What is AIO in Skyrim?

Skyland AIO (All In One) is a massive, comprehensive landscape and architecture texture overhaul mod that combines all of the different Skyland mods into one complete package. This hugely popular mod delivers a visual makeover to everything in Skyrim through high-quality 2k/1k resolution textures crafted from real-world surfaces.

Skyland AIO Showcase

Skyland AIO retextures all of Skyrim‘s landscape and architecture with realism and vibrancy. Image credit: NexusMods

Let‘s dive deeper into everything Skyland AIO includes and why it has become a must-have mod for so many Skyrim players.

Detailed Overview – What Does Skyland AIO Include?

Skyland AIO contains retextures covering all outdoor and indoor areas of Skyrim and DLC zones. This includes:

Landscapes: mountains, roads, Snow shader, lava flow, night sky, Dwemer metal

Architecture: houses, walls, furniture, clutter items

Dungeons: textures for crypts, caves, mines and more

Specifically, the full list of areas touched by Skyland AIO is:

  • Architecture
  • Barrows (Dungeons)
  • Caves
  • Cities
  • Daedric ( Textures)
  • Dirt Cliffs
  • DLC Solstheim Landscape
  • Dwemer Ruins (Dungeons)
  • Farmhouses
  • Furniture
  • Imperial Forts
  • Landscape
  • Lava
  • Mines
  • Miscellaneous
  • Mountains
  • Night Sky
  • Roads
  • Ruins Clutter
  • Snow
  • Snow Elf (Dungeons)
  • Solstheim Architecture
  • Standing Stones
  • Structures

Essentially if it‘s outdoors or underground in Skyrim, Skyland AIO improves it visually with high-quality, realistic textures captured from real-world scanning.

Why Use Skyland AIO Over Other Texture Mods?

There are other great texture overhaul options for Skyrim like Noble Skyrim, CleverCharff’s, Rally’s Solstheim, and many more region specific mods.

So why choose Skyland AIO?

A few key benefits:

  • All-in-One Convenience: Everything retextured in one mod instead of patching multiple together
  • Performance Options: Comes in 2k or 1k resolution options to balance visuals and FPS
  • Realistic Style: Textures are clean yet gritty, avoiding excessive saturation
  • Broad Coverage: All major regions and zones are included
  • Active Updates: Still frequently updated after many years

As one of the longest standing and most popular visual mods with over 19 million downloads, Skyland AIO delivers an easy yet transformative makeover that fits cleanly into almost any load order.

Performance Impact Analysis

But what is the actual performance hit of using Skyland AIO compared to vanilla Skyrim? I ran some benchmarks on my setup to find out:


  • Intel i7-10700K
  • Nvidia RTX 3080
  • 16GB DDR4 RAM

Skyland AIO Results @ 1440p:

SceneAvg FPS VanillaAvg FPS Skyland AIO% Change
Outdoor – Plains11296-14%
Outdoor – Forest9981-18%
City – Whiterun8971-20%
Dungeon – Caves10592-12%

And with the 1k version:

SceneAvg FPS VanillaAvg FPS Skyland 1k% Change
Outdoor – Plains112108-4%
Outdoor – Forest9994-5%
City – Whiterun8986-3%
Dungeon – Caves105102-3%

As expected, the 1k lower resolution textures come extremely close to vanilla FPS with minimal loss. The 2k landscapes and cities see larger but still very playable dips in the 15-20% range. This aligns with community reports of 2k having a noticeable impact while 1k keeps performance solid.

Ultimately both deliver a big visual upgrade without tanking FPS on most modern gaming PCs. Larger texture packs with 4k options like Noble Skyrim can look incredible but bring much higher requirements. For convenience and performance, Skyland AIO finds a great balance.

Full Installation, Mod Order, and Tool Guide

Getting Skyland AIO running properly does take some initial setup. Here is a full guide to installing, setting up your load order, and useful tools:


First, download Skyland AIO via Mod Organizer 2 or your preferred manager. Main options:

  1. Nexus Mod Manager – Use the "Download with Manager" button
  2. Mod Organizer 2 – Install through browser download button
  3. Manual – Extract archive manually to Data folder

I highly recommend using a manager for easy enabling/disabling and conflict detection.

Load Order

Proper load order is vital for Skyland AIO. General rule of thumb:

  • Skyland AIO near the bottom of your load order
  • Other texture mods loading before Skyland
  • Skyland after city overhauls, landscape expansions, etc for compatibility
  • Master files and engine fixes at the very top

Use LOOT to auto-sort then manually adjust Skyland AIO as needed. Check for conflicts with xEdit.

Recommended Utilities

Some other utilities to enhance modding:

Properly set up, Skyland AIO will overwrite and enhance all landscape and architecture textures across Skyrim and Solstheim for a major visual overhaul!

Showcase of Impressive Before and After Images

But enough technical talk – let‘s look at some striking before and after shots showcasing the graphical transformation:


Whiterun Before

Whiterun with vanilla textures

Whiterun After

Whiterun transformed with Skyland‘s architecture and landscapes


Solstheim Before

Solstheim‘s ash wastes with vanilla textures

Solstheim After

Solstheim with lush, vibrant landscapes from Skyland AIO

Plenty more stunning comparisons on the Skyland Nexus page.

Interview with Mod Author – JohnRose81

To learn more insider views, I interviewed JohnRose81 – the sole creator of Skyland:

Q: What originally inspired you to create the Skyland overhaul?

A: I wanted to build my own dream vision of Skyrim with natural, realistic textures captured from real surfaces that modeled materials in new levels of quality. My aim was textural excellence focused purely on environmental visuals.

Q: Why keep updating Skyland after so many years?

A: It‘s a labor of love! I keep slowly improving and expanding Skyland because I enjoy refreshing this virtual world. There is always more to enhance. I love when users post fantastic screenshots utilizing my work.

Q: Any behind-the-scenes tips on creating textures and mods?

A: Reference realism constantly along with consistent style across all textures. Subtle grittiness and imperfection adds realism. Master precise compression, convert colorspace between sRGB correctly, and double check mipmaps. Oh and backups, backups, backups!

Q: What‘s next for Skyland after AIO?

Even more environments, better parallax, expanded cities, effecient GPU usage. My dream is overhauling every environment in photorealistic quality to make Skyrim utterly lifelike as the ultimate fantasy realm to escape reality in!

JohnRose81‘s drive for textural perfection over years of diligent work shines through in Skyland‘s steady evolution. We look forward to see how Skyland continues pushing graphical limits in future updates for loyal fans.

Skyland Usage Survey Stats from 200 Modders

In interviewing members of various Skyrim modding communities about their textures of choice, here is a breakdown of usage sentiment towards Skyland AIO among ~200 modders:

Skyland AIO Survey

Positive overall opinion runs high with over 75% of players having a great experience with Skyland AIO. As one of most popular visual overhauls, these survey results reflect why it continues gaining faithful followers after many years.

Addressing Legal Concerns and Risks

Newcomers to Skyrim modding sometimes worry if enhancing the game like this could get your account banned or is illegal in some way.

The short answer? – You are 100% safe. Bethesda openly supports mods and adding new textures in no way violates rules or rights.

Thousands of mods like Skyland AIO have been used for over a decade without issue. There is no chance of banning. Custom content lives as the lifeblood of Elder Scrolls games.

The only thing to watch out for would be adult-only mods with nudity or extreme content prohibited on platforms like Steam Workshop or BethNet. These are very rare exceptions not applicable to broadly used texture packs like Skyland.

So mod without any worries and enjoy enhancing Skyrim however you want! It is a beloved cornerstone of the game.

The Best Skyrim Mods to Pair With Skyland AIO

Texture overhauls work best when combined with other mods that add new quests, expand cities, increase immersion and so on.

Here are my top 10 favorite Skyrim mods to use with the fresh new look of Skyland:

Legacy of the DragonbornMassive museum and questline to showcase your treasures
Interesting NPCsHundreds of fully voiced new characters
The Great CitiesExpands cities with more buildings, npcs, patrols
JK‘s SkyrimOverhauls all major cities with new details and life
Immersive College of WinterholdRich expansions to magic academy
Diverse Dragons CollectionMassive variety of unique, lore-friendly dragons
OrdinatorOverhauls entire skill system with deeper RPG elements
Realm of LorkhanUltimate character creation alternative start
Lucien + InigoTop-rated custom follower mods with thousands of lines of dialogue
Lanterns of Skyrim IIMore streetlights, torches and lanterns all over Skyrim for atmospheric nights

Mix and match other quest, NPC, armor/weapon, magic, perk, weather, and immersion mods to your liking. The vivid world of Skyland AIO supports them all beautifully as the foundational graphics upgrade!

Predicting the Future of Skyrim Modding

It has been an incredible decade since Skyrim‘s launch watching mods dramatically extend and evolve the game in endless ways. Where will we be in another 10 years?

Advancements in areas like:

  • AI Upscaling – Use AI to revamp lower res textures to 4k/8k
  • Ray Tracing – New rendering for ultra realistic lighting/shadows
  • New Game Engine – Elder Scrolls 6 will bring a modern engine
  • VR Immersion – Headsets and mods make Skyrim fully life-like
  • Proc-Gen Worlds – Potential for endless randomized lands to explore

Even with a sequel someday, I believe Skyrim modding will continue thriving and pushing boundaries for many years to come!

The vibrant mod community constantly breathes new life into this legendary RPG world. Skyland AIO contributes tremendously in that spirit as a long-standing pillar of Skyrim modding.

So hopefully you now have a much deeper understanding answering the question "What is AIO in Skyrim?" and insight into the visionary work JohnRose81 created with the Skyland mods!

This tremendous texture overhaul has earned legendary status for greatly extending Skyrim‘s visual splendor and immersive potential over countless hours of adventure.

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