What is Jockeying in FIFA?

Jockeying is an essential defensive technique in FIFA games that involves using the left trigger button (L2 on Playstation, LT on Xbox) to have a defender shuffle their feet while backing off to maintain positioning between an attacker and the goal. Mastering the art of jockeying is critical for defending effectively in the FIFA series.

A Brief History of Jockeying in FIFA

Jockeying was first introduced in FIFA 09 as part of the new tactical defending system. This replaced the old legacy defending mechanics. Since then, jockeying defenders who can shuffle side to side while delaying attackers has become crucial in FIFA gameplay.

The specific jockey mechanic has evolved over time, with important changes arriving in FIFA 15 which slowed defenders in jog mode allowing more accurate jockeying. FIFA 20 also brought improved jockey turns and traction. However, the vital nature of controlled jockeying in buying time against attackers has remained throughout recent FIFA titles.

The Jockeying Mechanics Explained

When jockeying in FIFA, you are aiming to manually put a defender in position to block passing lanes and shots whilst delaying the attack. This is done by holding the left trigger while using the left stick to steer your player. Here are the technical details:


  • Hold L2 (PS) / LT (Xbox)
  • Left stick to determine direction

Player Movement:

  • Shuffles feet to stay directly goal side
  • Body opens up sideways on rather than face on
  • Much slower turning circle than normal

Standing vs Running Jockey
Holding L2 while stationary executes a slower standing jockey with sharper turns. Using L2 while already moving triggers a faster running jockey which covers more ground.

Advanced Tips
You can briefly let go of L2 while jockeying to utilox faster velocity if beaten, before resuming jockey once recovered. You must time this correctly.

[Diagram of jockeying player mechanics]

Strengths and Weaknesses of Jockeying


  • Maintains superior defensive positioning
  • Gradually guides attacker into less dangerous areas
  • Delays attack allowing midfield to provide cover
  • Tempts attackers into lower percentage shots


  • Too much space allowed if pace gap exists
  • Risk being caught flat footed on skill moves
  • Often dependent on teammate support

When to Jockey vs Other Defensive Techniques

Judging whether to jockey, tackle or hold second man contain depends greatly on the situation:

  • Jockey when attacker has back to goal or space ahead to exploit
  • Tackle once ball is stretched or attacker takes heavy touch
  • Second man contain to have a teammate press from other side

Equally important is maintaining patience and not overcommiting when jockeying.

Effective Strategies for Jockeying

Patience & Timing
When to stop jockeying and intervene requires excellent judgement. Rushing almost always opens gaps.

Use Teammate Contain
Have a midfeider provide cover shadow support from other side.

Know When Enough is Enough
If completely beaten, better to concede possession than a goal.

Most Common Jockeying Mistakes

  • Holding Sprint: Accidentally enabling player to race past.
  • Wrong Angles: Failing to see picture and open hips.
  • No Left Trigger: Simply forgot to hold so can‘t jockey!
  • Impatience: Diving in too early before timing tackle.

Tips and Tricks for Mastering Jockey

  • Utilize big, strong center backs with good reactions.
  • Set player instructions to conservative interceptions.
  • Custom tactics narrow defensive width.
  • Practice! Patience required to perfect technique.

Conclusion – Jockeying Vital Now and In FIFA 23

In summary, jockeying is an indispensable technique for defending in modern FIFA titles. It allows controlled patience to delay rapid attacks. While the details of jockeying may still evolve in future FIFA games, mastering it will remain vital. I fully expect jockeying to continue dominating defensive tactics in FIFA 23 and beyond.

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