What is a female octopus called?

You may have heard me rant before about how octopuses seem designed to be awesome video game opponents. Well, turns out the females take it up a notch!

First things first – a female octopus is known as a “hen”. I know, kind of boring compared to all the other wild stuff coming up. Let’s get to it!

Mating Rituals Ripe for Action Sequences

I won’t get too graphic here, but let’s just say octopus mating rituals range from flashy colored displays to aggressive brawls where the male has to subdue an unwilling female before passing her sperm packets. And in some species, the female turns around and eats the male afterwards!

Just imagine these wild scenes playing out underwater set to an epic boss battle soundtrack. It’s perfect video game drama!

The whole process centers around the male’s hectocotylus arm, which stores and delivers sperm:

Octopus SpeciesWeird Mating Ritual Facts
Mimic OctopusMales impersonate other sea creatures during mating display
Giant Pacific OctopusMale mates using detached hectocotylus arm, dies shortly after

Females of some species can even reject unwanted mates by [link]strangling them with their tentacles[/link]. Talk about hardcore!

The Ultimate Sacrifice

But the real video game villainy starts after the female octopus lays her eggs. Like something out of a horror game, she literally gives her life to protect her unhatched young:

  • Lays up to 100,000 eggs and attaches them carefully in her den
  • Blows water over them constantly for weeks to keep them clean and oxygenated
  • Stops hunting and slowly starves to death as the eggs develop
  • Sacrifices herself so the newborns can safely hatch and disperse

I don‘t know about you, but I think this makes the female octopus one of the most dedicated and formidable bosses imaginable. Just imagine trying to get past a weakened, half-crazed octomom defending her lair!

And if she’s anything like [link]real-world octopuses[/link], she’d have plenty of tricks up her sleeves (or tentacles I guess?). Things like:

  • Problem-solving intelligence
  • Sudden skin texture/color changes to camouflage and unsettle
  • Squirting clouds of black ink to disorient predators
  • Squeeze through incredibly narrow spaces by briefly deflating
  • That’s without even getting into far-out speculative abilities around electricity generation, venom, sonic waves, etc. Tons of mutant monster potential!

    So there you have it — the tragic life cycle of the female octopus would lend itself amazingly to a variety of hardcore boss battle gameplay dynamics. Everything from elaborate mating ritual dances to literally fighting a half-dead, ruthlessly protective mother to the death!

    The Ultimate Underwater Encounter Awaits…

    Game developers, are you listening? Because players would LOVE to match wits against creatures with such unique reproductive strategies and unusual abilities!

    Let me know what you think in the comments below. And if you’re looking for more epic gaming inspiration from the sea, let me know! Mother Nature seems to have gamification down to an art.


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