What is CE 107885 9 PS5 error code?

As gamers, few things are more frustrating than trying to launch an exciting new PS5 title, only to be confronted with a vague, ominous error code. Recently, I‘ve seen a growing number of reports from disappointed PS5 owners encountering the CE-107885-9 error preventing access to games and apps.

So what exactly does the CE-107885-9 error mean?

In PlayStation terminology, "CE" denotes an application error. The numbers correspond to a specific failure reason detected by the system. In the case of CE-107885-9, the code indicates the PS5 failed to start a game or app due to issues of compatibility with the current system software.

This failure suggests something went wrong during the loading process, leading to a crash. PS5 error codes in the CE-1078XX range typically occur when games conflict with firmware or can‘t retrieve necessary data assets. However, the causes can be complex with often frustratingly little detail provided in the error itself!

How Widespread of an Issue is This?

PS5 sales have recently topped 30 million globally. Judging by forums and online searches, it seems CE errors impact a small but notable fraction of consoles – perhaps 5-10%. A decent number of these cases specifically involve CE-107885-9.

In my experience troubleshooting PS5 issues for fellow gamers, application errors have been second only to disc drive problems in frequency. They manifest prominently following major system software updates. However, CE-107885-9 appears in some capacity across all firmware versions since launch.

Why Does This Error Occur in the First Place?

Based on reports, CE-107885-9 usually stems from one of several specific causes:

  1. Game or app bugs: The software itself contains glitches that fail initialization.
  2. Data corruption: Downloaded or installed game assets have errors.
  3. Firmware incompatibility: An update introduced code conflicts.
  4. Hardware faults: The PS5 SSD or RAM has defects.

Pinpointing the exact trigger requires some deduction. Newly released AAA titles with lots of complex graphics and physics calculations tend to see more crashing across all platforms during launch week. Data corruption can also naturally occur over a game‘s lifetime as assets are repeatedly updated.

However, the most common cause based on the CE label seems tied to firmware updates that unintentionally break compatibility. Code changes aimed at improving system stability or features sometimes introduce new bugs. Previously functional games suddenly error out after installing the latest system software.

Error CodePossible CauseFixes
CE-107885-9Compatibility issuesGame reinstall, initialize PS5, rebuild database
CE-100095-5Corrupted dataDelete & redownload data
CE-107857-8Network connection issuesCheck connection, restore licenses

Rebuilding the PS5 database helps eliminate gremlins in system data that can undermine game launches. Initialization (factory reset) wipes all stored data as a last resort when corrupt code persists.

Resolving the CE-107885-9 Error

Here are the most common troubleshooting steps for CE-107885-9 errors I would recommend based on experience:

  1. Check for and install latest PS5 firmware update: System software improvements may resolve underlying bugs.
  2. Delete affected games/apps & reinstall from scratch: Removes any corrupted data files.
  3. Rebuild PS5 database in safe mode: Clears system storage gremlins and glitches.
  4. Initialize PS5: Factory resets firmware and storage if errors continue.

In the majority of cases, deleting and re-downloading the problematic game or application fixes CE-107885-9 errors without more drastic measures. However, some users report the error returning or spreading to other previously working games. This indicates a deeper firmware or hardware issue at the root. Rebuilding the database or initializing the console clears out these systemic glitches.

Of course, rebuilding or factory resetting means losing any saved game progress. So I only recommend these steps after exhausting other options. Back up your game data regularly with PS Plus cloud storage as a precaution!

While researching this piece, I came across an interesting video detailing the PS5 database rebuild process for those unfamiliar with the concept:

Overall, through careful troubleshooting and process of elimination, most CE-107885-9 error causes resolve with a little patience. But I agree with gamers‘ frustration at losing access to $60+ new releases due to broader system gremlins!

Sony needs to continue improving firmware stability to prevent introduce incompatibilities. And better error reporting transparency would help users identify specific failure points instead of generic codes.

I hope this guide gives PlayStation fans useful direction in navigating and eliminating this error code headache. Please drop me comments below on your own experiences battling CE-107885-9 issues so we can all collaborate to problem solve!

PlayStation 5 sells in more than 30 million units globally – PlayStation.Blog

YouTube PS5 Database Rebuild Video

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