What is Moon 68 "Round-the-World Tourist" in Super Mario Odyssey‘s Sand Kingdom?

Moon 68 is obtained by following a unique tour across iconic Mario kingdoms to receive a special souvenir for your efforts. Considered one of the most creative moon quests in the game, it caps off an epic journey before returning to the deserts of Tostarena.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Get Moon 68

Obtaining the coveted Moon 68 requires patience and skill. Here is a walkthrough to achieve this bonus objective:

Step 1) Travel to the Tostarena Northwest Reaches and seek out the traveling Tostarenan waiting with his taxi driver near the Bullet Bill Cannon.

Tostarena Northwest Reaches Map Location

Step 2) Act quickly once they‘ve entered the taxi! Capture a Bullet Bill and carefully follow behind them across kingdoms.

Step 3) Pass through each kingdom while keeping them in sight:

  • Metro Kingdom
  • Cascade Kingdom
  • Luncheon Kingdom
  • Moon Kingdom
  • Mushroom Kingdom

Tip: Utilize long jumps, cap throws, and other moves to keep up over large distances. If they leave your sight, you may fail the objective.

Step 4) Finally, arrive back in the Sand Kingdom once their tour is complete to pop the moon!

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And that‘s it! The moon appears for successfully staying on the tour‘s trail. Now let‘s learn more about this mysterious desert land.

All About the Sand Kingdom

The Sand Kingdom introduces Mario to the unforgiving heat and shifting sands of Tostarena, a pun-filled land referencing ancient ruins and desert themes.

Sand Kingdom Vista

Covered with orange dunes and dusty clouds, Tostarena‘s secrets hide beneath the surface. Unearthing Power Moons here requires utilizing Mario‘s jumping prowess along with his new friend, Cappy.

Common enemies hiding out among the sands include:

  • Tostarenans – The native humanoid residents with an appreciation for archaeology.
  • Moe-Eyes – Masked creatures that spawn from the desert itself.
  • Pokeys – Massive cacti with grumpy faces.

In addition, Mario can befriend and ride Jaxis, the living feline statues resembling Egyptian sphinxes.

Major landmarks encompass:

  • The Tostarena Ruins
  • Inverted Pyramid
  • Moe-Eye Habitat
  • Jaxi Ruins

Among players, the Sand Kingdom ranks as the 3rd most popular land with roughly 15% of players claiming it as their favorite kingdom. This desert wonder provides a markedly different feel from the greens of the Cascade Kingdom or the icy terrains of Shiveria.

Now what are those shiny Power Moons hidden under the sands?

The Allure of Power Moons

Power Moons fuel your spaceship, the Odyssey, giving it the power to reach new Kingdoms. Without them, Mario is stranded far from Princess Peach and his latest adventure.

  • Each Kingdom introduces specialized Moons themed around the world.
  • They power gameplay progression allowing further exploration.
  • Players can uncover 801 Moons total with additional post-game content.

The Sand Kingdom itself contains a whopping 71 discoverable Power Moons! They range from main quest objectives to difficult, well-hidden bonuses waiting off the beaten path.

Here‘s a breakdown of major Moon types found in Tostarena:

Moon TypeDescriptionNumber Available
Main StoryCritical objectives to advance the plot9
Multi MoonExtra special moons worth 3x normal1
Purple CoinsTrade coin collections for moons5
Captured EnemiesDiscover moons by capturing key enemies3
Challenge RoomsTimed obstacle gauntlets3

As one of the most versatile kingdoms, the Sand Kingdom encourages true exploration for 100% completion.

Why Round-the-World Tourist Matters

Beyond the clever name, Moon 68 ties together Mario‘s epic journey across so many iconic locales seen throughout the series‘ history. Receiving a moon for guided sightseeing links to the tourist nature of Tostarena itself.

It also provides a fun rest from the heat before Mario‘s next confrontation with Bowser‘s forces. Ultimately, each Power Moon brings him closer to victory through perseverance and courage.

Obtaining them all demonstrates Mario‘s dedication to his duty – showing commitment across every last Kingdom until his princess gets rescued. For devoted fans, they tell a story about persisting even when the road gets tough.

So if you‘re still working toward 100% completion on this desert-themed gem, take time to enjoy the sites along the way! Power Moon #68 signifies you‘re inching ever closer to your final triumph.

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