What is a Female Magician Called? A Historical and Modern Look at Terminology

Let‘s cut right to the chase – in the magic community nowadays, a female magician is most often simply called a "magician" or "illusionist", the same terms used for male practitioners of magic. But that doesn‘t mean other titles don‘t exist…

Throughout history, female magicians have been called by many names, some empowering, and some decidedly less so. As a passionate gamer and content creator fascinated by elements of fantasy and magic, I decided to explore the history and modern usage of titles for our mystical sisters of sorcery. What I discovered is an evolving terminology that sheds some light on shifting attitudes toward these spellbinding women.

A Look Back: Terms for Female Magicians in History

While male magicians have commonly held neutral titles like magician, sorcerer, wizard and warlock, women have often been saddled with more loaded terms alluding to witchcraft and darkness:


A feminine version of "sorcerer" implying mysterious magical abilities, but often with dark connotations of "evil magic".


Similar to sorceress, but with connections to "enchanting" men through magical charms and seduction.


Originally a gender-neutral term for a practitioner of witchcraft, it took on a more feminine and often derogatory tone over time.


The feminine form of "conjuror", suggesting a woman with powers to conjure spirits or demons.

As we can see, female-specific titles historically focused on mystical femininity with hints of darkness and temptation. Even neutral terms like "magician" were used far less commonly for women. But over the years, things have gradually changed.

The Modern Era: Shifting Terminology as Women‘s Magic Emerges

According to statistics from ZipRecruiter, only around 13% of modern magicians are women. But as more ladies unleash their magical talents, terminology has slowly shifted as well:

  • The terms "magician" and "illusionist" are now commonly used for practitioners of any gender.

  • Whimsical, "magical girl" terms like enchantress, sorceress, and witch are being reclaimed and used proudly by many women.

  • New creations like "prestidigitrix" put a fresh spin on traditional lingo. A presitidigitator performs magic tricks, while the "trix" ending feminizes it with a fun, modern vibe.

So in 2024, female magicians have more options than ever when it comes to titles. While traditional terminology still holds power, women continuously defy stereotypes by adopting our own interpretations of mystical titles.

Personally, as a passionate gamer, I love seeing female characters proudly wield forbidden magic, heal with mysterious potions, and discover ancient enchantments once locked away from women. It brings the fantasy worlds I adore to life and opens new realms of imagination.

The Future: Will More Inclusive Titles Emerge?

As the number of female magicians rise, I speculate we may see terminology shift once more. What will the new generation of talented magic girls call themselves?

Here are some possibilities:

Magical Titles Removed from Gender

Rather than "sorcerer/sorceress", perhaps we‘ll simply use "sorcerer" or terms like "mage" for all genders. This removes implications that men and women must wield magic differently.

Descriptors Added to Existing Titles

A "female magician" or "lady illusionist" defines a woman‘s version without requiring separate terminology.

Whimsical, Empowering Neologisms

Following in the footsteps of "prestidigitrix", creators may coin new words celebrating magic women in fun and commanding ways. Perhaps a word fusing "wizard", "mystic" and "heroine"? The possibilities are endless.

While predictions are uncertain, I‘m thrilled to see shining stars and rising talents demolish stereotypes, whatever they may call themselves. As gaming and magic alike become more inclusive, I‘ll cheer on creative terminology like inventive gameplay mechanics – with imagination and innovation, who knows what linguistic magic they‘ll conjure!

Now you know the scoop on what female magicians are called, both in history and today. So next time you encounter a mystical lady weaving wonders, you can properly address her magical majesty!

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