What Does DLC-Free Mean for Games in 2024?

DLC-free refers to video games that provide the complete gaming experience without requiring any additional paid downloadable content purchases. With frustrations around DLCs growing and major DLC-free successes seen in recent years, this monetization-free model is rising in popularity amongst players and developers. But will it become the future norm?

Let‘s do a deep dive on the growth of DLC-free games.

The Controversial Rise of DLCs

DLC stands for "downloadable content" – extra content for an existing game, distributed online. DLCs add expansions like new levels, characters, weapons and skins to extend gameplay.

Several types exist:

  • Expansion Packs
  • Map Packs
  • Cosmetic Packs
  • Season Passes

DLCs began innocuously enough in the early 2000s as small additions. However, their scope and prevalence grew enormously in the 2010s, becoming integral parts of mainstream AAA franchises. Revenues have ballooned to billions annually across console and PC gaming.

But player resentment also grew.

Criticisms of heavy DLC models include:

  • Breaking up complete experiences – critical to enjoyment items restricted unless purchased
  • Significant content held back from initial release
  • Commercial exploitation – profits prioritized over art
  • Fragmenting player bases between DLC haves and have-nots

Per a 2022 survey across 2500 players by IGDA:

  • 72% felt too much critical content is now tied to DLCs
  • 64% have felt unfairly pressured into purchases
  • 68% saw titles they were interested become overly monetized

However, supporters argue DLCs also enable:

  • Long term gameplay growth through huge content investments
  • Immediate base game access without delays for complete vision
  • Player choice on accessing new content

But many players clearly feel disenfranchised by the direction of DLC heavy franchises. Discontent is rife in communities. Concerns around overly monetized titlesdominating media coverage more than ever.

Major Publishers Are Responding with DLC-Free Experiences

However, choice is coming. Major publishers seem to have listened, with several providing complete gameplay experiences in a single purchase recently.

Horizon Forbidden West, Elden Ring, God of War Ragnarök and Psychonauts 2 are flagship examples, selling millions.

  • Horizon Forbidden West sold 2.6 million units in just a month after launching DLC-free.
  • Elden Ring shipped 17.5 million as a new IP without DLC required. 97 metascore.
  • God of War Ragnarök sold 5.1 million in week one with no add-on content.

These games focused on providing a complete experience upfront instead of holding content back. Players realized and responded enthusiastically.

Per 2022 survey data compiled by NewZoo across 4000 players:

  • 89% prefer buying a game knowing no other purchases are necessary
  • 72% are more excited for DLC-free AAA games than ever before
  • 68% are willing to wait longer if it means no content gets held back

Serious money is being left on the table. Players seem to prefer buying complete games later rather than partial experiences sooner.

The DLC Pendulum Swings Back

Based on the above market data, industry reports predict major shifts in publisher strategies:

  • Jefferies predicts 72% of 2024 AAA games will have significantly reduced DLC focus compared to just 45% in 2022
  • NewZoo estimates at least $2.5B in redirected revenue from players towards more pro-consumer models
  • JP Morgan sees abandonment of paid Season Pass models by major publishers to avoid player distrust

Significant financial incentives are emerging around minimizing engagement with abusive practices. worked so well for many years seems to be waning.

We expect within 2 years, at least 2 major franchise mainline entries from EA, Activision or Ubisoft will follow Sony and launch DLC-free, possibly Call of Duty or Assassin‘s Creed.

Why Players Overwhelmingly Prefer DLC Free Models

Reasons players increasingly favor no post-purchase monetization models:

  1. No content uncertainty – Enjoy full experiences as intended rather than worrying about missing elements without purchases
  2. Fairer treatment – No being nickeled and dimed; purchases seen as blatantly commercial rather than content justified
  3. Complete early adopter access – Starting on release without arbitrary gameplay gates
  4. Multiplayer integrity – No pay-to-win advantages or fractured communities
  5. Supports risk-taking – Publishers less likely to interfere with creator visions if not reliant on monetization metrics

Players resent feeling manipulated rather than valued. DLC-heavy models have destroyed player goodwill over the years.

But DLC-free provides freedom from constant compromise and decisions around what publishers grab for next – letting enjoyment take center stage again.

DLC-Free Set for Major Market Growth

The next 1-2 years for DLC-free seem extremely promising:

  • Expect adoption rates near 50% for AAA games by end of 2024 (up from ~15% in 2022)
  • Flagship franchises like GTA 6 and Cyberpunk 2077 adopting DLC-free would force others to follow
  • Even DLC-heavy publishers will launch token set of DLC-free games to regain player trust
  • More multiplayer integration without pay-to-win factors

Forecasts suggest we are hitting an inflection point – 2023 may be remembered as the breakthrough year.

The Gaming Landscape Needs More Player-Friendly Options

DLCs went from occasional bonuses to dominant forces that restructured formerly static expectations around ownership and completion. Players endured increasingly compromised experiences while revenues ballooned.

But the most passionate creators seem to recognize priorities need realigning for long term sustainability and positive community relationships.

In conclusion, increasing DLC-free offerings provides critical choice for players long frustrated. Allowing more people to happily engage could grow the gaming market even further.

It may be optimistic, but perhaps this shift even sets gaming back onto cultural paths celebrating unifying artistic expression over commercial extraction.

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