What is a Discord nuke?

A "Discord nuke" refers to completely destroying a Discord server by abusing elevated permissions. This includes bulk deleting channels, roles, emojis, kicking all members, and banning users. It aims to eliminate a community on Discord through digital vandalism.

How nuking happens

Nukers gain access to admin controls in a server through:

  • Social engineering admins into handing over credentials
  • Exploiting vulnerabilities to hijack admin accounts
  • Purchasing admin roles from disgruntled former staff

Once administrative access is obtained, they can execute server-destroying changes:

Mass banning usersRemoves members‘ ability to participate
Deleting all rolesStrips ranks, perms, and identities
Removing emojisEliminates custom server emotes
Bulk deleting channelsErases conversational history

Repeated across an entire server, these destructive administrations aim to essentially erase communities.

Motivations behind nuking

Sources cite varied motivations for Discord raids:

  • Revenge – Lashing out against a community over perceived grievances
  • Ideological – Targeting groups that oppose one‘s views
  • Thrill-seeking – Causing chaos for amusement
  • Financial – Selling nukes-for-hire services

Of these, revenge and ideology tend to drive most non-profit cases according to research from HackerOne and the NCA.

Risks and repercussions

Nuking poses legal risks, per the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), and Discord‘s Terms of Service. Malicious destruction of servers hosted on Discord‘s infrastructure likely constitutes unauthorized access.

Depending on severity, nukers could face:

  • Account termination
  • Civil lawsuits
  • Criminal charges like trespass, vandalism, or hacking

Preventing nukes through security

While entirely preventing nuke attacks is difficult, prudent controls help limit damage:

  • Vetting administrators and using least privilege principles for role permissions
  • Employing two-factor authentication for staff accounts
  • Instituting server backups to enable restoration
  • Monitoring audit logs to catch suspicious early actions

Adopting fundamental security tenets allows rediscovering trust after an incident.

Impact on communities

Beyond potential legal issues, nuke attacks deeply affect targeted groups:

  • Loss of history – Conversations and memories vanish
  • Erosion of trust – Members question security
  • Disenfranchisement – Rebuilding community cohesion takes time

Healing takes concerted effort after such traumatic disasters.


Discord nuke attacks, while ethically questionable, often arise from misunderstandings or anger. Security measures combined with open communication may reduce such risky behaviors over the long-term. Harming communities should never be one‘s first recourse, even when feeling wronged.

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