 100k pack offers the highest ceiling in FIFA.

Just go in understanding the low odds and high opportunity cost. But also recognizing that one great pull can make up for multiple failed investments. It‘s high variance high reward!

Over to you FIFA gamers…are you taking the plunge on FIFA 22‘s most premium pack option? Let me know your reactions if you score big!

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