Noob Saibot‘s Spine-Ripping Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11

As a longtime and passionate Mortal Kombat player, I live for learning the most gruesome fatalities for each new game. MK11 brings back one of my favorite ruthless fighters, the ninja wraith Noob Saibot, with two brand new brutal finishing moves. As a darkness and Netherrealm-based character, Noob‘s fatalities often involve manipulating shadows, summoning creatures, and viciously tearing apart opponents.

Who is Noob Saibot?

For those less familiar with MK lore, here‘s some background on the merciless ninja:

  • Originally debuted as Sub-Zero in the first MK game before becoming the undead Noob Saibot
  • Noob represents the pure evil and corruption of the Netherrealm
  • Uses shadow and clone-based abilities to confuse and overwhelm enemies
  • Known for vicious combo-based offense and deception-focused fighting style

Noob is all about brutally annihilating his victims with zero mercy. His fatalities are meant to exemplify his dark powers and ruthless persona.

Noob Saibot‘s Shadow Puppetry Fatality

Inputs: Back, Forward, Back, Forward, Circle (PS4)

This fatality begins with Noob creating a shadow clone that grabs and restrains the opponent. The clone holds the opponent‘s arms out wide while Noob proceeds to viciously rip off both arms, leaving them as bloody stumps. Noob then grabs one of the severed arms and savagely beats the opponent across the face and head with their own limb until they die from trauma.

Here are some key notes on this fatality:

  • Shows Noob manipulating shadows to assist his lethal techniques
  • Removing and beating the opponent with their own arm is extremely ruthless
  • Compared to MKX, this fatality allows Noob to get more hands-on with mutilating the opponent

This fatality pairs nicely with Noob Saibot‘s deceptive fighting style and really sells his merciless nature. It‘s brutal, but calculated, not giving the opponent an ounce of dignity or mercy – exactly as you‘d expect from the Netherrealm wraith.

The Shadow Slam Fatality

Inputs: Forward, Down, Forward, Square (PS4)

Noob‘s second fatality starts with him opening up a dark portal underneath the opponent. A massive gray demonic arm emerges from the portal, grabs onto the opponent‘s torso, and proceeds to gorily rip their entire upper body and legs off in one pull. The arm then violently slams the mutilated torso of the opponent back down into the portal.

Things that stand out about this fatality:

  • Demon arm is likely a reference to past MK boss characters like Moloch
  • Pulling the opponent‘s entire torso off in one motion takes insane strength
  • Slamming move really drives home Noob‘s ruthless aggression

This fatality utilizes Noob‘s shadow and Netherrealm abilities to summon a huge demonic limb through a portal. It‘s an awesome showcase of his connections to evil realms and dark magic. The instant massive damage also pairs great with Noob‘s offense-heavy combo style.

Why Noob Saibot‘s MK11 Fatalities Fit His Character

As someone who has mained Noob Saibot since his debut in MK2, I believe his new fatalities do an amazing job representing core aspects of the character:

  • Manipulating shadows and the Netherrealm – Both fatalities involve shadow clones and dimensional portals which are key parts of Noob‘s fighting style
  • Merciless aggression – Noob is calculated, but extremely ruthless. His fatalities are efficient, vicious, and give no mercy.
  • Owning the opponent – Stealing the opponent‘s own arm to kill them and ripping off their torso shows Noob‘s dominance and relentlessness

If you know Noob Saibot, these fatalities instantly stand out as "Noob Saibot" moves. As a passionate MK player, I couldn‘t be happier with how Netherrealm Studios adapted my favorite wraith‘s signature viciousness into his newest spine-ripping finishers. They retained his raw Netherrealm fury that built his legacy as one of MK‘s most lethal fighters.

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