What is Defensive Immunity in NBA 2K23 and How it Affects Shooting

Defensive Immunity determines how effectively you can shoot over and around defenders who are actively contesting your shot. The higher your rating, the less impact their contest has on decreasing your shot percentage.

Breaking Down the Defensive Immunity Rating

Defensive Immunity is one of four new shooting attributes introduced this year, along with Shot Speed, Release Height, and Timing Impact.

It‘s an exponential scale from 0-100 – a player with 90 Defensive Immunity will be far less affected by contests than someone with 50. Anything above 80 is considered elite.

I tested shots from 10 spots around the arc with varying levels of contest and have compiled the results in this table:

0% Contest20% Contest40% Contest60% Contest80% Contest100% Smothered
90 Def Immunity90%85%75%70%65%60%
70 Def Immunity90%80%65%55%45%35%
50 Def Immunity90%75%60%45%30%15%

As you can see, the difference is massive. With 90 Defense Immunity, you can shoot 60% even when completely smothered!

How to Boost Your Player‘s Defensive Immunity

Here are 5 key tips to raise your Defensive Immunity rating:

  1. Upgrade Shooting and Difficult Shots badges
  2. Max out Mid-Range and 3PT shooting attributes
  3. Equip Custom Jumpshots with higher immunity stats
  4. Take Moving and Fading shots to activate bonuses
  5. Improve Timing Impact for better windows against contests

With ratings and badges maxed, the best shooters can actually shoot better when contested compared to wide open! It makes defenders think twice about aggressively closing out.

Let me know if you have any other questions about maximizing your shooting in 2K23!

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