What is Level 120 Mine in Stardew Valley?

For Stardew Valley devotees, level 120 represents the final frontier – the deepest layer of the standard mines and most challenging milestone for dedicated miners. As the terminal point in the mines‘ journey, reaching level 120 grants access to exclusive loot, formidable monsters, and the game‘s next mining chapter.

A Legendary Last Level

Many players don‘t even realize there are 120 mine levels in Stardew Valley. For those who braces the depths, they‘re rewarded with a sight no other farmers get to witness – the mines‘ mysterious bottom floor.

While the standard mines feature dirt, stone and ore, level 120 shows an eerie lava-earth with purple mist. No other obstacles block the path, but no other enemies appear either. It‘s just the player and an empty cave with a foreboding aura.

This final level almost feels like sacred ground – a privilege reserved only for the most committed adventurers. And yet, it also marks a transitions into the next phase of your quest.

Lucrative Rare Drops

While level 120 may seem anticlimactic at first glance, it does contain some coveted treasure.

Diamonds, prismatic shards and iridium ore start appearing on this floor and below. Their drop rates are low, but enterprising farmers can use tricks like bombs and luck buffs to optimize their haul.

Here are the exact odds of finding these rare items on the final mine levels:

ItemDrop Rate
Prismatic Shard0.05%
Iridium Ore1.6%

These numbers are based on mining data-mined from the game code, according to the Official Stardew Valley Wiki.

While level 120 itself is more about the journey than lucrative rewards, these rare items become indispensable for crafting end-game items. And the deeper you go past 120 in Skull Cavern, the more abundantly they appear.

Surviving Spookier Threats

Along with introducing precious gems, level 120 also marks the appearance of +

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