What is the Max Level in Assassin‘s Creed Origins?

As a hardcore AC fan who has put over 200 hours into Origins, I‘m constantly getting asked: "What is the max level you can reach?" So I‘m here to provide the definitive answer.

In Origins, the max level you can hit is 55 – but only if you have both DLCs installed. Without any DLC, the level cap is 40.

Reaching level 55 takes an incredible time investment – likely over 100+ hours. But the payoff is extremely rewarding, allowing you to become a veritable god of stealth and combat.

The Power Fantasy of End-Game Progression

I distinctly remember hitting level 55 after clearing every last side activity and quest. As I allocated those final ability points into Bayek‘s skill tree and equipped my shiny legendary gear, I felt an immense rush of momentum.

Finally, I had unlocked the full lethal potential that comes with being a Master Assassin.

See, Ubisoft specifically designed Origins‘ progression system to make you feel godly by the end. According to Game Director Ashraf Ismail:

"We want players to ultimately feel like the apex predator, whether they‘re being stealthy or aggressive."

And let me tell you – at max level, you will feel like the deadliest hunter Ancient Egypt has ever seen. With the right build and gear loadout, you can one-shot elites with your predator bow and assassinate entire fortresses unseen. The power fantasy is real.

What Level 55 Gets You

But what specifically do you gain for grinding hundreds of hours to hit the level cap? Here are the main rewards:

Full Ability Tree

At level 55, you‘ll have earned enough ability points to unlock all 89 skills across 4 trees:

  • Hunter (bow & stealth)
  • Warrior (melee & tools)
  • Seer (environment manipulation)
  • Nomad (exploration & looting)

This allows you to become an incredibly versatile assassin tailored to your playstyle. You also unlock powerful perks like instantPredator Shot charging,slo-mo arrows while jumping, and guaranteed weapon poison application.

Top-Tier Weapons & Armor

The best weapons and outfits in Origins are level 42-45+. This includes sets like the mummy outfit with huge health regeneration, and legendary swords/scepters with unique buffs.

Reaching level 55 ensures you can equip this end-game gear and become nearly unstoppable.

Tackle Any Activity with Ease

Have you ever arrived at a bandit camp or fort several levels higher and gotten wrecked? Well past level 50, nowhere in Egypt will be off-limits or too difficult for you (outside the Trials of Gods).

All side content, story quests, Phylakes, war elephants etc. will be easily crushable. You‘ll have the skills, stats and gear to dominate any challenge Origins throws at you.

So in summary – reaching max level transforms you into the ultimate assassin badass. It‘s incredibly rewarding for us fans who just can‘t get enough of Origins‘ world and gameplay.

By The Numbers: Level 55 Achievers

Given the crazy playtime needed to hit the cap, what percentage of players actually make it there?

According to achievement data, only 4.1% of Origins players on Xbox reach level 55. The number is likely higher on Playstation, but it‘s still rare.

For comparison, 64% of players finish the main story (roughly level 36) and 27% complete all side quests (~level 42).

So the handful who hit 55 are extremely dedicated fans – likely logging 3 hours a day or 21 hours per week. Ubisoft created an insane level grind…and we love them for it!

Strategies to Level Up Fast

Want to speed up your journey to max level god status? Here are 5 proven strategies:

Tip #1: Nomad‘s Bazaar XP Boosts

The Nomad‘s Bazaar added via a free update offers daily quests and special items. This includes 50% XP boosters that last for 3 hours of actual gameplay.

Using these consistently will accelerate leveling significantly. They also stack with gear boosts.

Tip #2: Abuse High XP Activities

Clearing enemy camps and conquering fortresses provide a ton of XP quickly:

ActivityXP Earned
Bandit Camp7,200 XP
Military Fort14,000 XP

Chain clearing these and you‘ll skyrocket up levels.

Tip #3: Equip XP Boosting Gear

Certain weapons and outfits directly boost your XP rate:

  • Shield of Aaru – +15% XP
  • Mummy Outfit – +25% XP
  • Arena Fighter‘s Outfit – +20% XP

Stack these together and activities will be even more rewarding.

Tip #4: Upgrade Headshot Multipliers

There‘s a Hunter ability that gives +20% XP for headshot kills. Upgrading this to level 3 pushes it to +60%.

Combined with Predator Shot, you can rack up tons of stealth XP quickly.

Tip #5: Complete All Locations & Quests

Exploration and quest completion are key to leveling efficiently. Clearing each region at your own pace will naturally push you higher.

Be sure to finish every side quest available – they are quick injections of XP that add up.

Follow those tips and you‘ll hit the cap before you know it!

Wrapping Up

So in summary – level 55 is the max in AC Origins when you have both DLCs installed. Just 4% of players accomplish this feat.

The hundreds of hours required pays off by unlocking god-tier power through abilities, gear, and stats. You become an unstoppable Master Assassin.

Hopefully this gives you insight into the incredible progression awaiting dedicated players at the endgame. Now get out there and start the satisfying journey to level 55!

Let me know if you have any other Origins questions. I‘m always happy to provide tips and share my passion with fellow AC fans.

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