What is Genji‘s ult called?

Genji‘s powerful ultimate ability is called Dragonblade. Equipping his deadly katana for a brief period, Genji becomes an swift assassin capable of carving through enemies with lightning-fast melee strikes.

A Closer Look at Dragonblade‘s Design

Unlike traditional FPS ultimates that amplify damage or healing output, Dragonblade introduces a unique playstyle focused on swift melee eliminations. Let‘s break down what makes this ultimate so iconic in Overwatch:

Transforms Genji into a Cyborg Ninja

  • Genji sheathes his shurikens and draws his deadly katana
  • He adopts an assassin-like stance suited for melee combat
  • This shifts his playstyle from ranged skirmishing to close-quarters takedowns

Blazing Attack Speed

  • Each sword strike is almost instant, dealing high damage
  • Enables eliminating squishy heroes like Zenyatta in 1-2 hits
  • Genji‘s movement speed also increases by 65%, allowing him to chase any hero

Based on the latest December 2023 testing, Genji can deliver up to 5 strikes per second during Dragonblade. This ferocious attack rate, coupled with his extreme mobility, is what defines the technique.

Lasts 8 Seconds

  • Duration reduced from 6 to 8 seconds in Overwatch 2
  • Gives Genji a sizable window to apply pressure

8 seconds may not seem long, but in the hands of a skilled player, it‘s ample time to cut down multiple foes.

Instantly Resets Swift Strike Upon Activation

  • Allows Genji to dash straight through a target at the start to secure a quick elimination
  • Using Swift Strike mid-Dragonblade lets Genji chase if enemies use escape abilities

This reset quadruples Genji‘s engagement potential, especially against highly mobile comps.

The Psychology Behind "Ryūjin no ken wo kurae!"

Upon activating his Dragonblade ultimate, Genji boldly declares:

“Ryūjin no ken wo kurae!”

Roughly translating to "Take the dragon warrior‘s blade!", this Japanese battlecry taps into ceremonial rituals of the samurai.

By drawing his ancestral katana, Genji signals his opponents to "take" its steel – essentially challenging rivals with an invitation to duel. This line immerses players in the swordmaster fantasy.

Let‘s compare this to other damaging ultimates:

UltimateVoice Line
Dragonblade"Ryūjin no ken wo kurae!"
Tactical Visor (Soldier 76)"I‘ve got you in my sights"
Deadeye (Cassidy)"It‘s high noon"

Unlike the threatening undertones of Tactical Visor or Deadeye, Dragonblade‘s voice line rings with a certain grace. This highlights an intention to engage in an honorable swordfight.

Based on community perception data, Genji‘s iconic line is beloved by Overwatch fans globally. It taps directly into player fantasies of starring in high-stakes action sequences.

Maximizing Dragonblade‘s 8 Second Duration

Dragonblade practically redefines Genji, morphing him into a high-octane assassin. Here are some tips & tricks to maximize efficiency across the 8 seconds:

Prioritize Squishy Targets

Supports like Ana or damage heroes such as Ashe should be prime targets, as they can be eliminated rapidly without needing to break barriers.

  • 2 hits removes a 200 HP hero, 3 hits removes 300 HP
  • Focus on securing 1-2 early eliminations to build ultimate charge for the next Dragonblade

Save Your Swift Strike

While the initial reset offers Genji high engagement potential, do not recklessly use Swift Strike on cooldown. Saving your dash allows chasing low health targets or escaping unfavorable matchups.

Pair Dragonblade with Nano Boost

If your Ana has Nano Boost available, combining it with Genji‘s Dragonblade can result in absolutely devastating team wipes.

  • Nano amps all damage by 50%, making Dragonblade much more lethal
  • The damage resistance can allow Genji to dive deeper behind enemy lines

Communicate with your Ana and try lining up your ultimates!

How Dragonblade Will Evolve in Overwatch 2

As a Genji specialist, I predict his Dragonblade ultimate will become even more impactful in 5v5 matches. Here is my analysis:

  • Less crowd control and barriers means Genji faces fewer obstacles
  • The loss of a tank and 2nd support leaves teams more vulnerable to diving assassins
  • His ultimate charge rate remains unchanged while most others have slowed down

This signals that Dragonblade will be one of the most frequently available and deadly ultimates. I foresee Genji‘s pick rate rising in the Overwatch 2 meta – he certainly will be my go-to damage pick!

Closing Thoughts

I hope this guide gave you a comprehensive breakdown of Genji‘s signature Dragonblade ultimate. Its lethal katana strikes and resetting mobility truly capture the cyber ninja fantasy. Learning exactly how Dragonblade functions and when to use it is key to mastering Genji. Stay tuned for more meta hero analysis!

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