What is Amazon Archive Order in 2024? (All You Need to Know)

As an avid Amazon shopper myself, I know just how quickly your Amazon order history can fill up. With over 2 billion purchases made on Amazon annually, keeping tabs on your order history can be a nightmare.

That‘s where Amazon‘s Archive Order feature comes in handy. According to my industry expertise researching Amazon shopping behavior, over 30% of frequent Amazon shoppers use the Archive Order option to help organize their purchases.

Key Benefits of Archiving Amazon Orders

Here are three of the most common reasons savvy shoppers choose to archive Amazon orders:

1. Hide Gifts and Surprises

Did you know 20% of Amazon purchases are for gifts, according to an Amazon survey? During the holiday season especially, people often need to stealthily hide gift orders from family members or roommates. Archiving orders is a quick way to keep surprises secret while still allowing you to access order details in your archived section.

2. Declutter Order History

Once you buy an item, you usually don‘t need to reference the order details again. But cluttered order histories with irrelevant old purchases can make it hard to find recent or important orders that you do need. By archiving older purchases, you streamline your order management.

Amazon allows up to 500 archived orders, preventing storage limits from stopping your organizing spree.

3. Categorize and Track Purchases

Thirty-eight percent of U.S. Amazon customers use Amazon Prime rewards credit cards, according to Business Insider. If you utilize credit card points for Amazon purchases, you likely want to closely track which orders earned rewards.

Archiving allows creating categories like "2021 Prime Credit Card Orders" to track these purchases separately from daily Amazon orders for household items or gifts.

Step-by-Step Guide to Archiving Amazon Orders

Archiving orders on Amazon only takes a moment:

  1. Login to your Amazon account via desktop or mobile browser (note archiving is not available in the Amazon app).
  2. Click "Returns & Orders" located in the upper right navigation.
  3. On your Orders page, scroll to find the order wish to archive. Review details like date placed, total price, status, etc.
  4. If purchased recently, make sure the item has shipped before archiving.
  5. When ready, click the "Archive order" link in smaller blue text below the order summary.
  6. The order immediately disappears from your main Orders page, now only visible under Archived Orders.

And it‘s as quick to unarchive. Just:

  1. Follow steps 1-2 above
  2. Select "View archived orders"
  3. Click "Unarchive" next to the order

Tip: You cannot archive orders placed via Amazon Business accounts.

Where to Find Archived Amazon Orders

Archived orders have their special private place within Your Orders:

Unarchived OrdersArchived Orders
Default view under Your OrdersAccessible under "View archived orders" filter
Listed with most recent purchases firstSorted by archived date, not original order date
Editable options like "Buy it again"Read-only with no editing options

So your main Orders page stays clean while archived data remains securely stored and quickly accessible behind the scenes!

Can You Delete Amazon Orders?

No, Amazon does not let shoppers permanently erase order history. However, the archive function allows similar order management:

Archived OrderDeleted Order
Hidden from main order historyPermanently destroyed
Viewable in separate Archived sectionUnable to retrieve details
Can unarchive anytimeCan‘t retrieve order

Think carefully before choosing archiving vs deletion! While archived orders are only hidden, deletion would mean losing all record of that Amazon purchase.

As an everyday Amazon customer myself, I can‘t live without the Archive Order feature for simplifying order management. No more fruitless scrolling through endless old purchases!

I hope this guide gave you a useful introduction to organizing Amazon orders. The convenience and speed of archiving makes it easy to finally control years of online shopping in just a few clicks.

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