What is Garry Kasparov‘s IQ?

As one of history’s greatest chess players, Garry Kasparov demonstrated sustained world-beating dominance backed by relentless drive and creative genius. But how high does his IQ truly rank among the game’s elites?

Kasparov‘s Tested IQ: 135

Although some sources have estimated Kasparov boasts an IQ between 180-190, he revealed a score of 135 on a cognitive exam testing his memory, spatial reasoning and abstract thinking in 1987-88.

While lower than inflated guesses, 135 still positions Kasparov comfortably in the "very superior intelligence" category possessed by just 2% of the population. This high intellect laid the foundation for his ascent in chess but grit and dedication mattered more.

Beyond IQ: Work Ethic and "Talent x Effort"

Kasparov subscribed to the maxim "genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work", once stating:

"My chess talent is a coiled spring, I had to strain it to the utmost, compress it to the maximum – now it is unleashed with explosive force."

He trained relentlessly from childhood, persevering through setbacks and painstakingly strengthening his weaknesses. Despite prodigious aptitude, this drive to keep improving set him apart from rivals.

This unrelenting work ethic manifests in the sheer extent of Kasparov‘s dominance:

  • 2551 peak Elo rating – highest ever at the time
  • 15 years ranked world #1
  • Hundreds of tournament titles
  • All-time record match unbeaten streak of 96 games

Such sustained excellence reflects Kasparov‘s constant striving for perfection against both opponents and complacency. This insatiable attitude powered historic achievements no IQ alone could unlock.

The Greatest of All Time?

In comparing Kasparov to fellow legends like Anatoly Karpov and Bobby Fischer along with modern phenom Magnus Carlsen – debate rages around who ranks as history‘s greatest ever.

While ratings and records provide data points, the eternal question has subjective elements. Stylistic preferences and era comparisons come into play.

But in blending relentless attacking play with disciplined strategy, Kasparov‘s "universal style" cemented his legacy as transcending time and trends. His authentic confidence shines through in this quote:

"The crown prince of chess outplayed the king over the board and beat him in a legitimate succession struggle."

This self-belief fueled sustaining the crown through a decade at the apex of perhaps mankind‘s most competitive intellectual pursuit.

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