Unlocking Nikola Tesla‘s Genius IQ – What It Takes for a Top Gamer Mind

At an estimated IQ of 160-310, legendary inventor Nikola Tesla‘s intellectual abilities soared far above the crowds. Like a high-scoring gamer dominating leaderboards with sheer skill, Tesla hacked the system of nature to give us the electric world we live in today. Let‘s analyze the genesis of his genius to see what it takes to become a gaming great.

IQ Scores Among the Best Gamers

Gaming prowess goes hand-in-hand with high IQs. Elite gamers outmaneuver others via their cognitive edge in processing complex information quickly. While most score 100-115 on IQ tests, experts estimate pro gamers‘ mean IQ around 130 – the minimum for being considered "gifted".

Top gamers like Jeon "Blackbean" Yong-hoon boast IQs reaching into the 150s. We‘d expect genius figures like Tesla and Einstein to post similar scores if measured by today‘s tests. Speculated at 160-310 IQ, the Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla would dominate gaming strategy alongside intellectual peers like chess wizard Garry Kasparov (estimated 190 IQ).

Gamer IQ

*Table showing estimated IQ scores among pro gamers compared to genius-level historical figures.

Cognition to Rival Gaming‘s Best

So how did Tesla earn IQ cred to potentially best gaming greats? His inventions required next-level analysis to solve complex physics problems. Like gaming wunderkinds, Tesla could hold a tremendous amount of data in memory to calculate solutions.

Gamers leverage similar visual-spatial skills to digest battlefield awareness and map optimum paths to victory. Tesla could envision entire inventions in his head before committing prototypes to paper just as pro gamers use cognition to predict opponent behavior and plan strategies.

Coupled with sky-high motivation to achieve the impossible, Tesla had cognitive talents matching what we see powering today‘s elite gamers up the rankings. Let‘s break down these mental processing strengths:

3 Assets of a Top Gamer Mind

  1. Matrix-Style Memory
    Photographic recall rapidly accesses memorized data on demand
  2. Strategic Improvisation
    Ability to calculate myriad decision paths for optimal choices
  3. Creativity from Concept to Execution
    Envisions abstract ideas transformed into realized solutions

Put it together and you get the innovationTESLA brand of genius that can turn game universes upside-down!

Tesla‘s Circuit Designs – Pro Gamer Logic IRL

While gamers hone skills safely playing with virtual existence, Tesla got to tinker with real-world physics. As essentially the founding father of electromagnetism, he used genius processing power to upgrade humanity by coding new systems for energy use. That‘s gangster!

Let‘s browse some of Tesla‘s inventions that likely demanded IQ flexing comparable to gaming greats analyzing situations to script victorious outcomes:

Tesla‘s Cognition Wins

  • Tesla Coils – Visualized then built devices to generate high voltage electricity
  • Radio Tech – Envisioned entire wireless system then actualized first radio transmitter
  • AC Power – Re-engineered how electricity flows through circuits to enable transmitting over distances
  • Electric Motors – Conceived then engineered efficient, powerful motors running on AC electricity

The man clearly used pro gamer-level planning skills to so fundamentally rewrite the code behind modern technology!

In Closing

While IQ obsession can be problematic, there‘s no denying cognitive ability‘s correlation to succeeding in cognitively-intensive fields. Our case study shows legendary inventor Nikola Tesla exhibiting mental talents on par with today‘s elite gamers – genius faculties like strategic improvisation, matrix memory, complex visualizing, and technical creativity.

So whether it‘s achieving high round counts holding off zombies in Call of Duty, or pioneering a new energy grid for society like Tesla, tip-top cognition makes reaching such elevated success possible. Train your mental skills and who knows what you could accomplish or create! Game on.

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