Delaware Smash

As a passionate My Hero Academia fan and gamer, I‘m constantly exploring the amazing abilities and attacks shown in this series. One of the most iconic is Deku‘s signature move – the devastating Delaware Smash. Let‘s analyze the mechanics, physics, and future of this finger flick shockwave attack!

The Meaning Behind Delaware Smash

Firstly, yes the official name Deku gives to his standard finger flick technique is "Delaware Smash". The term Smash in MHA attacks refers to shockwave-creating moves, while the state names tie to percentages of the user‘s power.

In an interview, creator Kohei Horikoshi explained he chose state names simply because they sounded cool for attack names rather than any deeper meaning. Since Delaware has the lowest wind speeds of any state, this could be a nod to Deku unleashing air blasts far beyond natural levels.

How the Delaware Smash Works

Deku‘s quick finger flicks can generate devastating compressed air blasts because of how he channels One For All‘s energy. By focusing the power into a single point, his fingers, the energy amplifies drastically. The flicks transmit that force into the air as visible slices of pressurized air.

Physics-wise, it works much like an extremely focused sonic boom. The Delaware Smash air projectiles are visible due to water vapor condensation from the immense pressure changes. This also creates the gusts of wind felt by people and objects affected by the attack.

Real World Martial Arts Comparisons

The Delaware Smash shockwave principle resembles techniques in real world martial arts as well. For example the one inch punch used in various Chinese kung fu styles focuses force in a short quick blow. Or eskrima stick fighting in Filipino martial arts which uses finger whips.

So bymanifesting strength enhancing abilities, Deku is able to take these concepts to extreme superspowered levels!

Delaware Smash in Action

We‘ve seen Deku utilize Delaware Smash for everything from destroying foes to maneuvering himself through the air. After unlocking Full Cowling and gaining better control, the scale and impact of his finger flicks expanded enormously.

Some especially notable Delaware Smash instances include:

  • **Shattering Overhaul‘s monster form armor** with a 100% maximum output smash
  • **Repelling a Hydra villain‘s fire blast** with an air pressure slice
  • Using multiple Delaware Smashes **to blast himself away from Shinso‘s brainwashing**

And in the My Hero Academia Fortnite crossover event, players got to use the Delaware Smash as a Mythic ability during matches for a limited time!

Statistical Power Analysis

To truly demonstrate the might of Deku‘s smash attacks, here‘s a data table comparing estimated destructive capacity across some of his special moves:

Delaware SmashManchester SmashWyoming Smash
Best Force Estimate250 psi500 psi1000+ psi
Shockwave Radius2 meters5 meters15+ meters

As we can see from these numbers, naming conventions follow roughly with scale of power!

What‘s Next for This Iconic Attack

The Delaware Smash continues to be an iconic technique in Deku‘s arsenal that saves lives against quirk-empowered villains. As Deku unlocks the remaining Quirks within One For All, I believe we‘ll see the Delaware Smash incorporated for inventive new combos and applications.

Personally, I‘d love to see him discover a mobility Quirk that could channel through finger flicks for ultra long range flight! Or maybe an elemental quirk for icy freezing blasts.

The full possibilities are unlimited for one of anime and gaming‘s most epic finger flicking shockwave techniques! Delaware Smash continues to smash through enemies and thrill fans in My Hero Academia‘s growing legacy.

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