My Top 3 Rarest Mounts in WoW Right Now

Having played and covered World of Warcraft for many years, I‘ve had the joy of acquiring some truly rare finds. But a few iconic mounts continue to evade me, as they do most dedicated collectors. Based on droprates, prestige, icon status, and more, here are my picks for the top 3 rarest WoW mounts right now:

  1. Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal – Without a doubt, this shiny black bug mount represents one of WoW‘s holy grails. Originally only available to one player per server during classic WoW, its rarity remains untouched years later. Archival scans show a mere 0.7% to 1.5% droprate from Temple of Ahn‘Qiraj.
  2. Ashes of Al‘ar – This dazzling phoenix has make spines tingle since Burning Crusade days. While a consistent farm target now with recent legacy loot changes, Ashes still only grants a brutal 1% to 3% shot at glory, depending on raid size.
  3. Swift Razzashi Raptor – Before people realize, I sneak this classic WOW raid mount into my top 3. Official numbers don‘t exist, but private server data and crowd-sources sites estimate around a 0.6% to 1.3% chance.

Below I‘ve compiled key details, stats, and reactions on each to showcase why I view them as WoW royalty.

Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal

Drop SourceTemple of Ahn‘Qiraj End Boss
Droprate0.7% – 1.5%
Current StatusUnobtainable
  • "The only mount I still dream (and meme) about to this day." – Bellular
  • "An iconic rarity that basically represents the pinnacle of prestige today." – Preach Gaming

As mentioned, this shiny black bug can only be obtained once per server, by the first player to complete the difficult Scepter of Shifting Sands questline in classic WoW. While certainly not the flashiest mount visually, its prestige and sheer exclusivity keep it elevated as likely WoW‘s single rarest across retail and classic today.

It simply cannot be overstated how low supply and high demand collide to drive interest here. Some early scans during the AQ40 era suggested only 0.7% to 1.5% chance for the first Scarab Lord on a server to loot the mount. With a single winner per server cluster, basic economics take over…

And when combined with the sheer nostalgia and iconic status as the OG rare? We‘ll likely never stop chasing this elusive insect despite the odds.

Ashes of Al‘ar

Drop SourceTempest Keep Raid Boss
Droprate1% (10 player) to 3% (25 player)
Current StatusFarmable

"Phase 2 begins. Drops mic. Literally drops $%&#ing mic on desk."Asmongold‘s legendary live reaction to Ashes dropping after years

Simply one of WoW‘s most beloved mounts since The Burning Crusade era, this regal phoenix has dazzled players for ages. Initially nearly impossible, Ashes became soloable for max levels, and later saw increased droprates through legacy loot rules.

But don‘t let that fool you – it remains a punishing grind for orange firebird perfection. Modern numbers suggest a mere 1% success rate on 10 player, up to 3% on 25 player. Considering the weekly lockout, short supply creates immense demand still.

While technically farmable, the thrill of victory remains strong. Just observe famous personality Asmongold literally jumping for joy like a giddy child when his Ashes finally dropped after years of running Tempest Keep. This moment lives on as inspiration to us all during dry spells!

Swift Razzashi Raptor

Drop SourceZul‘Gurub Raid
Droprate0.6% – 1.3%
Current StatusUnobtainable

"I swear on my mom‘s LIFE I would pay $10,000 right now for this mount…" – Popular WoW YouTuber MadSeasonShow upon seeing the Swift Razzashi Raptor in game

It‘s a tragedy seldom discussed these days, but this vibrant, exotic raptor no longer exists in retail WoW after the Cataclysm expansion removed Zul‘Gurub. Yet private servers and crowdsourced data imply droprates from a brutal 0.6% up to 1.3% back during vanilla glory days.

So why does this extinct beast maintain a top 3 spot? Simple – an unbelievable combination of vibrant colors, wild charm, and sheer nostalgia keep interest sky high. Passionate pleas for Blizzard to re-release ZG solely for another shot at the Swift Razzashi pour in daily.

While newer mounts like the Slime Serpent or Solar Spirehawk tempt collectors, for a generation of old school fans this raptor represents a true white whale that may never breach again. And that‘s exactly why it earns a spot alongside more obvious contenders like the Black Qiraji and Ashes of Al‘ar in my book.

Which brings us to today – what is my single rarest mount? Well, without more clues I can‘t honestly say! But I hope examining icons like the Crystal, Ashes, and Raptor provide some insight into the upper echelon of WoW prestige. Having chased my fair share of rare spawns across Azeroth and beyond, I deeply understand the blood, sweat, and yes tears that go into moments of triumph against ridiculous odds.

So whether you‘re stuck in Stratholme farming for years, or gave into buying a Spectral Tiger from sketchy farmers as your white whale, take pride in riding whatever rare beasts earn their special place in your heart and mount journal. Our shared joy and pain is what binds this community of underdogs and hopefuls together through the highs and lows.

Until next time adventurers – Lok‘tar Ogar! See you in the hunt for mounts!

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