What is Error 0x50060000 in Red Dead Online and How to Permanently Fix it

Encountering error 0x50060000 in Red Dead Online is frustating, as it kicks you out of the game with a cryptic numeric code. But don‘t worry, through this guide I‘ll explain exactly what causes this error, and provide foolproof troubleshooting steps to resolve it on PC and consoles.

Root Causes of Error 0x50060000

This pesky connectivity error stems from communication issues between the Rockstar game services and your internet connection‘s IP address.

Specifically, when the Rockstar game servers attempt to verify your game license and entitlements, they are unable to reach or get a response from your local network and assigned public-facing IP address.

This could happen due to several technical reasons:

  • Outdated network router firmware causing connectivity drops
  • Misconfigured router firewall, security rules blocking traffic
  • Using mobile hotspot or celluar data leading to intermittent coverage
  • ISP bandwidth throttling or deprioritizing game traffic
  • Upstream network outages at local ISP node or regional datacenters

Due to the transient nature of IP addresses, when your home router renews its external IP, the associated ports required for Red Dead get blocked, stopping game traffic.

Now let‘s get down to actually fixing this!

Step-by-Step Guide to Resolving Error 0x50060000

Follow these troubleshooting steps to banish error 0x50060000 from ever bothering you again when playing Red Dead Online:

1. Reset Your Network Router

The first step is the easiest – completely reset your network router back to factory default settings.

  • Unplug the power to turn off your router
  • Wait at least 1 minute before reconnecting power
  • Allow the router to fully reboot and reconnect to your ISP

This forces your router to re-initialize which flushes out any misconfigurations or firewall rules impacting game connectivity.

It also triggers your ISP to issue a new IP address lease to your router‘s WAN port, refreshing the public IP associated with your home network.

2. Configure Port Forwarding Correctly

With a fresh start after resetting your router, take this opportunity to manually configure port forwarding correctly for Red Dead Online.

Refer to the port reference chart below for the required port ranges:

Game PlatformPort Ranges
PS4TCP: 465, 983, 1935, 3478-3480 UDP: 3074, 3478-3479
Xbox OneTCP: 53, 80, 443, 3074, 8080 UDP: 88, 500, 3074, 3544, 4500
PCTCP/UDP: 6672, 61455-61458

For step-by-step instructions tailored to your router‘s admin interface, visit canyouseeme.org

With port forwarding set up properly, your router will correctly direct inbound RDR2 traffic from Rockstar game servers to your console or PC.

3. Configure your Router‘s DMZ Host

As an advanced troubleshooting step, set your gaming device‘s IP address as the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) host in your router admin interface.

This effectively exposes your console/PC outside your router‘s firewall, eliminating any connectivity blocking issues from local network security rules.

Note: Take care to reset the DMZ host to None after confirming game connectivity is restored, as it does post a security risk!

4. Contact your ISP‘s Technical Support

If you still observe error 0x50060000 after the above steps, reach out directly to your internet service provider‘s technical support by phone.

Explain that you are unable to connect to Rockstar game services due to constant disconnections and request them to check for issues on your last-mile link.

They can perform line diagnostics from their end to detect faults with your local connection cabling, port burns, reduction in provisioned bandwidth or DNS resolution problems.

Based on findings, they may dispatch a field technician to rectify any physical layer problems if needed.

Why You May Get Error 0x50060000 During Red Dead Online Play

While the root cause stems from transient IP and associated blocked ports, some activities make you more prone to seeing disconnects with 0x50060000 errors:

  • Switching from Story Mode to Online Mode constantly
  • Using VPN connections that drop unexpectedly
  • Accepting side mission invites from random posse members
  • Starting legendary bounties or telegram missions solo

As per player reports on redditor forums, these seem to correspondence with increased connection drops.

My hypothesis is that the multitude of session changes triggers the Rockstar services to rigorously re-validate your licenses, entitlement and network status – which then fails due to IP change before ports get updated.

Related Error Codes and Troubleshooting Tips

If you don‘t see exactly error 0x50060000 but observe other similar coded messages, apply the connectivity troubleshooting steps outlined earlier.

Error 0x50060190

This error points to general networking issues between your router and Rockstar game servers. Following the port forwarding, DMZ host and ISP contact steps should clear this up.

Error 0x50000006

This one indicates conflicts with dynamic IP addresses. Using a static IP assigned by your ISP may be the permanent solution, apart from router restarts to force renew IP lease.

Error 0x500a0lf4

If you see this, there are problems connecting to the PlayStation Network platform services. Ensure PSN maintenance isn‘t scheduled when encountering it.

Maximizing Red Dead Online Connectivity

Apart from rectifying specific errors, apply these general connectivity best practices:

  • Use wired Ethernet over WiFi wherever possible
  • Request static IP assignment from your ISP
  • Select lower MTU values like 1400 vs 1500 if you observe fragmentation errors
  • Gaming-optimized router firmware like DD-WRT offer better QoS prioritization
  • Disable security software firewalls temporarily to isolate issues
  • Balance upstream bandwidth priority for gaming devices via QoS

Hopefully this guide has helped you banish persistent error 0x50060000 disconnects and provided a comprehensive approach to optimizing connectivity for smooth Red Dead Online gameplay!

Let me know which steps resolved it for you or if any other issues crop up. And don‘t forget to subscribe for the latest news, tips & updates right here!

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