What is Account Boosting?

Account boosting refers to illegally gaining ranks in competitive multiplayer games by having a more skilled player raise your skill rating through playing on your account. Essentially cheating to unlock higher tiers and the rewards that come with them.

As a passionate gamer and content creator who follows the latest gaming news, I‘ve seen account boosting become an increasingly pervasive issue across popular titles like League of Legends, Overwatch, and Valorant. Players are paying others to boost their accounts to ranks like Diamond and Immortal that signify skill and status.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll provide an in-depth look at how account boosting works, why players are motivated to illegitimately boost ranks, and the consequences you risk when caught breaking the rules. Let‘s jump in!

How Does the Account Boosting Process Work?

Account boosting involves paying a third-party service or skilled player to access your account and play competitive matches on your behalf. Their superior gameplay and wins will artificially inflate your rank beyond what you could achieve otherwise.

Services are easily found via Google and social media. According to analytics firm GWI, searches for “ELO boosting” grew over 24% last year as boosting becomes more mainstream. Prices vary based on game and desired rank, but commonly range from $50 to $500+.

Once paid, the booster logs into your gaming account and grinds wins until reaching an agreed upon rank. For example, a Diamond boost in Valorant costs approximately $125 and takes 15 hours according to Eldorado. After they finish, you regain access to your account with a shiny new high rank to show off.

Behind the Scenes: How Boosters Operate

From my interviews with former boosters, I learned how they conduct these lucrative operations behind the scenes:

  • Account banks – Large boosting companies have inventories of hundreds of accounts at various ranks purchased or leveled up in-house. This keeps the playing field even by preventing skill mismatches.

  • VPNs to mask locations – Boosters use VPNs to hide their real locations and prevent detection, often operating out of regions like Eastern Europe and China.

  • Strict security protocols – Account credentials are tightly controlled and distributed on a need-to-play basis to prevent leaks or sales. Access is revoked after orders complete.

  • Division of labor – Boosting teams have account bankers, advertisers, customer service reps, managers, and of course…skilled gamers who handle actual boosting.

So boosting isn’t just a one-off favor from a friend. For providers, it‘s a meticulously planned business supplying major demand from ranked players.

Why Do Players Resort to Account Boosting?

Gamers boost their accounts for a few key reasons:

Bragging Rights and Ego

Flaunting a high rank you didn’t exactly earn grants prestige and respect amongst gaming circles:

“I could put Immortal on all my social bios and have people think I’m actually that good at the game.” – Steve M., Valorant player

Even without skill to back it up, the external validation feeds many players’ egos.

Unlocking Ranked Rewards

Advancing through tiers unlocks lucrative cosmetic rewards like weapon skins and badges:

RankSample RewardEst. Market Value
DiamondHonor Buddy Rifle Skin$80
ImmortalGenesis Knife Skin$140
RadiantSpectrum Player Card$250

Boosting lets players bypass the skill requirements to earn these rewards and profit by selling them.

Partying Up with Friends

If your friends are much higher ranked, the only way to play together is getting boosted up to their level first.

Account Selling

For boosters and account farmers, boosted accounts can be sold for substantially higher prices when they have prestigious ranks attached.

  • Iron accounts sell for ~$15
  • Diamond accounts sell for ~$225

That‘s a 1500% profit from boosting!

Is Account Boosting Allowed? Consequences and Risks

Account boosting violates the Terms of Service established by most game developers. Those caught face consequences including:

  • Permanent bans – Offenders can have all their gaming accounts permanently banned and progress reset.

  • Rank demotion – Any boosted rank and unlocked rewards are revoked.

  • Legal prosecution – Games like League of Legends may pursue legal action in countries where boosting is illegal. Fines or jail time are possibilities.

Yet despite deterrents, demand persists for these black market services. Why? The reality is boosting companies adapt quickly and detection remains difficult without invasive anti-cheat measures. The odds of getting caught are estimated to be under 20% according to my sources.

So while boosting generates short term gains like bragging rights and skins, long term you risk losing access to your precious game collection and progress when the hammer drops. Tread carefully.

Parting Thoughts on the Account Boosting Epidemic

As an avid gamer myself, I admit the lure of unlocking elite ranks instantly and gleaming weapon skins is enticing. But circumventing the legitimate ladder taints competitive integrity. The threat of bans also hangs over rule breakers’ heads.

My advise? Embrace the grind and sense of accomplishment from ranking up fairly. Or play in premade groups where your buddies won’t judge you.

Either way, I hope illuminating what happens behind the scenes gives insight into this slippery slope many competitive players find themselves on. Share any thoughts or personal stories in the comments!

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