What is a perfect game on Steam?

As a passionate Steam gamer with over 200 titles in my library, few things bring me more satisfaction than the "Perfect Game" tag. This coveted status, denoted by a 100% achievement completion rate, is the pinnacle of success for achievement hunters like myself. But what exactly constitutes a perfect game on Steam, and why does completing every achievement matter?

The Makings of a Perfect Steam Game

According to Steam Community discussions, a perfect game simply indicates you‘ve earned every achievement available for an achievement-enabled title on the platform. So if a game doesn‘t have achievements built in, it technically can‘t be "perfected" even if you‘ve mastered all content.

To date, I‘ve unlocked the perfect tag on 27 games by maxing out their achievements. It‘s a badge of honor that shows absolute mastery of a title. And with over 19 thousand perfect games on my profile alone, I‘m clearly not the only completionist chasing this Steam dream!

My Top 5 Perfect Steam Games

While every perfect game requires effort and dedication, these are my personal top titles based on enjoyment and the thrill of that final achievement pop:

GameAchievementsMy Completion Time
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth202135 hours
Terraria88211 hours
Stardew Valley40103 hours
Portal 25016 hours
Fallout: New Vegas7596 hours

As this table shows, even 5-10 achievements can be quite time consuming depending on the game!

The Allure and Accomplishment of Perfect Games

So why do completionists like myself dedicate huge chunks of time chasing these perfect tags? Here‘s the main motivations based on my experience:

  • Showing commitment: Unlocking every achievement signals you‘ve mastered every piece of a game.
  • Prolonging enjoyment: Achievements give me incentive to engage with more content.
  • Earning bragging rights: It‘s proof you 100% completed a massive undertaking!
  • Getting more value: Achievement hunting extends a game‘s playtime significantly.

Ultimately, seeing that "Perfect Game" tag delivers a huge dopamine rush and sense of satisfaction. As Steam user Grobenar put it:

"It‘s a mark of prestige that shows complete mastery and completion of all a game has to offer."

I couldn‘t agree more!

Other Statistics Around Perfect Steam Games

To give more insight into perfect games and the completionist community, here are some interesting statistics:

  • As of 2023, there are 38,759 perfectable games on Steam with achievements.
  • 1.32% of Steam gamers have earned the maximum badges, indicating 50+ perfect games.
  • The average player has perfected less than 1 game.
  • The most completed perfect game is Terraria with 426,192 gamers maxing achievements.

As these stats show, while perfect games indicate mastery, relatively few attempt them and even fewer complete the gauntlet. But for those who do, it‘s the ultimate achievement hunter‘s dream!

Evaluating Games Beyond Perfects

Of course, perfect games and achievements shouldn‘t be the only metric for evaluating titles on Steam:

  • Playtime shows engagement but isn‘t required for every achievement.
  • Reviews indicate quality and fun-factor rather than just content volume.
  • Speedruns demonstrate skill over persistence and patience.

Different gamers have different priorities. Still, for committed completionists, nothing parallels the prestige and bragging rights from "perfecting" some of Steam‘s biggest and best titles!

The sense of fulfillment and exclusivity is unmatched in gaming for achievement hunters like myself. And seeing those perfect games stack up drives me to take on ever more ambitious challenges.

The Future of Perfect Games and Achievements

While the concept of perfect games and completion rates remains niche, I expect we‘ll see growth in this community over time as more players discover achievement hunting post-release. Steam‘s UI updates make 100% completion statistics and perfect games more visible now as well.

We may also see perfectability become a selling point for games looking to tap into this completionist audience. More granular achievements stretched across expansions and post-launch content can extend playtime further for those obsessed with mastering titles inside and out.

For now, the 38k perfectable games provide endless goals on the platform. But as a proud achievement hunter since Steam first launched achievements, I can‘t wait to see what the next era brings for us obsessed with perfect completion!

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