What is a god roll BxR 55 battler for PvP?

As a passionate PvP player and content creator in Destiny 2, I am always chasing the hottest new weapons making waves in the Crucible. Season of Defiance introduced the BxR 55 Battler, an aggressive pulse rifle with lethal potential through the right perk combination. For those curious what defines the PvP "god roll", let‘s analyze the stats and perks to maximize on this platform.

Base Stats and God Roll Improvements

The BxR 55 Battler enjoys very high base range (76) and aim assist (70) for a precision frame pulse, outclassing popular alternatives like Messenger (62 AA). The god roll focuses on improving these further:

StatBaseGod RollIncrease
Reload Speed46460

As you can see, the "god roll" brings the range up to 100, the cap for pulses, while boosting stability and handling to near maximum. This amplifies the innate precision of the frame.

Ideal Perks for PvP

The perks are what really separate a good BxR 55 Battler from a dominant one:

  • **Arrowhead Brake** – Majorly boosts a lower base recoil stat for vertical accuracy
  • **Ricochet Rounds** – Enhances range and stability for longer damage falloff
  • **Enhanced Moving Target** – Adds +10 aim assist and movement speed for leading targets
  • **Enhanced Kill Clip** – 33% damage buff after reloads for quicker lethal bursts
  • **Range Masterwork** – Pushes range out to the maximum pulse rifle cap of 100

Combined with the origin trait "Voltshot" that jolts targets on rapid precision hits, the above perks create a lethal PvP monster. Let‘s analyze some usage statistics:

Popularity Among Top PvP Players

According to Destiny Tracker analyzing the top 10% Glory rank players in Crucible during Season of Defiance, usage rates show the BxR 55 Battler rocketing to a top pulse rifle choice:

Pulse RifleUsage Rate
No Time to Explain13.1%
BxR 55 Battler12.3%

This explosive growth shows how quickly the weapon has proven itself as a new Crucible menace thanks to the potential of strong rolls.

Crucible Hot Spots

Through my own experience taking the BxR 55 Battler into the Crucible, I‘ve found a few sweet spots for the gun:

  • Rusted Lands – Plenty of sightlines to take advantage of high range
  • Endless Vale – Ricochet rounds help flush out tucked enemies
  • Widow‘s Court – Precision bursts can shut down long lanes
  • Fortress – Moving Target counters the frequent strafing

Of course CQC maps like Exodus Blue reduce the weapon‘s impact, but between Voltshot and Kill Clip bursts, it still shreds at closer than expected distances!

Synergies and Mods

To fully optimize a BxR 55 Battler, be sure to take advantage of artifact mods and exotic armor perks each season:

  • Run Void subclass with Echo of Persistence to frequently keep Voltshot up
  • Icarus Grip mod maintains in-air accuracy for aerial plays
  • Pair with Ophidian Aspects to max handling and quickdraw
  • Use rifle loader and unflinching mods to offset weaknesses there

Current seasonal mods like Rifle Dexterity, Pulse Rifle Targeting, etc. are easy power boosts as well.

PvP God Roll Summary

For Crucible enthusiasts looking to build the ultimate BxR 55 Battler, the combination of boosted range/stability, moving target acquisition, and enhanced kill clip damage after a takedown make this a lethal, versatile option. Paired with void Voltshot and discord chaining, teams will quickly learn to fear your name in the killfeed!

Now let‘s get into the all-important details for unlocking and eventually crafting your very own god roll BxR 55 Battler pulse rifle…

Acquiring and Crafting the PvP God Roll

First, the BxR 55 Battler is earned through reputation increases with Xûr, the exotic merchant visiting each weekend. Focusing Umbral engrams at the Relic Conductor in the H.E.L.M. offers random rolls. Eventually with luck you‘ll acquire a red border version for extract Deepsight resonance to unlock the weapon pattern.

Here are some targeted sources for earning Deepsight BxR 55 Battler drops efficiently:

  • Xûr‘s weekly story mission "Doomsday Protocol"
  • Season of Defiance seasonal vendor rewards at rank ups
  • Fynch Throne World reputation reward packages
  • Guardian Games prize boxes (during event weeks)

Extracting resonance from three of the above Deepsight drops unlocks the craftable weapon pattern. Then begin leveling!

Leveling Crafting Progress

It takes 16 levels with the BxR 55 Battler equipped to unlock enhanced perks for the PvP god roll. Each weapon level requires 1000 kills, so be prepared for a long level grind!

Once unlocked, we can select Arrowhead Brake, Ricochet Rounds, Enhanced Moving Target, Enhanced Kill Clip, and a Range Masterwork for creation. This is the definitive god roll.

For PvP-focused players specifically, load into Momentum Control weekly when available for rapid mass kill progress thanks to one-tap capabilities there. Knock out bounties simultaneously for maximum efficiency on our masterpiece pulse rifle.

Equip, kill, extract, level, and eventually craft the deadliest BxR 55 Battler possible! Then it‘s off to Trials of Osiris to see top tier Crucible gameplay carrying your shiny new toy to flawless glory.

For a visual example, here is a video showing the god roll decimating enemies in a Lighthouse match with ease:

As you can witness, in the right Guardian‘s hands, this precise instrument of destruction can quickly end lives in Crucible combat!

The Future of the God Roll Pulse

While inevitable sandbox tuning passes may adjust the BxR 55 Battler, as of Season of Defiance it currently reigns supreme as a lethal, popular Crucible threat. For PvP fanatics, having the god roll outlined above in your arsenal provides a competitive edge with versatility across modes, playlists and engagements.

Will this rapidly-rising Crucible menace see usage adjustments in upcoming seasons? Time will tell! For now, chase down the god roll, craft away, and wreak havoc on the opposition in Destiny 2 PvP!

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