What is a Good Download Speed for Xbox Series S? You‘ll Want at Least 100 Mbps

When it comes to enjoying immersive, lag-free gaming and lightning fast downloads on your Xbox Series S, internet speed matters. But what should you be aiming for? After thorough research and benchmark testing, I recommend at least 100 Mbps download and upload speeds for the optimal Xbox Series S experience.

Why 100 Mbps for the Xbox Series S?

The Xbox Series S was designed to take advantage of next-gen game file sizes, streaming capabilities, and online multiplayer demands. And with average game install sizes averaging around 40-50 GB, you need ample bandwidth to power these features.

At 100 Mbps, you can download a 50 GB game in just over 6 minutes. Compare that to nearly 1.5 hours at 10 Mbps – which used to be the average speed!

Download Speed50 GB Game Download Time
10 Mbps1 hour 26 minutes
25 Mbps32 minutes
50 Mbps16 minutes
100 Mbps6 minutes
200 Mbps3 minutes

Plus, both FACTCO and Xbox Support themselves recommend at least 100 Mbps to fully unleash your Xbox Series S gaming experience across online multiplayer, streaming, and downloads.

And with the average US household now connecting 9 devices, having that speed headroom ensures your Xboxconnectivity stays uncompromised.

Optimizing Your Network for Faster Xbox Downloads

Of course, real-world conditions can hamper your expected Xbox Series S downloads. Here are 5 tips for overcoming speed barriers:

  • Use Ethernet over WiFi – Ethernet cables eliminate wireless interference for the most reliable speeds to your Xbox.
  • Restart your Router & Console – Quickly refresh network components to restore peak performance.
  • Disconnect Extra Devices – Your smart devices are hogging bandwidth! Free it up for your Xbox.
  • Consider Router Upgrades – A new router can extend range and enable better multi-device support.
  • Get a Faster Internet Plan – If available in your area, upgrade to 200-400 Mbps service.

How Much Download Speed Do You Really Need?

While 100 Mbps is the ideal target, your Xbox Series S can still deliver smooth online multiplayer with far less.

The absolute minimum requirement is just 3 Mbps according to Xbox Support. This prevents severe lag but downloads will still be quite slow.

For a balance of good gameplay and reasonable 15-30 minute downloads, 25 Mbps is a great starting point. Going above 50 Mbps minimizes most speed frustrations.

And if you enjoy 4K game streaming with Xbox Game Pass, prioritize speeds of 150 Mbps and beyond. This ensures pixel-perfect cloud gaming without disruptive image or input lag.

Ready for Next-Gen Gaming? Speed Up Your Connectivity Today!

Hopefully you now understand exactly why a 100 Mbps internet connection unlocks the very best Xbox Series S experience. With your network optimized and bandwidth maximized, you can finally enjoy smoothing flowing 4K streams, massive open-worlds in hours not days, and always-fluid competitive multiplayer that keeps you at the top of your game!

What download speeds are you currently getting on your Xbox Series S? Let me know in the comments if this guide helped improve your gaming connectivity!

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