EA Sports‘ New Slogan is "It‘s in the Game"

As a long-time gaming commentator and self-described "sports nerd," I was thrilled to learn during Gamescom 2022 that EA Sports is bringing back its legendary slogan, "It‘s in the Game." This motto encapsulates what I and millions of other players love about these seminal sports franchises.

Let‘s dive into the history behind the phrase and what EA restoring this tagline says about the future of its virtual athletics titles.

From Humble Beginnings to Global Phenomenon

"It‘s in the Game" has appeared in every EA Sports release from 1993 up until Madden NFL 16 in 2015. According to EA executives in retrospective interviews, the slogan was an internal rallying cry that later became the brand‘s public image.

Early hits like Madden NFL ‘94 and NHL ‘95 weren‘t perfect simulations, but focused on capturing the essence of sports like bone-crunching football tackles and blistering hockey slapshots. This attention to recreating the core athletic experience both in terms of gameplay feel and presentation (like adding broadcast-style instant replays) is what “It’s in the Game” refers to according to creators.

And over decades of iterating and innovating, EA Sports attracted millions more fans through stunning lifelike visuals and addictive online multiplayer. By the early 2010s, tentpoles like FIFA, Madden and others were generating over $4 billion in annual revenue.

The Experiment That Was "Challenge Everything"

In 2016, EA made the shocking move to switch slogans from this renowned motto to "Challenge Everything." Looking back, this aligned with their general company mission statement more than the specific sports game experiences EA had become known for.

As industry analysts noted, this period saw EA take calculated risks in its sports franchises to appeal to changing gaming trends. Titles chased innovations like story modes, online card collecting mechanics, and more cinematic career journeys at the perceived expense of on-field gameplay improvements.

Long-time players complained about lackluster updates and unfixed legacy issues in these games. It felt like core gameplay was no longer the top priority compared to flashier changes that may expand the fanbase but alienated loyalists.

Back to Basics

Now in 2022 with slogans also once again unified under "It‘s In the Game", EA Sports games have noticeably doubled down on the nuts and bolts of recreating athletics.

FIFA 23 introduces a whole new physics system for collision interactions and goalkeeper diving saves. Madden NFL 23 advertises new Skill Based Passing for pinpoint balls and 360 Cuts bringing next level running back moves. Incremental enhancements target the guts of playing the game itself.

As EA producer Seann Graddy told Game Informer:

“Everything we’re showing this year, we’re actually bringing back gameplay elements that we know fans love and expect from us. Things like a skill-based passing system, 360 cuts, stunts on defense, a new skill system on defense to match the new skill system on offense, these are fundamental pillars that we know our fans want.”

This isn’t to say flashier modes and experiences aren’t still pushed in titles like the story-driven Face of the Franchise in Madden or The Journey’s character dramas in FIFA. But observe forums and reviews for latest entries and you’ll notice gameplay improvements taking center stage again.

Bringing back this slogan represents a concerted effort to get back to what made EA sports franchises special – the virtual thrill of athletic competition.

Fan Sentiment Confirms New Direction

In community comments and early reviews for these games, enthusiasts notice the renewed attention to gameplay. One redditor in r/FIFA discussing physics tweaks notes:

“They really nailed it this year. Everything flows so smoothly. Players feel like they have real weight to them.”

A Madden subreddit thread asks fans to grade changes just based on core football gameplay itself, with many praising clear improvements to previously neglected areas.

Long-time players acknowledge key fan requests finally being addressed again too. One Operation Sports forum member writes:

“Skill-based passing is my favorite new feature. We have begged for something like this for years to have true control over ball trajectory and placement."

There‘s a sense EA is trying to rebuild goodwill and trust here after perceived missteps. Even cynics admit efforts to get back to gameplay roots. Though more needs to be done to redeem trust as one Twitter critic concedes:

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With "It‘s in the Game" once again headlining marketing, licensing deals, and packaging – EA Sports seems self-aware of past identity crises. While bombastic presentations still dazzle, renewed gameplay TLC aims to satisfy alienated core fanbases.

The Gameplay-First Approach Will Continue

Based on early returns and directive statements from developers themselves, EA Sports is doubling down on gameplay advancements as the driving force. We can expect this philosophy to continue guiding future titles and updates.

FIFA 24 and Madden NFL 24 will almost certainly stay focused on building off new foundations like Hypermotion 2 physics and passing mechanics. Expect even more granular innovations to ground games in reality like they once did so well.

And while flashy off-field experiences still supplement modern entries, gameplay authenticity stands paramount again thanks to this renewed slogan. Because as virtual athletes take the field, EA wants fans to know promises of sports simulation bliss will be fulfilled again.

"It‘s in the Game." And for new generations bleeding passion for sports gaming just as I did growing up, that says everything they need to hear.

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