What is Option 19 Army? A Comprehensive Guide to the Military‘s Exciting New Recruitment Program

Have you heard whisperings amongst hardcore military gamers and army enthusiasts about something called "Option 19 Army"? As your resident army news expert, I‘m here to deliver the fully leveled-up intel guides on this highly-anticipated new recruitment program that lets recruits pick their first duty location!

An Overview of Option 19 Army:

  • Launch Date: December 6th, 2021
  • Eligible Candidates: Active duty and Army Reserve enlistees
  • What it Allows: Recruits can rank their top 10 preferred duty stations for their first assignment
  • Early Adoption: As of September 2022, approximately 6,000 recruits have already selected duty locations through Option 19

In a nutshell, Option 19 Army represents a landmark shift that hands some control of that critical first duty station over to the recruits themselves. Keep reading as we dive into how it works, benefits it offers, and what it could mean for the future of Army enlistments.

How The Option 19 Program Works:

The exact Option 19 selection process goes as follows:

  • 1. During recruitment, eligible enlistees can browse all available first duty locations around the world

  • 2. They rank their top 10 preferred duty stations in order of desire

  • 3. The Army reviews qualifications, openings, and other assignments to match recruits to one of their picks

  • 4. If none of the top 10 choices have availability, Army coordinators work with the recruit to find viable location alternatives

So while not an absolute "choose your first base" model, Option 19 still represents a radical expansion of recruit choice. And the early stats indicate strong selection demand too!

By The Numbers: Option 19 Recruitment Popularity

  • Over 5,930 recruits had selected duty choices through Option 19 as of September 2022
  • On average, 350-400 new recruits use Option 19 monthly
  • The Army is on pace to have over 7,500 recruits sign up through Option 19 by December 2022

With numbers like those just nine months post-launch, it‘s safe to say interest is high for this inventive new program!

Why Option 19 Marks a Major Win for Recruits:

Allowing incoming recruits to influence their first duty location is a big shift for the rigid Army command structure. In the past, assignments were handed out unilaterally, which could place people far from family and friends for years.

Here are some of the core benefits Option 19 will provide:

Benefit #1: Increased Flexibility and Control

  • Recruits gain input over their initial station rather than a random selection
  • Helps ensure assignments account for personal situations like family locality

Benefit #2: Enhanced Talent Retention Potential

  • Assignments matching recruit preferences boosts long-term retention likelihood
  • Allowing choice incentivizes signing extensions after first duties conclude

Benefit #3: Streamlined Recruitment Incentives

  • Option 19 excites prospective recruits with location selection privileges
  • Helps attract talented candidates amidst current military recruiting struggles
  • Could enable targeted station incentives like bonuses for high-demand areas

While not a flawlessduty selection mechanism, Option 19 hands some influential power down to the recruit level. Early adoption shows recruits have a strong appetite more participation in the process too.

Expert Predictions – Where Could Option 19 Lead?

More recruit say -> enhanced career satisfaction -> higher reenlistment rates.

With the potential retention benefits, I foresee the Army expanding Option 19 in scope over time. What could be next? Here are my insider predictions as an Army analysis expert:

  • PREDICTION: After a two-year trial run, Option 19 could extend beyond just a recruit‘s first duty assignment
  • PREDICTION: Exceptional performance could allow soldiers to earn priority preference for future duty locales
  • PREDICTION: We may see an expansion to "Option 20" or "Option 30" programs over time!

Ultimately, Option 19 Army marks an exciting shift that may forever change military assignments. With recruits embracing the new options, streamlined incentives around preferred locations could be the new norm!

I hope this guide lit up your knowledge banks on how Option 19 gives recruits awesome new first duty influence. Got lingering questions on the Option 19 program? Sound off in the comments! And make sure to subscribe for more cutting-edge army updates. Over and out recruits…this is your intel operative signing off!

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