What is Exit Code 143? A Comprehensive Guide for Gamers

Hey gamers! Have you ever encountered the confusing "exit code 143" when running your game servers or trying out a new Docker container? As a passionate gamer and content creator myself, I know how frustrating troubleshooting technical issues can be when all you want is to play your favorite game!

Well, fear not – I‘ve got you covered. Today I‘ll be sharing everything you need to know about exit code 143, why it happens, and most importantly, what you as a gamer need to do about it! Stick through to the end and you‘ll be an exit code pro in no time.

A Quick Definition

Exit code 143 means the container or process was shut down gracefully after receiving a termination signal known as SIGTERM. This shutdown can come from the OS itself or orchestrators like Kubernetes when they need to free up resources.

I know, that sounds super technical! But here‘s a simple breakdown:

  • SIGTERM – A signal that tells a process to gracefully terminate (vs forcibly shutting down)
  • Exit code – A process‘s way of telling the system if it terminated normally (or crashed)
  • 143 – The exit code number that specifically means "I shut down cleanly from SIGTERM"

So in summary, 143 = I closed nicely after being asked to. Pretty simple right?

Why Do You See Exit Code 143?

While the definition may be simple, you might wonder why exit code 143 even shows up while you‘re just trying to pwn n00bs in your favorite online shooter!

Here are the most common culprits:

1. Normal Game Server Restarts

Game servers and processes need to restart every so often for maintenance like updates. Instead of rudely terminating, orchestrators send the SIGTERM and your server exits 143.

2. Resource Constraints

If a node is running out of CPU, memory, or disk space, the OS forcibly frees up resources by shutting down containers. Hence the SIGTERM and 143 exit.

Table 1 – Common OS Signals
| Signal | Meaning |
| SIGTERM | Polite ask to close |
| SIGKILL | Immediate forced kill |

3. Host Maintenance

When Kubernetes or system admins need to take down a server for maintenance, your containers get SIGTERM and 143. Can‘t have half-updated game servers glitching all over the place!

4. Hardware Failure

If the physical machine hosting your game goes kaput, Kubernetes will instantly reschedule your game containers on healthy hardware. SIGTERM initiated graceful shutdown = exit code 143.

So in summary, you‘re most likely to see exit code 143 during routine maintenance and operations – not because of any app errors! Now ain‘t that reassuring?

Is Exit Code 143 an Error?

Short answer – no! 143 means your apps shut down cleanly, hence no errors. No crashed game stack traces or server-wide combat rollbacks required!

Compare this to other error exit codes like:

  • 137 or 255 – Process crashed before proper shutdown
  • 126 – Insufficient permissions
  • Anything >125 – App-specific non-zero error

So while annoying, be happy when you get 143s! At least you know your baby game servers respected their SIGTERMs and didn‘t leave any dirty traces around 😉

Some fun facts about other common Docker exit codes:

  • 0 – Success! Thank you Mario but Docker containers are in another castle
  • 13 – Invalid arguments. Don‘t DIV/0 or you‘ll get coder ROTFLs
  • 2 – Misuse of shell builtins like missing paths or read-only storage

What Gamers Should Do About Exit Code 143

Alright, time for the juicy troubleshooting bit! What should you do when faced with exit code 143?

Step 1 – Check logs

Verify in container logs or app health dashboards that the SIGTERM shutdown wasn‘t due to any software faults. Generally it‘s just routine maintenance, but good to confirm!

Step 2 – Sit back and relax!

Yup, just chill, put your feet up, and wait for your orchestrator to restart the containers. If using Kubernetes, pods will automatically reschedule in seconds!

Average container restart times:
OrchestratorAvg Restart Time
Kubernetes3-5 seconds
Docker Compose8-10 seconds
Nomad13-15 seconds

Step 3 – Communicate status

If running game servers, inform your players about temporary unavailability. Or stress test contingency plans!

Step 4 – Consider autoscaling

For mission-critical game processes, enable cluster auto-scaling rules. This launches new containers seamlessly without wait times when nodes get taken down.

And that‘s pretty much it! Exit code 143 may disrupt your gaming sessions temporarily, but requires little troubleshooting or stress. Just the container ecosystem keeping things ship-shape 🚢.

So game on my friends and enjoy some epic container restarts from time to time! Let the orchestrator consistently restart containers, while you focus on consistent headshots 🎯. This is [YourGamerHandle] signing off.

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