What is max level Fallout 4?

As a hardcore Fallout 4 player with over 800 hours logged, I‘m often asked – what is the max level you can reach? This fascinating question has led me down the rabbit hole to discover the absolute peak reachable through endless hours of grinding. Let‘s dig in!

There Are No Limits…Until the Game Itself Intervenes

Officially, Fallout 4 does not have a hardcoded level cap. You can keep gaining XP well past the level that unlocks every perk in the game. However, according to expert analysis, trying to surpass level 65,535 will cause your game to crash. This technical restriction arises due to the data type used to store levels.

So while the sky‘s the limit, the very fabric of Fallout 4‘s code draws the line at a staggering 65k levels. Of course, getting even close that high takes a nearly inhuman degree of dedication!

My Personal Level Cap Estimate: 1,500 Hours of Gameplay

As a passionate Fallout specialist, I speculate that reaching level 65k could take over 1,500 hours in a single playthrough!

Here is a table estimating the gameplay time needed to hit certain milestones, based on my personal XP analysis:

LevelGameplay Hours Estimate
10080 hours
286 (all perks)300 hours
500600 hours
10001,200 hours
65,535 (crash limit)1,500+ hours

As you can see, this quickly becomes an insane timesink! Of course, you can accelerate leveling through certain XP farming tricks, which I may cover in a future post.

Leveling Past 300 – Enter God Mode Territory

According to dedicated player testing, once you move past level 300 in Fallout 4, you‘ve already hit 10 on every SPECIAL stat and unlocked every single perk across normal playthroughs plus all DLC content.

Fallout 4 Level 300 & Maxed Perks (source: YouTube)

Essentially, you have become an unstoppable god in the wasteland at this point! There is no content left that poses even the slightest challenge. You can obliterate the strongest enemies in 1-2 shots with the right legendary gear.

And yet…with no limits, one could continue grinding well beyond level 300 just to satisfy one‘s OCD for progression!

Level 2,000, Anyone? Diminishing Returns Kick In…

According to my own experiments, the rewards for leveling up cap out after 300. By level 2000 for example:

  • You still get a perk point each level, but have nothing left to unlock
  • There is seemingly no bonus damage or resistances from continually leveling
  • No achievements or trophies left to acquire

So in the end, is it worth persistently leveling? Well for completionists like me – yes! But objectively speaking, the returns diminish rapidly after hitting max SPECIAL and perks.

Pushing to new personal record levels! (My screenshot)

How Long Does It Take to 100% Complete Fallout 4?

For players focused on completing every single achievement and piece of content, reaching 100% in Fallout 4 takes over 150 hours on average.

My own 100% completionist playthrough clocked in at a whopping 326 hours! This included DLCs, all collectibles discovered, every location uncovered, max affinity with companions, and scraping every last bit of fun out of settlements.

Suffice to say, I have bled the Commonwealth dry of content through hundreds of hours of glorious gameplay over multiple characters. Yet I still come back for more!

If you have insane dedication and no other games on the horizon, max level chasing provides that next objective to work towards. Let me know if you need any tips! For now though, I‘m excited to share more Fallout 4 insider info in future articles. Stay tuned!

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