Lahabrea‘s True Identity as Hephaistos, Ascian Overlord of Fire

Lahabrea‘s real name is Hephaistos. But who is Hephaistos, and what is his role in the ancient history of Final Fantasy XIV‘s world? As an unsundered Ascian and principal antagonist, Lahabrea has a rich backstory that intersects with other major figures like Emet-Selch and the Warriors of Light.

Hephaistos‘ Origins

As an Amaurotine citizen in the ancient world, Hephaistos took on the title of Lahabrea and a seat on the Convocation of Fourteen, the ruling congress governing the advanced civilization of Amaurot. He gained notoriety as a brilliant architect and engineer before later ascending to the elite position covering the element of Fire.

The Convocation of Fourteen meeting

The Convocation of Fourteen convening in Amaurot

Known for his volatile temper and ambition, Lahabrea distinguished himself as a member willing to take extreme measures for the sake of progress. Alongside Emet-Selch, he pushed the boundaries of morality in Amaurot‘s pursuit of knowledge and creation magicks.

Descending into Darkness

When the apocalypse known as the Final Days began bringing Amaurot to ruin, Lahabrea stood at the forefront of those demanding a reckoning. His controversial solution came in the form of Zodiark – a newly conceived primal entity fueled by sacrfices to save their star from annihilation.

Even after Zodiark halted the crisis, Lahabrea decried that their work was unfinished. He agitated for restoring those lost, including perhaps a close partner or beloved individual. But when the planet remained diminished and their efforts threatened collapse, Lahabrea allegedly orchestrated the downfall of another Convocation member named Hythlodaeus to tip the scales towards summoning Zodiark again.

Becoming an Ascian

Ultimately the revived god‘s unrestrained power brought Amaurot itself to the edge of disaster. Seeking a balance between light and dark, the original Azem rebelled alongside their ally Venat, who would one day become Hydaelyn. Their opposition fractured the Convocation and enacted a catastrophic, multidimensional calamity – the Sundering.

In the aftermath, revealed unsundered Ascians included Lahabrea and Emet-Selch. They had escaped the fracturing of their souls by fleeing bodily into the rift between planes of existence. Now viewing their splintered kin as mere fractions of life unworthy to restore Amaurot‘s legacy, Lahabrea worked ceaselessly across history‘s overlapping shards to orchestrate events that might return Zodiark‘s full strength.

Lahabrea‘s Campaign as Ascian Overlord

Bearing the title of Ascian overlord of Fire, Lahabrea operated out of his base within the hells-cape volcano known as Avernus on the First. From here the beligerent architect manipulated political affairs on the First much as his fellow unsundered worked in the shadows to the same ends across the wider multiverse.

When the Flood of Light threatened to consume the First shard entirely, he abandoned it in disgust. Lahabrea shifted focus to accelerate descent of Hydaelyn‘s most robust reflection – Eorzea and the Source. Here he spearheaded the Garlean Empire‘s research into devastating "ultima" weaponry while grooming suitable hosts to someday serve as instruments of Zodiark‘s return.

A Realm Reborn

Entering the fray directly Lahabrea took possession of mad sultana Nanamo‘s favorite sycophant, throwing Ul‘dah into murderous chaos to trigger an aetherically-disastrous Umbral Calamity. Battling the Warriors of Light alongside his thrall Gaius van Baelsar, the architect eventually retreated – but not before sacrificing a portion of his eminently more precious soul to seed the Navel with a gnawing darkness in wait for the future.

Subsequently he worked from the shadows in a patient game utilizing not just pawns like Emperor Varis Zos Galvus or the Archbishop Thordon VII, but even heroes including Crystal Braves founder Alphinaud Leveilleur. When these elaborate plans collapsed at last thanks to the interventions of said Warriors of Light, Lahabrea abandoned restraint.

Attempting and failing to seize control of the legendary dragoon Estinien, Lahabrea faced those meddling heroes directly, losing his devoted Disciple of Magic Igeyorhm in the process. At last cornered by their unyielding light aligned aether he abandoned another mortal host. His disembodied soul raged impotently only to at last be obliterated entirely from the Source by Thordan‘s knights utilizing Nidhogg‘s purified eyes attuned to darkness.

Yet rumored remnants linger, for Lahabrea‘s schemes surpassed all others in complexity and scope…

Relationships to Other Key Figures

Partners in Ambition – Fellow Unsundered Emet-Selch & Elidibus

Emet-Selch, Elidibus and Lahabrea - The Unsundered

Emet-Selch, Elidibus and Lahabrea – The Unsundered Source: XIV API

Among his unsundered brethren, Lahabrea worked closest with Emet-Selch, sharing a passion for esoteric study and similarly questionable moral resolve in pursuing said knowledge. More pragmatic Emet nonetheless found Lahabrea unbearably stubborn and quick to wrath.

By comparison the adjudicator Elidibus better weathered such tempermental outbursts by simply working around the firebrand. Together the triad sought out and recruited others who retained their full memories – though none could match the direct connection to their god Zodiark enjoyed uniquely by his three principal stewards.

Mysterious Partners – Who Was His Lover or Mother to His Child?

Lahabrea remains tight lipped regarding intimate relationships on ancient Amaurot. But tales tell of argument that a key loved one met a tragic end when Amaurot crumbled to the Final Days. Their failure to resurrect this unnamed individual factors core to the Ascian overlord‘s endless thirst for vengeance.

Speculation runs rampant about rumored romantic partnerships Lahabrea may have shared with fellow convocation members – though only couple likely candidates emerge given the telling gendered clues provided thus far about his chief relationships.

First comes his son Erichthonios, concevied with a lover gifted both high status and secrets tied intimately to the Underworld. This child came of age alone in the ruins of fallen Amaurot, waiting eternally for the return of parents who abandoned him to apocalypse.

The boy‘s own eventually revealed backstory further narrows down chief suspects for his long lost mother. Athena emerges the most popular but unproven candidate suggested amongst the fan community. Goddess of Wisdom she could fit the Underworld theme while ticking off correct boxes. However still others argue fellow fertility goddess Demeter or primeval Nyx suit the available information just as well.

With Lahabrea departed for good among the Source at least, the mystery may linger eternal. We gain only one more clue from wandering son Erichthonios. Speaking to the warriors of Light, almost pityingly he reveals:"He too loved her, you know…"

Creating His Destroyers – Forgotten Mentor to Venat and Azem

Conception of Zodiark. Leadership in opposition to Hydaelyn. Here lies the heart and origin of change for not just Lahabrea but his people entire.

What started as partnership ended in bitter schism, an ideological fallout with former allies – Azem who walked the planes in ceaseless search of adventure and knowledge rather than bindings, and their gentle mentor come fracturing force of balance, Venat.

Why did these three minds once united set upon such wildly divergent courses? What brought a seed of doubt in two so aligned once with Lahabrea‘s visions for restoring eldritch glory? Here lore falls silent, leaving naught but imagination to fill in lost conversations from history.

In the end as all know it was Venat who brought the sundering down upon her people, while Azem‘s champion fought ceaselessly alongside, splintering brethren Souls to save the star – and in so doing unmake the Ascian design entire.

Mirrored By His Executioners – Parallels Between Thordan VII and Nidhogg to Lahabrea

Both Thordan VII and Nidhogg in their own way mirror oddly Lahabrea‘s legacy. Each sought primal power and transcendence. They fought endlessly, motivated by despair, loss of a partner they failed to protect, and desire to remake the world in their image – heedless of the costs to others.

And so did both cast the final blows ending our architect‘s endless scheming upon Hydaelyn‘s shard…at least for now.

But though gone in one form, his workings ripple on. Lahabrea‘s role in swaying Igeyorhm and Emmerololth to raise the thirteenth remains unquestioned. His plans sped Garlemald‘s devastation of Ala Mihgo, and did much to enable the primal Thordan‘s hubris as it reached ascendance.

Can any deny all threads lead back to the fire overlord‘s tapestry? Where fires burn upon the horizon, creeping darkness churns through the flesh of the land itself, one may yet find embers of an architect‘s smoldering dreams…

In Summary: Key Notes

Lahabrea‘s True Identity:

  • Ancient Amaurotine name: Hephaistos
  • Title: Ascian Overlord of Fire
  • Seat on Convocation of Fourteen
  • Base of operations in Avernus, The First

Goals and Motivations:

  • Resurrect departed loved one (possibly wife/mother of his child)
  • Restore Amaurot to former glory
  • Revive Zodiark at any cost to achieve aims

Role and Legacy:

  • Engineered multiple Calamities and unending strife
  • Possessed and manipulated key figures across Eorzean history
  • Authored pivotal role in downfall of Ascian overlord Emmerololth
  • Met final defeat by Warriors of Light and passages tied to Hydaelyn

So ends our deep dive into the winding history of this prominent Ascian firebrand. But though departed, his flames yet fan foes across many fronts. And untold tales no doubt still wait within Lahabrea‘s shadowed past…

What hidden plots might he have set inexorably in motion before that final fall? Will our heroes uncover trickery as yet unseen? Few can claim certainty when dealing with plans laid by an architect over millennia of scheming play. The board continues to shift in his wake, destiny written by one who ever played the longest game.

Stay tuned to this blog for future theories and revelations of one of FFXIV‘s most pivotal villains!

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