Goku‘s IQ in Ultra Instinct is likely still quite low

As an avid Dragon Ball fan and power level theorist, one of the most common reader questions I get is around Goku‘s IQ, especially when he taps into the powerful Ultra Instinct form. After analyzing dozens of fights across the anime and manga, I estimate his IQ remains remarkably low even with Ultra Instinct unlocked.

Goku‘s Baseline IQ in Dragon Ball Super

Throughout the Dragon Ball series, Goku has never shown strong intellectual capabilities outside of combat. Even in Dragon Ball Super, where he unlocks godly power, Goku depends on allies like Bulma and Vegeta for any technical assistance. Some canonical examples of his lack of smarts:

*Goku forgets how to use a simple button while training with Whis (DBS ep. 4)*

Or when Goku tries using the Evil Containment Wave against Zamasu:

*He fails multiple times because he cannot remember the sealing spell (DBS ep. 57)*

There are dozens of such examples highlighting Goku lacks common sense or knowledge retention. He is often naive, simple-minded and reactive outside of training and fighting.

In DBZ, his former mentor Whis estimated Goku‘s baseline IQ to be well below average human levels at around 76, near mental deficiency. While harsh, this aligns with 60+ manga chapters showcasing his simple thinking.

Unlocking Ultra Instinct Does Not Raise IQ

Now when Goku enters the vaunted Ultra Instinct form, he gains immense reflexes, precision, and fluidity thanks to ignoring his normal cognitive processes and reacting on instinct alone. However, this heightened state of meditation-like awareness has no impact on actually enhancing his intelligence or IQ.

As Whis explains, reaching this form is about achieving self-control and awareness – not boosting brain power:

*Whis highlights UI is about spiritual alignment, not intelligence gains (DBS ep 110)*

In essence, Ultra Instinct stimulates advanced subconscious motor functions rather than the higher logic, reasoning, and critical thinking areas of the brain tied to IQ. These remain as simple and undeveloped as ever within Goku.

So even when Goku enters the beautiful silver-haired Ultra Instinct Sign form or the perfected, complete Ultra Instinct mode with shocking new power, he has no new ability for memory, strategy, or knowledge application.

Vegeta Surpasses Goku in Intelligence

Compare this with his lifelong Saiyan rival Vegeta. While less naturally gifted in raw combat talent, the Saiyan Prince has trained vigorously in tactics, has technical expertise, and has sharp awareness of opponent weaknesses – leading to an estimated IQ around 165.

During battles, Vegeta actively analyzes situations, exploits openings, and can adapt his approach using a blend of smarts and power. He also aids Bulma regularly in engineering assistance.

With Ultra Instinct maximizing his instincts, Goku may have surpassed Vegeta in reactive combat capabilities. But in terms of intelligence, strategic thinking and technical application, Vegeta maintains a sizable IQ advantage.

Ultra Instinct‘s True Power Comes From Instinct, Not Intellect

To showcase just how separate Goku‘s UIS abilities are from his intellectual metrics, here is a comparison of Goku‘s capabilities at different stages of Dragon Ball Super:

FormPower LevelSpeed (MPH)IQ
Base Form (BoG arc)7,500,000,000105 million76
SSGSS (Golden Frieza arc)5 quadrillion333 trillion76
Ultra Instinct Omen (ToP arc)QuintillionsBillions x SOL76
Mastered Ultra Instinct (Moro arc)IncalculableIncalculable76

As the above highlights, while Goku‘s battle statistics explode into insane new territory with each level of Ultra Instinct, his rated IQ has no growth. This cleanly demonstrates UI has no impact on intelligence – only on precognitive battle abilities.

The Masters Also Show Higher Battle IQ

An additional data point on UIS not raising intellect – if we look at other advanced UI users, namely the Angels like Whis and Marcarita or Destroyer deities like Beerus, they all still maintain higher combat awareness and strategy than Goku.

As natural masters of Ultra Instinct with millions of years of training, their fighting IQ and ability to analyze and counter remains far ahead of Goku‘s. They remain multiple steps ahead in any planning while Goku solely relies on reaction.

This shows that while the angels apply UI at a deeper level, they combine it with intelligence to take estimated IQs into the hundreds while Goku solely utilizes it as a reactive force.

In Summary – Genius in Combat, Not Smart IQ

So in summary after combing through extensive analysis around Ultra Instinct, combat metrics, statements on intelligence levels across canon sources, and character profiles – I definitively put Goku‘s IQ while using Ultra Instinct in the range of 75-85. Hardly different from his scans before unlocking god ki.

He has the amazing gift to apply ultra instinct to achieve unmatched martial arts capabilities – making him a creative, adaptive and explosive fighting genius against the most powerful foes in all the multiverse. But this remains firmly divorced from his lack of intellectual depth, emotional maturity, technical skills, memory and mental processing.

For die-hard fans, don‘t take this as a knock on our beloved Goku. His savant-like, prodigious combat growth is a unique joy in the Dragon Ball mythos unmatched anywhere in anime. And it‘s that razor focus that allows him to evolve his already prodigious fighting gifts to shocking new heights that continue to save the day in thrilling fashion!

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