Custodes – The Cheapest and Mightiest Army in Warhammer 40k

As a Warhammer 40k hobbyist and gaming content creator, one of the most common questions I get from new players is: "What is the most cost-effective army to start collecting?"

My answer, without fail, is always the Adeptus Custodes.

Why Custodes Are the Cheapest Competitive 40k Army

Let‘s crunch some numbers.

For a standard 2000 point Custodes list you need:

  • 2 HQ Characters (~$60 each): $120
  • 3 Units of Troops (~$60 each): $180
  • 1 Elite Unit (~$60): $60

Total Cost: $360

Yes, a full Custodes army costs around $350-400 total.

To put that into perspective, a 2000 point force of Space Marines or Chaos Space Marines costs roughly $850-950. And horde armies like Imperial Guard or Tyranids can be $1000+ easily.

The biggest reason Custodes are so affordable comes down to their higher points per model ratio.

A single basic Custodian Guard troop model is 50 points. Compare that to something like an Imperial Guardsman which is just 4 points.

This means you need far less Custodes models on the tabletop to play. And your entire army carries an enormous amount of in-game power relative to its size.

Below is a typical battlion detachment for Custodes:

UnitModelsPoints$ Cost
Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike1160$37
Custodian Guard6300$60
Vertus Praetors3150$60
Total10 Models610 Points$157

As a gaming content creator, whenever I post images of my elite but mighty Custodes armies on Instagram, I invariably get comments like:

"That‘s it? Just 10 models for 610 points? That‘s crazy!"

It sure is! And it‘s a big part of why I always recommend Custodes to new 40k players looking to start collecting without breaking the bank.

Why Are Custodes So Expensive on a Per-Model Basis?

As the Emperor of Mankind‘s personal guardians, the Custodes represent the absolute peak of genetic engineering and military training the Imperium can produce.

Every Custodian is hand-crafted to be a consummate living weapon – stronger, tougher, faster than even a Space Marine. Their Guardian Spears can cut through armor with ease while their armor can shrug off anti-tank weapons. Plus, centuries if not millennia of combat experience honed into instinct.

Tabletop-wise, this elite status translates into excellent weapon skill, high toughness, good armor saves, and multiple wounds per model.

In other words – they dish out the hurt in combat but are extremely difficult to take down. And with Character protections allowing "Look Out Sir!" saves, even their leaders are hardy.

Here‘s a stat line comparison:

Custodian Guard8"2+2+5533102+
Assault Intercessor6"3+3+442283+

I could dig even deeper into their weapon profiles, army-wide rules like Shield Hosts, Stratagems etc. But the stats speak for themselves – on an individual level, Custodes outclass basic Space Marines and most other standard infantry in the game.

Hence why even a 10 model Custodes force can dish out and absorb a ton of damage each turn!

Painting Custodes for Beginners

While painting gleaming golden Custodes takes some skill, don‘t let that intimidate you!

Here is the process I used when starting out:

  1. Prime Black
  2. Basecoat Retributor Armour Gold Spray
  3. Heavy Wash with Reikland Fleshshade
  4. Layer Gold Areas with Liberator Gold
  5. Edge Highlight with Stormhost Silver
  6. Paint other Details like Weapons, Gems, Cloaks

I also have guides on Painting Capes, Painting Gems etc to take your models to the next level. But you can get a great tabletop standard with just those 5 steps!

Here is an example Custodian Guard I painted using this simplified method:

example painted custodian guard

While not Golden Demon quality, he looks pretty good for just a few layers!

Other Cheap Starter Armies for Beginners

While Custodes are my top pick, they certainly aren‘t the only affordable way to dip your toes into the 41st millennium!

Space Marines – with the 9th edition update and focus on smaller scale engagement, marines are in a great spot power-wise. Their Combat Patrol sets offer fantastic value at just $140 dollars.

Necrons – It‘s hard to beat hordes of soulless killer robots if you love sci-fi! What‘s more, Necrons are stupidly easy to paint with main color being metallic. A starter force will set you back just $180-220.

Grey Knights – If you like the elite playstyle of Custodes but want psychic powers too, Grey Knights are essentially Space Marine versions. Their $165 Combat Patrol plus a unit of Strikes will get a nice rounded collection started.

For more tips on affordable ways to start playing 40k, check out my articles on:

  • Using Proxy Models to Test New Armies
  • Buying & Stripping Used Models on eBay
  • Getting Started with Miniature Painting on a Budget

Let me know if you have any other questions – I‘m always happy to chat more about this amazing hobby!

Until next time, battle brothers and sisters!

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