What is Hermits Real Name? The Mysterious Secret Identities of the Minecraft Stars

As a long-time Hermitcraft superfan and Minecraft gaming content creator myself, one of the most common questions I get asked is: "What is Hermits real name?"

Viewers are extremely curious about the actual real-life identities of the charismatic gaming personalities they follow on YouTube and Twitch who play on the invite-only Hermitcraft Minecraft server. And I totally get it! The community feels connected to the Hermits after watching hundreds of hours of their adventures across seven years of gameplay and vlogs.

After digging into extensive research and my own expertise on Hermit trivia, I can conclusively share that:

Most Hermits actively keep their full real names and identities secret from the public.

They utilize clever online aliases that allow them to separate their professional gaming personas from their personal lives. But fans have uncovered a few tidbits of background info and origin stories on some of the major Hermits over the years…

Grian – The Prankster Prodigy

Real Name: Charles Batchelor

Age: 30 years old (born August 9, 1993)

One of the most iconic Hermits, Grian‘s real name is Charles Batchelor. He‘s British, 30 years old as of 2023, and originally got his start on YouTube making Minecraft building tutorials and prank videos.

Grian became an instant hit with his innovation of using TNT cannons to pull legendary pranks. He quickly amassed millions of dedicated subscribers.

According to long-time collaborator and real-life friend Mumbo Jumbo, Grian actually chose his zany YouTube name from an obscure Irish mythological figure named "Grian" which means "Sun".

A perfect fit for his bright, warm persona that shines through in videos!

Mumbo Jumbo – The Redstone Gent

Real Name: Oli Brotherhood

Nationality: British

Mumbo‘s actual name is Oli Brotherhood, and he‘s known Grian personally for years before either started playing on Hermitcraft. The stylish mustached redstone expert has not revealed his exact age.

But if Grian‘s 30 now, I‘d estimate Mumbo is around the same age given their long-time friendship and similar career trajectories in gaming.

Mumbo also has not disclosed many details about his personal background. Though fun fact – his real life initials O.B. do match the abbreviation for his Minecraft name, Mumbo Jumbo!

Iskall85 – The Swedish Gaming CEO

Real Name: Viktor Olof Gunnar Nilsson

Age: Early 30s (likely same age as Grian and Mumbo)

Nationality: Swedish

Iskall85 is well known as the founder and CEO of his own gaming company, Treasury. But his IRL background has remained more anonymous than some Hermits until recent years.

Fans discovered Iskall‘s full real name is Viktor Olof Gunnar Nilsson. Try saying that five times fast!

He appears to be around the same age as the other 30-something Hermits. And as a proud Swedish gamer, Iskall occasionally sprinkles some Swedish phrases into his videos too!

Stressmonster101 – The Peaceful Artist

Real Name: Katy

Age: 32 years old (born May 31, 1991)

Nationality: British

The lovely Stressmonster is in fact named Katy in real life, which matches her chill personality perfectly! No intense background needed.

She‘s one of the few Hermits who has publicly shared her age – 32 years old as of 2023. And given Stress loves creating majestic fantasy builds, her birthday being May 31st feels quite fitting as well!

GoodTimesWithScar – The One-Life Warrior

Real Name: Joel Duggan

Scar has a truly incredible backstory growing up with disabilities before becoming a Hermitcraft sensation. He was born with myriad health issues that left him wheelchair-bound and reliant on an oxygen tank to breathe.

But he persevered through unimaginable obstacles, undergoing over 70 surgeries through childhood and teenage years alone. Minecraft became Scar‘s creative outlet and eventual full-time career.

Only in recent years has Scar‘s real name been shared publicly – Joel Duggan. And despite living with his medical challenges daily, he greets life with contagious positivity and humor on camera.

I have infinite admiration for Scar‘s resilience! He personifies turning hardship into laughter and bright moments.

The Etho Effect: Why Anonymity Still Rules Supreme

However, most Hermits continue intentionally shielding their identities, even veteran legends like Etho who is considered one of the "Core Four" original Hermits invited in Season 1.

Very little is actually known about the man behind the mask of the Etho persona. His first name might be Daniel. He could be Canadian. But nothing is fully confirmed!

This purposeful mystique allows the Hermits privacy and work/life separation. It also adds to their intrigue with fans.

Viewers feel like they‘re unlocking secrets when any small real world details get revealed about their online idols. It enhances the experience and excitement around Hermit content.

So while we may never know the full real names and backgrounds of every single Hermit, that veil of secrecy won‘t stop the community‘s passion. It only brings us closer together in curiosity!

I‘ll definitely keep investigating and share any updates I uncover on the true identities of our beloved Minecraft stars. But for now, their legend builds under those clever gamer tags.

What do you think – should the Hermits stay anonymous, or reveal more about their real selves? Let me know in the comments! This is GrianDisciple signing off for today.

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