Kitana is of Edenian nationality

As an avid Mortal Kombat gamer who has followed the series since the 90s, I‘m excited to provide some deeper insights into the question – what is Kitana‘s nationality?

Kitana Hails from the Realm of Edenia

Kitana is a 10,000 year old princess born in the fictional realm of Edenia. Edenia has a unique culture, history, and mystical powers that set it apart in the Mortal Kombat universe.

For example, Edenians possess longer lifespans and innate magical abilities compared to humans. The royalty like Kitana can even manipulate their aging process.

Edenia also draws inspiration from Asian cultures. As outlined in the Mortal Kombat: Deception konquest mode guide:

"Edenia‘s architecture is reminiscent of both forests and Asian buildings. Likewise, Edenian culture contains elements of Asian culture including clothing, weapons like Kitana‘s war fans, and mystical practices like meditation."

I‘ve compiled some key facts about Edenia‘s background:

Realm TypeLush forest realm drawing power from life energy of Edenian gods
Capital CityTaven City, ruled by King Jerrod and Queen Sindel
Key LocationsLiving Forest, Ahnkhamin Temple, Cloud Lake
InhabitantsLong-lived mystical beings with innate magic powers
Threat LevelModerate – despite magic, weaker in brute strength

So in summary, Edenia is a magical forest realm filled with supernatural beings. Kitana was born as its princess.

Kitana Has a Claim to Edenia‘s Throne

As mentioned, Kitana is the daughter of King Jerrod and Queen Sindel who ruled Edenia for ages. While still a young child, Kitana witnessed the tyrant Shao Kahn invade her realm and murder her father.

Her mother Sindel was forced to marry Shao Kahn to seal the forced merger between their realms. The brainwashed Queen Sindel then raised Kitana as if Shao Kahn was her actual father.

Despite being kidnapped as a princess, Kitana still has a legitimate claim as heir to Edenia‘s throne. As Jerrod‘s first-born child, she is next in line even after 10,000 years removed.

Regaining the Edenian crown stolen from her family is a major character arc for Kitana. This battle to liberate her oppressed homeland makes her nationality a definitive part of Mortal Kombat‘s lore.

Kitana Evolves from Loyal Assassin into Freedom Fighter

Initially, Kitana has no memories of her youth before Shao Kahn‘s brutal takeover. She spends a millennia serving Shao Kahn loyally as one of his top assassins.

Clandestinely, Kitana is also secretly trained in the martial arts of her Edenian people like their signature War Fan weapons. This allows her to still tap into her roots.

As the events of Mortal Kombat II unfold, Kitana overhears the Earthrealm warriors speaking about her true father and Edenian heritage.

Kitana confronts Shao Kahn and learns the brutal truth about how he murdered King Jerrod and stole his daughter. A tipping point is reached…

Outraged upon having her mind freed, Kitana vows vengeance against Shao Kahn. She renounces her loyalty, escapes his grasp, and pledges to restore Edenia‘s freedom.

This transformation from brainwashed assassin servant into hardcore freedom fighter is a compelling arc. It shows Kitana re-embracing her nationality as motivation to lead a revolution.

No longer clinging to the only Outworld identity she ever knew, the princess draws strength from her Edenian bloodline. For Kitana, nationality and quest for independence are intertwined.

Contrast Between Kitana‘s Native Edenia and Adopted Home Outworld

Having been raised in Outworld since childhood, Kitana initially struggles to reconnect with her Edenian roots after breaking free.

Outworld is a barren wasteland realm ruled by Emperor Shao Kahn with an iron fist. He values ruthlessness and despotism above all.

Conversely, Edenia is an inhabited by a magical race who thrive on harmony with nature, faith in their gods, and belief in their rulers’ benevolence.

The following table summarizes some of the key differences:

TerrainLush magical forestsBarren wastelands
RulersBenevolent kings and queensTyrannical emperor
CultureHarmonious, spiritualFear-based, ruthless
Kitana‘s StatusRightful heirAdopted assassin

So in many ways, leaving behind Outworld to reconnect with her long-lost people in Edenian is a culture shock for Kitana. But gradually she reacclimatizes and feels duty-bound to free them from oppression.

Nationality‘s Role in Tournaments and Storylines

During tournaments like the iconic Mortal Kombat series, Kitana‘s identity as Edenia‘s heir apparent is well-known by kombatants and feared by her archenemy Shao Kahn.

As evidenced in her MKII ending, Kitana‘s goals after turning on Kahn are to destroy him, restore her homeland, and rule Edenia as rightful queen:

With his defeat, Edenia was free once more and Kitana held full authority there. She formed an army against Shao Kahn to prevent another invasion. This attack was short lived, however… Kitana‘s forces prevailed."

Her proud proclamations of fighting for Edenia‘s interest fuels rivalries with Outworld representatives. They see her as a traitor to their realm after being raised alongside heirs like Mileena.

Kitana must also contend with skepticism from Earthrealm warriors uncertain about her true intentions. Is she a friend or foe? Can a former assassin really transform into a freedom fighter princess?

Over time, her steadfast loyalty to defending Edenia ultimately convinces them her nationality-fueled agenda is genuine. And clearly without the allure of ruling her homeland, Kitana loses major motivation.

Concluding Thoughts on Kitana‘s Nationality

So in closing, Kitana‘s distinct Edenian background factors prominently into her development within Mortal Kombat canon. As detailed above, her nationality:

  • Provides rich backstory context and characterization depth

  • Drives her core motivations and evolution as a heroine archetype

  • Informs many of her in-game rivalry dynamics and clashes

  • Is leveraged as a central plot device in many story modes

Much like real-world national identities have profound impacts on us as people, the same applies for Princess Kitana. Her quest to rediscover and reclaim her Edenian nationality years after it was stripped away catalyzes amazing character growth.

Even if you don‘t play as Kitana or main her in tournaments, I highly recommend reading into her full backstory. The extra context around her forbidden origins and internal conflicts makes watching her fights far more rewarding.

And that wraps up my deeper dive into analyzing Kitana‘s distinctly Edenian nationality within the Mortal Kombat universe. Let me know in comments if you want me to cover any other character bios from the series!

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